1869 Words

CHAPTER 10 Eva “Are we there yet?” I asked for the ninth time. We’ve been in Sean’s car for almost twenty minutes, and we’re still driving. It’s not as if the ride is boring, but I kinda regret my choice of clothes. I’m catching cold since my clothes equals no clothes. “Relax babe, we’ll arrive soon” Cameron tells me. “How much longer?” I asked again. Just as the question leaves my mouth, Sean slams on the brakes and stop the car. “We are here!” He announced. We alight from the car. I looked out the building in front of me, hoping to rush inside and drive the cold away. But my mouth falls open at what befalls me. I turned to my friends with wide eyes. “Who holds a party at a freaking club?!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. “Duh! Everyone” Aubrey said as if it’s the

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