Chapter 4

1215 Words
Luca's POV I hear the faint chatter from everyone in the classroom after she introduced herself. Eliza Cade. Cade...why was that name so familiar? Keeping my head lowered on my desk I hear a chair scrape the floor at a distance and raise my head slightly. Eliza sits just three desks to my right. I look at her for a few seconds when her head suddenly snaps in my direction. The hood of my jacket saves me from being seen and she turns her attention back to Professor White at the front of the class. I continue to look at her. Wavy, brown hair flows freely down her back. She isn't in our uniform yet but she chose to wear a pleated skirt that showcased her tanned, lean legs. I pause at a moment at her ankles where an anklet shimmered. "Mr Pierce, will you be enlightening us with your attention today or should I assign you to run our next study group?" I straighten my posture and look forward, plastering one of my lopsided grins on my face. "You have my undivided attention Professor White". The classroom erupts into snickers before he continues on. I glance back at Eliza and I spot a faint smile behind the hand that's propped on her desk. I smile to myself and then return my focus to Professor White and the theory of cell structures. Eliza's POV As Ethan carries on the lecture I realize that the content here was a bit more advanced than what we were doing at Thornhill. Running my hand through my hair I make small notes from today's class and highlight stuff I needed to review. I turn my head slightly and realize Luca is staring right at me. His grey eyes seem to see straight through me. I shake my head slightly at the thought and face forward again. I hear a faint chuckle in his direction and I try to keep my focus infront of me. The class ends and Ethan collects his books, giving me a slight nod before exiting. A shadow falls on my desk and I look up to see a freckled face fanned by bouncy blonde curls looking down at me. "Hi, I'm Bella. Bella Black" she stretches out a hand for me to shake and I awkwardly take it. "Hi, I'm Eliza Cade" I reply while retrieving my hand. "Cade...Cade..That name sounds familiar. Are you from old money?" she looks at me quizzically. I look at her for a second, ultimately realizing she was being serious. "No no, I'm here on scholarship" I begin packing up my stuff. "Ohhhh, cool. Do you have a locker yet?" I rummage through my bag and produce a single silver key with a tag on it. The number 1052 etched on it. I show it to Bella and she smiles. "That's just a few from mine. Come on I'll show you where it is" she motions for me to follow her. I stand up and glance towards Luca and see him flanked by a few students. I quickly follow Bella out the class and down the hall. Several students are by their lockers talking. Some giving me quick glances here and there. Wolf whistles and cat calls could be heard from guys, which earned me cold sneers from some girls. Rolling me eyes I continue down the hall where I see Bella stop infront a row of lockers. She points to mine and I smile gratefully. Packing my books, I grab another notebook for the next class and click the lock in place. I feel an arm loop through mine and I look up to see Bella smiling at me. "Ok, how about we get some food. I'm starving" she pulls me forward and we walk towards the double doors to the school cafeteria. The cafeteria is noisy with everyone chatting, plates and silverware clattering. Standing in line Bella starts telling me about everything Royal Academy has to offer when everyone's attention focuses on the small group that just entered the double doors. Luca is at the center of the group. His eyes scan the room as if looking for something. On his left stood a blonde guy. He matched Luca's height and build. He had the same cold grey eyes as well. On his right stood a dark haired , slender girl. She was gorgeous. Tall, long legs for days and grey eyes that shone when she smiled. I look away thinking how perfect they looked together. A heavy pang engulfs me and I shake my head while silently admonishing myself for being crazy to think about a complete stranger that way. The group moves further into the cafeteria and Bella tugs me along the line. Her attention seems to be on the variety of food rather than the commotion the group was now causing. Taking our trays we head towards a vacant table. Bella shovels a fork full of pasta into her mouth before groaning loudly. I smile at her unabashed love for food and dig into my plate as well. Stabbing a piece of broccoli, I look at the direction the crowd gathered and realized Luca and his entourage were now seated at a table. My gazed suddenly clashes with those cold grey ones from before. He looks away first and continues to talk to the blonde guy beside him. The blonde guy looks up directly at me and I almost choke on my food. I take a sip of my water and I feel Bella tap me lightly on my back. "You ok?" she asks while looking at me. "I'm fine, no worries" I cough slightly and take another sip of water. The sound of the chair on my other side moving catches our attention. We both turn to see said bombshell sit down beside me, a broad smile plastered on her face. "Hi, I'm Alexis Pierce. Welcome to Royal Academy Eliza Cade" I look at her dumbfounded. I turn to look at Bella who shrugs at me with equal confusion. "Umm, hi. Nice to meet you?" I respond, not quite sure where this conversation was going. Alexis reclines lazily in her chair while crossing her long legs infront her. Fixing her skirt, she folds her hands on her chest before looking at me again. "So why do you have my brother acting like he has a chair up his ass?" she fixes a curious look on me. "Excuse me? Do I know your brother?" I ask. Lifting a slender arm, she lifts a perfectly manicured finger to point in the direction of Luca's table. I follow the direction of her finger to see that the entire group at the table was now looking at me. Luca's face was a mask of stone, while the blonde guy looked slightly amused. I look back at Alexis and she laughs. "The devil looking one. The blonde is a softy" she smiles while looking over at them. My head swivels from the group at the table and Alexis. "That's your brother?!" I ask incredulously. I realize too late that I've spoken a bit too loud. The crowd in the cafeteria is now dead silent as all attention falls on me. Oh crap. Royal Academy 3 - Eliza Cade 0
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