Chapter 9

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Eliza's POV I open my eyes and shut them back immediately as the glare of the overhead light stings my eyes. Shielding my eyes with a hand, I prop myself up with my other elbow and look around. Bella walks in from around a wall with a tray containing a jar and glass in her hands. She looks up from the tray to see me squinting at her. "Oh my god, you're finally awake! I was so worried!" she places the tray on the stand beside the bed and sits in the chair next to me. "I'm fine Bella. Nothing to worry about" I give her a small smile while trying to ignore the headache that was pounding like a marching band at the back of my head. "Nothing to worry about? Eliza you were out for 4 hours! Professor White said he was going to call your parents!" Bella looked at me incredulously. Four hours? It felt like minutes to me. I give Bella's hand an apologetic squeeze before looking around for my phone. I spot it on the side table and pick it up. The screen clock showed me that it was well into the evening. I'm about to ask Bella what happened after I blacked out when the main door of the infirmary opens. Ethan walks in and I see him sigh with relief at seeing me awake. His shoulders relax from the obvious tension of me being hurt. "Glad you're finally awake, I was about to call your parents" he rubs a hand behind his neck and shoots me a small smile. "I'm fine professor. Sorry I worried you" "Oh not just him you worried. You won't believe how long Luca and his siblings sat outside in the waiting room before professor White told them to go home" Bella said her eyes wide with excitement. I vaguely remember being carried after I fell but the rest was a blur. "Umm what exactly happened after I blacked out?" I look between Ethan and Bella, waiting for one of them to give me answers. Ethan clears his throat awkwardly and Bella bounces in her chair with a big grin on her face. She seemed about ready to explode with the need to share the news. "Eliza you would not believe what happened! Luca caught you before you hit the floor. It was like he flew across the court and caught you princess style! It was soooo romantic" she swooned. I look at her, not really believing what she was saying. I rub my temples with both my hands as the headache starts to get worse. Ethan walks over and hands me some medication and I grab the glass with water from the side table. After swallowing the water I begin to swing my legs off the bed. "Umm, I wouldn't do that. Rest up for another hour or so and then we'll head home" Ethan assures me before heading to talk to the school nurse. I turn my head to see Bella looking at Ethan's retreating form in confusion. When she looks at me again, I'm forced to give her an explanation. "Uhhh, I wanted to keep this to myself. Professor White is my uncle. I'm living with him while I'm here" I shrug my shoulders and look at her reaction. Her lips form an "O" and she nods her head. "That explains alot then" she stands up and fixes her clothes before looking at me with a smile. Placing a hand on my shoulder, she gives it a small squeeze. "I'll head home then. Maybe take tomorrow off and I'll see you around yeah?" I give her a small nod and a reassuring smile before she turns and heads out. I lean back in my bed and think about the fact that Bella said Luca was worried about me. An image of him carrying me from the gym in his arms flashes in my mind. A blush creeps up my neck and my cheeks start to burn. I place my cool palms on my face and exhale harshly. Ethan comes back in to check on me and I lie back as the medication kicks in. I drift off to sleep, thoughts of my grey eyed saviour leaving a smile on my face. Luca's POV I'm lying on my bed staring at the ceiling when I hear my phone beep. I roll over and unlock the screen to see a message from Alexis saying that Eliza woke up and was feeling better. I grimace at the message, not liking the fact that my sister thinks I'm interested in what happens to this girl. My mind backs me up, but my treacherous heart takes that opportunity to speed up when I think back to seeing Eliza falling from the snapped rope. My body reacted before I could process what was happening. One minute, I heard screams and saw her falling, the next, I'm running full speed and catch her just before she hits the hard floor. I remember holding on to her for dear life and cradling her head to my chest. She looked up at me briefly in my arms and I could have sworn she was going to say something when she passed out. When I took her to the infirmary, they took a while assessing her for injuries and hooking up an IV for her. I remember being told that she was unconscious but that she would be fine. I also remember that she stayed unconscious a little too long for my liking. Alexis spoke to the nurse before she had to physically drag me away from the waiting area. When we got home I kept hovering around her to see if she got any news on Eliza. Again my mind was telling me it was not my problem, but my damn chest wouldn't stop feeling heavy. A knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts and Stefan walks into my room and flops down on my bed beside me. He looks at me and then at my phone, a lopsided grin sneaks across his face. "Brunette on your mind?" he nods at my phone showing the message from Alexis. Sighing heavily, I sit up against the headboard and lock my phone from his prying eyes. "Alexis just let me know she's fine. Not that I care" I shoot him a sideways glance. He chuckles and shakes his head before taking out something from his pocket and handing it to me. A sliver chain with a clover pendant and a emerald nestled in it sat in my palm. I bring the pendant to eye level and study it closely. Realization dawns on me immediately when I recognize it upon closer inspection. "Where did you get this?" I turn towards Stefan who is focused on his phone. "That was on the floor in all the commotion with the brunette. I assume it's hers" he shrugs nonchalantly and resumes looking at his phone. I turn the pendant over in my hand and narrow my eyes. It can't be a coincidence anymore. She had the same face, and now this pendant was exactly like the one in my dream. Who was Eliza Cade? And why am I dreaming about her?
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