Chapter 8

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|Sofia|   "Sofia?"   I lifted my head from the monitor when I heard someone calling my name. I blinked when the President's younger brother, wearing his soft aura and his full-smile lips, is now in front of me.   "Sir Mike!" I said as I quickly stood up from my seat. I looked at the lift and looked back at him. I didn't even notice that he arrived! I was too engrossed at my work that I didn't even hear the lift's sound!   I saw him smile at my sudden action.   "Is Ian here?" he asked as he looked at the office’s door.   Automatically, I secretly scoffed upon hearing the President's name. But then, this is the good son of the Mayordragons, the one who's easy to be with every time.   "Apparently, he isn’t inside, Sir Mike. He went down to the parking a moment ago," I said as I shook my head as an answer and smile.   "Where is he going?" he asked. I blinked as I stared his blue-green eyes.   "Accompanying his woman," I nonchalantly said. He frowned and seems to don’t hear clearly what I said.   "Come again?"   “A-Ah!” gracious! Why did I say that? I cleared my throat and clasped both of my hands together. “He accompanied his client to the parking, Sir," I said clearly to him. He nodded but his one brow shot up for some reason.   “What did I tell you about calling me?” he asked, wearing his serious aura. I swallowed hard when I remember about it. He dislikes calling him Sir. His reason was that it sounds old whenever he was called like that in a public.   “E-Err... Mike,” I corrected myself. He looked down with his never wearing off reaction and for about a second; I thought my heartbeat stops as I looked into his eyes. Few seconds passed, he suddenly puts his one hand to hide his mouth and start chuckling.   “Goodness, I really like teasing you,” he said as he turned his back to me. I even saw how his shoulders move up and down. I sighed in annoyance and relief. Gods, I really thought he was mad! But sadly, I knew that teasing people is one of his attitudes!   He went towards the President’s office and went inside. I quickly went out of my working table to follow him inside. It’s a protocol. He was about to close the door but stop when he saw me following him. He smiled widely and went ahead to the office's living area.   "Are you getting used to my brother's attitude?" he asked as he took his seat on the long gray sofa and reached for a business magazine on the table and started to scan it. I smiled as I walked towards the kitchen area to prepare him a coffee.   "Yes, barely," I honestly said. I checked the coffee maker if it’s still full and when I saw it’s still half-full, I decided to heat the coffee again. I took a cup on the cupboard and find a spoon as I waited for the coffee to be done. It didn’t last that long and quickly poured enough amount on the cup and bring and put it on the coffee table in front of Mike.   "Thanks," he said as he smiled. He reached for the coffee and started sipping it while he continues to scan the pages of the magazine.   He is Michael Mayordragon, the younger brother of the President. He is working on the company as the COO and a year older than me. Not like his brother who's arrogant, manipulative and Casanova, or any bad traits that you can name that he seems to possess, his younger brother, Mike is far more different from him. Their attitude is like day and night or hot and cold. Mike is caring, a gentleman, carefree and I think he possesses all of the good traits that you could find in a man. He's like the light while the President is the shadow.     But what bugs me is that, if the President is a vampire, then there’s a possibility that his younger brother is the same? Isn’t that supposed to be a normal thing, right? I mean, if one is a vampire, then all the members of the family are pretty much the same?   But their father seems normal to me. I always saw him walking under the sun like a normal citizen whenever he’s around, same also as Sir Mike. If I haven’t known better, I wouldn’t notice that the President is different among them. But, who’s the vampire in their family? Is it… their mother?   "Sofia?"   I blinked when I felt Sir Mike's hand on my arm, regaining myself back into reality.   "Oh sorry. Did I interrupt you? Your mind seems to be off somewhere," he commented, frowning. I quickly smiled at him.   "I'm fine, Mike. Sorry, I was just… thinking of things," I said while shrugging off like I wasn’t in the deep thought a while ago. He smiled and stared into my eyes. Suddenly, I felt somehow uncomfortable about how he’s staring at me.   “Mike—”   "Thank you," he interrupted before I could ever ask him what’s the problem.   "For?" I asked, a bit surprised at what he said.   He smiled and reached for his coffee again. He took a sip before continuing what he has to say.   "I said, thank you,” he said again and looked up to me. “Thank you for being a patient person to my brother. I know you know how stubborn he is, how angst his attitude is, and I don't know what would I do if someone like isn't on his side," he sighed heavily and looked down on the magazine he’s holding like he saw something interesting in there. "That's why I am really thankful that you agreed after recommending you to work for him. I just wanted someone… who could support him as well as could endure and changed his attitude, even for a bit," he continued.   I blinked at his little confessions, regarding the reason why I was reappointed as the President’s secretary. The only reason I had known a couple of months ago why I was reappointed was I did my job very well. I got promoted and ta-dah! I am here. I didn’t know that Mike has his reasons why he… reappointed me here.   So that’s why… My eyes stayed at Mike for about a couple of seconds before sighing and standing straight in front of him when I realized what he did.   He seems to love his brother very much just by hearing those.   "No worries, Mike," I said, a bit touched to his speech. “I’ll take care of your brother,” I said. I frowned a bit when I noticed that somehow, it meant another thing.   He looked up at me after the last sentence. I saw he was a bit shock. He blinked his eyes when it dawned to him, and without even warning me, he stood up from his seat for the thought that he'll go out of the office already and go somewhere or maybe he had some emergency. But when he suddenly pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my body to hug me, I was left astound and frozen at what he did. My eyes widen in shock and gasp for air as I could feel the fast beat of my heart!   I am not expecting this!   It lasted for about a couple of minutes before he immediately pulled away. We stared each other for a second after the hug then the both of us heard the door slides open. I quickly turned around and saw the President, eyeing us like he saw what just happened. Goodness, no way!   "P-President," I said and bow a bit as recognition. Don’t tell me he saw that?!   "Ian," as called by Mike to his brother.   The President didn’t even glance at his brother, instead, he walked inside and went ahead to his table and sat on his office chair.   "What are you doing here?" he asked grimly, directing his all attention to the monitor of his computer.   "Visiting you," Mike answered with smiles, but the President only scoffed at his brother. I bit my lower lip. Why is the President being heartless to his brother? He's impossible! How could he treat his little brother like this?   "Sorry, but I don't accept visitors," he said using his cold voice.   I rolled my eyes at his excuse. Then what does he call to his woman who recklessly visits him?   I glance at Mike’s direction and saw him looking at his brother intently as he stays silent, which made the President a bit irritated because of that.   "What do you want... really?" he asked, annoyed at the sudden silence of his brother.   Mike let out a deep sigh. "Then, can you attend the party next week?" he asked.   "I thought I've told you that I can't go?"   "Why? You're not busy. Can't you just be there for our parents? Its mama’s birthday and you always excuse your work so you couldn’t attend. Can't you have time for yourself and the family? Now, you aren’t staying at the mansion. Father is in a rage because of that. Our mother is worried about what your current situation!" Mike demanded.   I blinked when I somehow realized what's happening between the two. Goodness, am I witnessing a brother’s quarrel in here, right now? This is where I should take my leave, right? It seems that these two is having a personal... fight? And I think they need some… privacy.   "Could you please shut up?" the President only said acidly. He looked back at his computer monitor in front of him and focused his whole attention there. "I'm busy and you're distracting me, to be honest," he continued frankly.   Maybe I should take my leave. I took a deep sigh, relaxing on how I should get away with this without noticing by the two. I was about to turn around when the President stopped me.   "Where are you going, Ms. Fernandez?" I heard him said which made me stay rooted in my place. I quickly turned around to see him. His almost corded brows greeted me.   "A-Ahm... I thought I could leave so the two of you could have your private talk, President," I excused.   He didn't say a thing. He only looked at me intently, like he’s sending me a message through his heavy glares. And I know in that situation, what he meant just by looking at me. I sighed because of that. His focused went back to what he was doing and completely ignore his little brother. I rolled my eyes at the attitude he showed. Of course, what should I expect right?     Mike let out a deep sigh and moved from his position. I looked at him because of that and saw that he gives up at his brother’s attitude. He then faces me and smiled at me, like a fight didn’t just happen. How did these two become blood-related again?   "I'm sorry for the little quarrel you just witness," he apologized. My heart ached because of that. He’s such a good-hearted person.   "No worries, Mike," I said and smiled back, assuring him that it is fine. He looked back to his brother before he bid his goodbye and walk out of the office. I followed him until the door slides close then I heard the President's deep sigh.   I turned around only to see him massaging his temple. He only does that whenever he's stressed out or in need of blood. Well, I think he doesn't need the latter since he had a 'meal' a while ago.   "Schedules?" he asked when I walked and stopped in front of his desk. I didn’t even hear a 'please'. Right, what would you expect again, Sofia?   "You have an official dinner to Mr. Gregorio at 7:30 pm. Your present is a must President and we need to depart at six," I answered.   He nodded while his eyes still closed. He sighed and continued massaging his temple. What do I expect from a workaholic guy right?   I didn't bother disturbing him and leave him alone in his office. I sighed as I slide the door closed and went back to my working area. He's really a definition of a heartless person. Even his brother isn't an exception to his attitude.   I sighed. That isn't my business anymore. I open a file on my computer and started working again.    
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