1064 Words

CHAPTER 9 Eva I have never felt so humiliated in all my 21years on earth. That Beast Fred! He better watch his back, because I’m gonna take my time to plan my revenge. But for now, I’m not gonna talk to him. I’ll give him the silent treatment and make him feel guilty, that’s if he still has a heart. I left the school premises in a hurry and board the first taxi that comes my way, and head straight to the penthouse. It’s 3:56pm. The door to the penthouse open and Fred step in. “Hey, ugly! What do we have for lunch?” He asked me. Lunch? After humiliating me in public, he expects me to cook lunch for him. Ah! He better chop off his balls and cook them. I stand up and head upstairs to my room, I hear his footsteps following closely behind me. “Ugly! I’m talking to you!” He said. I i

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