Chapter : 5. Getting hurt..

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When I realized that, I made mistakes all day long, in which the biggest mistake was to come to his office without taking any permission. Not only he had a fight with his ex-wife, but he also lost a good chance to make an important business deal, because of me. Work is the most important thing in Jasper’s life, and he doesn’t like anyone’s interference in it. Not even his wife’s. Unintentionally I made this mistake, and now I’m fu*ked up. The only thing I can do to save my a*s now, is to get out of his office quietly while he is still facing the other way. If he doesn’t get to know about my arrival, he won’t get mad at for now. With this thought, I started taking slow steps back. But luck is not in my favor for today because just as I was about to turn around and get out of there, he turned towards me and froze in his place. Our eyes met each other, and a shiver ran down my spine in fear at seeing his red eyes which were fuming like fire, in anger. His face scrunched and his expression got changed into a more angry one, when he realized that I was standing in his office without permission, which he strictly forbid me from. “You fu*king bi*ch. You were spying on me? How dare you to come to my office when I specifically told you not to?” He roared out in anger. “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t know… The door was open, and I thought…” I tried to explain myself, but he didn’t let me finish it. “You thought, now that the door is open, you can listen to my conversations and ruin my plans more. I already lost so much for you and you want to make me lose more. But I won’t let you do that anymore. I will kill you before you can snatch everything from me.” He came close to me and I immediately moved a step back. But I can’t understand why he keeps saying that he lost many things because of me. I know he lost his child before it was born, but it was my child too, and it was just an accident. I’m also equally in pain as him because although I never get to see my baby, still I was its mother. He can’t keep blaming me all the time. “Jasper. That’s enough. Stop blaming me for something I never did. You lost your child in an accident. It was not my fault. This loss is hurting me too. But what hurts me the most is that, you keep blaming me for that accident. I have had enough. Please stop now.” As soon as I finished my speech, he pushed me on the nearby wall and choked my neck with his one hand and slapped with another. “That was not an accident. You killed my son. You are the reason he is not here with me today. I will never forget about it and I won’t let you forget it too. It’s the only thing I want you to remember until you give me a son in return. Give me an heir if you don’t want to lose everything like me too.” I couldn’t understand what he’s talking about, and I was not in that position too. The hand he was holding my neck with, kept putting pressure in there, and slowly I was getting breathless. It felt like I’m about to lose my consciousness in a few seconds. “Let me… Let me go… I can’t.. I can’t breathe… Please…” I slapped his hand a few times to inform him that he was really suffocating me, and it worked. He immediately let's go off my neck and I fell down on the ground and tried to control my breathing. “I’m letting you go for today. But if I ever found you in my office without my orders, I won’t show mercy on you again.” Saying this he was about to go out, but like a stupid girl, I had to bring his devil side out, by stopping him from going away. “This is all because of that Noah James Parker, isn’t it?” I muttered it in a whisper. “What? What did you just say?” His head snapped towards me and his feet retreat itself back in front of me. I dared to look at his red eyes and ask him the reason again. And it was the biggest mistake I have ever done in these five years. “You are hurting me and blaming me now, because of that Noah James Parker, aren’t you? Just because I stopped you from going to work, you missed the business deal with that Noah guy. And now you are showing that anger on me. Let me remind you that it was your own choice to stay home. I never forced you to…” I couldn’t finish my words before a hard slap came across my cheek, making me fall down on the ground. It was so hard that my ears started ringing and my eyes got blurry from its force. I lost all strength of my body by that one slap. “How dare you to utter his name out of your moth, in front of me? It looks like you have started eavesdropping on my calls nowadays. I’m going to show you what happens when someone dares to refuse my orders, so that you can never make this same mistake again. He holds a handful of my hair and started dragging me toward our room. I kept screaming in pain as I felt my scalps burning from all the pulling, but he never lets me go. When he finally succeeded in bringing me to our bedroom, he picked me up by pulling on my hand and threw me on the bed. I tried to get up from there, but failed because another slap came on cheek making me weak. I couldn’t understand what he wanted from me, until I felt him tearing my dress apart. Is he going to rape me? Horror filled my heart by only thinking about it. I’m already suffering from mental illness. If I also experience this horror, then I’m sure that I will become a completely insane woman. After ripping all of my clothing and making me nude in front of his eyes, he started opening his clothes too. From the position I was in, I can clearly see the fire of anger fuming in his eyes when he is looking at me, which no begging calm. So, there will be no profit on asking or begging for his mercy. Instead, I have to think of getting out of his reach if I want to save myself in this time. With these thoughts, I kept sliding my body down from the bed slowly, without letting him understand my plan. And as soon as he jumped on me, I slid from under him and crawled myself away from him. “What are you doing? Come back here right now. Don’t anger me more because the results won’t be good.” He warned me, as he looked at me like I’m his prey which he will destroy tonight. “Please Jasper. Don’t do this. I’m your wife. A husband never treats his wife the way you are treating me. Please calm down before something bad happens.” I tried to put some sense into his dumb brain that has stopped working in some unnecessary anger. “I remember who I am. But you are the one who forgot everything about his life. I’m just trying to remind you of some of those manners you were taught before.” With this last word, he jumped on me like a tiger on an antelope. But before he can catch me, I got up from my place and ran inside the bathroom. Locking the bathroom door, I pushed it closed with my back, so that he can’t force it to open. “Open the door, you fu*king bi*ch. Open it now. If you don’t come out now, I will break it down and kill you right there.” He said while banging on the bathroom door crazily. “I won’t. I will kill myself before letting you do something like this to me. I don’t want to see your face anymore. If you don’t learn to respect your wife, then you don’t deserve one. Live your life alone from now on.” I screamed out from inside the closed door. In an immediate, the banging stopped and everything became quiet. When I noticed that no noise was coming from the other side, I turned my face towards the door and put my ear on it, to listen to the other side more clearly. At first, I heard some heavy breathing out the door, but after a few more minutes, I heard footsteps getting out of the bedroom. I realized Jasper was out of the room, and I’m safe to go out now. But I was too scared to open the door. My whole body was shaking like a leaf in a crazy storm, and I was also taking some deep breaths from facing such a threatening situation. To calm my nerves down and to avoid having another mental breakdown, I went to the cabinet and took my medicines, which helped me a lot to feel relaxed. I didn’t have the strength to go out yet, so I sat down on the floor and cried about my unfortunate fate. This was all my fault. If I haven’t stopped him from going to work, he wouldn’t have missed this deal and neither did he have to get mad at me for this. I’m ruining my marriage with my own hands. I know Jasper is not that kind of person who will let go of me this easily. He is probably mad at me for now, but I know he loves me the most. It was never his intention to hurt me. His anger made him do this and once he is calm, he will return to me with the same love for me. I just have to wait for it patiently. And while on it, I must have to try, to fix my mistake. While thinking all this on my head, I fell asleep right on that floor. But when I woke up, I found myself sitting in the corner of an attic of some unknown house. It is really dark in here, and it’s almost empty with only a mattress laying in the middle of it, which seemed like a temporary bed. A few shelves of books are on the wall of this attic and a small table placed beside the bed. Does someone live in this cold dark attic? I thought to myself and tried to get up from my place. An instant pain consumed my whole body, mostly my lower abdomen, and I clutched onto it to bear the pain. As soon as I put my hand down to pick myself up, something wet touched my palm. Looking down at the floor, I found out that I was sitting in a puddle of blood all around me. I started panicking to see that amount of blood, which seemed like it was coming out of me. My palms and my legs were all covered in it as I looked at it. I couldn’t think of what to do except of call out for someone’s help. “Zoey.. Zoey.. Are you okay there? Talk to me…” Several bangs and loud calls brought me back into the real world. Looking around, I realized that it was just one of my crazy dreams. I am still in my own home and siting in the bathroom floor like the last thing I remember. Looking out of the window, I found out that it is already morning while I spend the entire night in this bathroom. “Zoey… Talk to me… What happened to you? Are you okay?” I heard Jasper calling me from the other side of the locked door. He is the one who brought me back into the reality from that horrible dream. “I’m… I’m fine.” I replied him hesitatingly. “Oh! Thank goodness. Your screams scared me. Can you please come out now? I’m really worried about you.” Jasper called me out, and I got up from my place to go to him. But just as I was about to open the door, I remembered everything about last night. Should I go to my husband? Is it safe to take my guard down? What if he attacks me again? What should I do?
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