Chapter 12

1428 Words
Eliza's POV I spent most of my day trying to avoid Luca and his siblings because my recent dreams involving him had me on edge. Ever since I came to Crystal Lakes these dreams started happening and they felt so real. My mind thinks back to last night's dream. Luca looked scared while he was running in that dark place. While watching him I felt something grab me from behind and I called out to him for help, but he just kept running. The dream suddenly changed and I was like an onlooker on the sidelines as Luca spoke to an old woman. Except she had the most beautiful face I had ever seen. As the dreams moved along the woman spoke to Luca about something I couldn't quite hear clearly and then a ball of fire was floating infront him. I rubbed my temples as the headache from this morning surged back up again. I wanted to ask Luca about the dream but I was also afraid he'll think I'm a stalker freak trying to get his attention. Which I'm not. I'm not interested in Luca Pierce. Right? Letting out a frustrated groan I walk to the next class which was History. I was really enjoying this class since it gave me alot of background about Crystal Lakes and it's history. Today's class was supposed to be about the rise of the current alpha. I heard he was a badass, but above all else, he brought about changes that made Crystal Lakes one of the most highly respected packs known to our kind. Some called him a king rather than and Alpha. And his Luna wasn't any less. Luna Leah was a fierce fighter and was equally regaled as a force to be reckoned with. She complemented her alpha and fated mate in every aspect. My grandmother spoke very highly of them and I was excited to know more. As I walk into the designated room I look around for a free seat. My eyes zone in on a seat at the back and I walk towards it. As I get closer I see a figure in the adjoining desk lying down with a hood of their jacket pulled over their head. I instantly recall Luca in a similar position during another class and stop short. What were the chances that we have the same class. I take a deep breath and continued to the free desk. There are two other history classes on the roster. No way he's in mine. I pull the chair out and sit down. The sleeping figure doesn't stir so I continue by taking out my necessary stationary and a notebook before hanging my bag behind my chair. The teacher enters the classroom shortly after and everyone takes their seat. As the class begins, the figure next to me shifts slightly but doesn't sit up. A projector is set up and pictures start to play across the screen and the teacher talks about the war that Alpha Caleb fought hard to win in order to gain a stronghold on the neighboring packs. Images of him and Luna Leah are then shown. They were absolutely stunning together. Like they were made for each other. Another picture comes across the screen and I freeze. The image shows Alpha Caleb, Luna Leah and their family. Brothers, sisters, elders and lastly their children. All three stood proud next to their parents. One blonde boy stood next to his mother, not smiling but he looked happy to be standing there by her. The girl had black hair like her father and you could see that she and the boy were twins from their features. The third child stood to his father's right, like his right hand man. Tall, broad shoulders, black hair and piercing grey eyes like his mother. His appearance called for respect like that of his father's. Cold calculated face but gold specs that gave way for one to see that there was love for the people there around him. "Holy s**t" I say a little too loudly as students turn around to look in my direction. The teacher's stern look doesn't do make me feel any better either. Suddenly, the figure next to me sits up in the chair and pulls off the hood from their head. I turn to apologize for disrupting them when I stop and hold my breath. Those grey eyes are looking at me and my heart starts to race. I turn in my chair suddenly and realize all eyes are now on us. Feeling like I wish the floor would swallow me up, I stand awkwardly to apologize. " I'm sorry for the disruption professor. It won't happen again" "Very well, take your seat Miss Cade. Mr Pierce, thank you for finally joining us". The professor then continues on with the lecture. I'm sitting again, trying to concentrate when the subject of today's class passes me a note. I look up at him but he's staring forward. I look down at the note and open it slowly. There, scribbled in neat cursive words was my judgement. Meet me in the gym after lunch. I need to talk to you. I defiantly reply "Sorry, busy" and pass the paper back to him. He looks at it and I could swear I heard a soft chuckle. He crumples up the paper and puts it in his jacket pocket. The rest of the class goes on without hindrance and the bell rings for our lunch break. I pack up my stuff quickly and stand to head to the cafeteria to meet Bella. As I exit the door, I feel a hand grasp my elbow and steer me in the opposite direction. I look up to see my abductor to be none other than the last person I wanted to be around. He pulls me down the hall, past the irritated glares of the female student population. I struggle against his grip as I try to pry my hand away. With no luck, I resign myself to just follow his lead. We reach the music room and he pulls me in and shuts the door. When I hear the lock snap in place, my jaw drops and my eyes widen. "What do you think you're doing. Unlock the door, I'm leaving" I walk past him and grab the handle. A hand slaps onto the door to hold it in place as Luca leans towards me with a serious look. "I told you I need to talk to you. And since you're busy after lunch, I thought we could talk now" he says while taking my hand and leading me to the seat infront the piano. "Look, Luca. I have no idea what you would have to speak to me about but I seriously don't think we should be here." I say quickly as I look around the room. Luca stops from sitting on the seat and turns to me, leaning on the piano. "I have something to ask you, so it means I do have a reason to speak to you" he stares me down, not taking no for an answer. I roll my eyes at him and give up. "Fine, ask away" He stands straight and puts his hands in his jacket pockets. He seemed to be debating how to ask me what he wanted when he just looks at me again with a resigned look. He takes a deep breath and continues. "Why did you actually come to Crystal Lakes?" he asks watching me seriously. I gasp silently and automatically reach for my pendant and hold it tightly. "W-what do you mean? I'm here on scholarship, that's it" I mentally tap myself for stuttering. "That's bullshit. We don't have any scholarship programs. I checked" he continues to stare me down. "Yeah well y-you need to check again because my grandmother told-" I stop short because I start to think I shouldn't mention my grandmother's involvement. Luca sees me pause and stands up straight. "What about your grandmother?" he takes a step towards me and I take one back. "Nevermind, look I'm just here because it's a good school. Just drop it" I say with finality and turn towards the door again. "Your necklace...where did you-" I didn't wait for him to finish. I unlocked the door quickly and walked out, almost knocking over a group of people passing infront the door. I apologize without stopping my escape and head straight to the cafeteria. Dammit. What was I going to do now?
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