Chapter 10

1253 Words
Eliza's POV I turned over my entire room but I still haven't found it. I searched my closet, my jewelry box, my bag but my pendant was no where to be found. Trying to recall when I last had it, I remember tucking it in neatly in my shirt just before gym class. I sit on my bed and clasp my head in my hands. "God how could I have been so careless! Grandmother is going to kill me!" I run my fingers through my hair before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. Ethan packs my breakfast to go since we're running a little late with me turning my room inside out. I stand near the dining table, my face contorted in a frown. "It'll turn up don't worry. That thing always found it way back to your grandmother Everytime she thought she misplaced it" Ethan tells me encouragingly. He gives my shoulder a quick pat and we head out the front door. The drive to school is quiet as I'm lost in my own thoughts. When we pull to a stop in the car park, I make a mad dash out the car giving Ethan a quick wave. I sprint up the stairs and head straight to the gym. It's a little dark and I have no idea where the switch for the main light are. I pull out my phone and put on the little flashlight app. I walk circles around the gym, checking everywhere I've been when I was there. I'm crouched on the floor checking under the bench when I hear the double doors creak open. I spin my head around to see a dark figure approaching me. I sit back on my heals and flash the light at the approaching figure. The person brings a hand up to shield their face. That was when I notice the glint of something in the person's other hand. "Stay where you are! Whoever you are, I don't want any trouble" I shout at the person. "You've been nothing but trouble since you got here Eliza Cade" came the cold reply as the figure stepped closer and into a stream of light from the above glass partitions. Luca looks down at me while narrowing his eyes. He stands there and takes in my current position, c*****g his head to the side. He begins walking towards me and I stand up quickly. As he continues to slowly approach me, I take a few steps back. As my feet hit the base of the bleachers I lose my footing and begin to fall back into the seats. Luca rushes towards me and puts an arm around my waist while he braces my decent with his other arm outstretched on the side of my head. We stay like that for a few seconds with him looking down at me. I try to shift in my position when I realize my hand is grasping the front of his shirt. I quickly pull my hand away and try to sit up. He pulls away from me slightly while I sit up. When he's sure that I'm okay he stands straight infront me and hold out his hand. My emerald pendant dangles from it's chain infront my face. A smile lights up my face as I reach for it. Luca pulls back his hand slightly and I frown at him. "Hey that's mine! Give it!" I'm now standing directly infront his tall, beautifully sculpted frame. Looking up at him, I couldn't help but feel a little foolish because of our height difference. "Now is that anyway to thank a person for finding your misplaced belonging?" he chides me while dangling the chain infront my face. He pulls it closer to chest when I try to grab it from him. "Fine, I apologize. Thank you for finding it and returning it to me. It's a family heirloom" I give my best apologetic smiles and stretch my open palm out infront him. He places the pendant in my hand and I gratefully accept it. Holding the clasp of the chain, I try unsuccessfully to put it back on. After a few attempts, I release a frustrated grunt. Luca walks behind me and takes the clasp from my hands. I pull my hair infront me and stand stick still while he works the clasp. When he's done, he pull my hair back in place and walks past me towards the gym doors. I follow him out while looking down at my pendant hanging at my chest. I suddenly collide with a wall of muscle and my hand automatically goes up to steady myself. I grasp a fistful of shirt as I lose my footing and fall back. A sense of deja vu plays out in my head and I close my eyes in embarrassment. When I open my eyes, grey pools with gold specs stare down at me. I feel a warmth at the palm of my hands and I look down to realize that my hands are plastered on Luca's warm, muscled chest. "Umm sorry" I mutter quickly as I pull my hands away. Luca stands up slowly then extends a hand to help me up. I accept his hand and stand up. A warm waves shoots up my hand from our clasped palms and we both look down at them. I retract my hand slowly and cradle it to my chest. Luca seems as though he wants to say something but he instead turns on his heals and continues to the gym exit. I wait a few seconds and then follow him out. Several students look at us coming out the gym. A few guys give Luca fist bumps while the girls shoot me nasty glares. I roll my eyes at them and continue towards our classroom. Luca heads though the back door of the classroom and I follow suit. I'm slightly shocked when I see him hold the door open for me. I give him a small nod of thanks and take my seat at my desk. Luca heads towards his own desk and proceeds to lie down, shutting out the world. I release a breath I was unaware I held and then settled myself for the next class. Bella makes her presence known and shimmies herself into a small space in my seat. She bumps me with her shoulder and wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Somebody is being quite a gentleman all of a sudden. " She let's out an exasperated sigh and I roll my eyes at her. "It's nothing like that. Chill out" I try to play it off cool. "Uh huh, if you say so" she leaves my seat and takes hers infront my desk. The bell sounds off signalling the start of the next class. Everyone settles in and the professor enters through the front door. I shoot a quick glance in Luca's direction but he's paying no one any attention. Shaking my head I focus on what the History professor is saying. Unknown's POV Stupid. Incompetent fool! I swipe at the contents on my desk in frustration. How hard could it be to harm a small female! All that was needed was for the girl to be injured to attract her grandmother's attention to come to the academy. She was lucky this time. The old hag was my only chance at decifering the code on the script. One way or another, Eliza Cade was my only way to get what I wanted.
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