Chapter 13

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Luca's POV Did I just scare her off? I did my research and found out that there was never any scholarship programs for our academy. Since her arrival I always had a feeling that there was more to Eliza Cade. Especially because of my dreams. There was no way it was just a coincidence that the day she arrived, my dreams became more vivid, more life-like. Each encounter with her in my dreams before felt like my mind was just dreaming up someone for me to share some thoughts with. Now, they changed drastically. The girl and I would usually be sitting by the lake or in a lush green meadow. We would talk casually and sometimes make each other laugh. The day Eliza came to the academy, catching her on the steps took the wind out of me. Seeing the face of the girl from my dreams looking back at me in real had me questioning my sanity. When she was assigned to our class, it put me on alert. I kept my distance while still trying to figure everything out. Alexis being the nosy one figured something was up and kept questioning me about my behavior. I brushed her off multiple times before I found her in my room one day looking at my sketches on my desk. I remember her look of absolute astonishment while holding the sketch in her hand and then her waving it in my face with a big grin on her face. I ended up telling her that the sketch was of the girl I dreamt about and she put the pieces together. Ever since then, she made it her life's mission to become Eliza's friend and a resounding pain in my butt. My brother Stefan however didn't make it much of an issue. He gave me my space until I was ready to lay it all on the table. The most recent dream was the worst of them all. I was never harmed or in any danger before. The last dream scared my siblings. The new encounter with the strange woman made things very weird. When she mentioned my father's name I thought he would have an idea who she was. I brought it up with him and all i got was him furrowing his brow and being told that it is what is was, a dream. I didn't take that answer very well so I began doing my own research. There was nothing on the blue gemstone I saw but there were some old scripts about the Oracle that advises the alpha of our pack. Everything I read described the same woman from my last dream. Realizing that my father neglected to tell me this bit of information irritated me. The sounds of the bell signalling the next period for class brings me out of my thoughts. I take a quick detour to my locker to grab my books and then I head to biology. I recall Eliza would be in that class as well. I plan on talking to her again. She needed to answer my questions, one way or the other. Unknown's POV I run my hands together in absolute glee. I finally found the perfect way to get the old lady to Crystal Lakes. I took the wrong route before trying to get to her granddaughter. This way would prove more fruitful. I look across the room to the figure tied and gagged to the chair. His head was slumped down and a thin line of blood trickled down the side of his head. I shake my head when I recall he was brought in with the injury. I figured he would put up a fight but I didn't to harm him gravely. I needed him alive to fulfil my purpose. I took up the burner phone and dialed. On the third ring, Georgina White answered. "Who is this?" came her gravelly tone. "I have your son. Let's talk about if you want him back alive or in pieces" A sinister smile spreads across my face when I hear the old hag gasp. " Let's be civil. There is no need for bloodshed. How can I be assured that he is still alive" came her response along with labored breaths. I walk towards the slumped over figure and lift his head up to remove the gag. His eyes squint open partially and he swallows slightly. "Say hello to mother dearest" I goad him while placing the phone to his ear. "I'll be fine mother. Give him nothing" he says to the phone. I shove the gag back in place and walk back to my desk with the phone to my ear. " I wouldn't listen to him. The wolfsbane in his system is making him a bit delusional"I cackle over the phone before turning serious again. "Listen elder White, what I require is very simple. Give me what I need and your son will not be harmed. Play games with me and I won't guarantee anything. I'll be in touch." I hang up the call and sit down in my chair. Things are finally going to go my way. Eliza's POV When Ethan didn't show up for class I figured he probably had an emergency and skipped. The call I just got from my parents however proved my thoughts very very wrong. I run down the hall through the gathering crowds of students. My mother told me that demands were made of my grandmother and she was coming with them to Crystal Lakes. I was told to get to Ethan's desk and get his keys to the house. I am supposed to get home and wait there for them. Rushing to the teacher's lounge I bump into Alexis who catches her footing and grabs my shoulder to steady me. "Whoa there, where's the fire?" she asks me while still grasping my shoulder. "Sorry Alexis, I have to go" I shrug off her hold and continue towards the lounge. She calls after me but I ignore her and keep going. Reaching the lounge, I knock and walk in. The receptionist is already walking towards me briskly. She hands me a bunch of keys and nods to me briefly. I nod my thanks in response and turn quickly to exit the door. As I open the door I crash into what feels like a solid wall but as I fall forward, I find myself engulfed by warmth and firm hands. I look down and find myself in Luca's arms. He looks up at me and his instant annoyance turns to concern when he sees my face. I've been holding all my emotion in with what was going on with Ethan but being in Luca's arms seemed to open the flood gates as tears begin to stream uncontrollably down my face. His arms tighten around me as my head drops onto his chest and my body shakes with sobs. I sniffle and raise my head up again to see him still looking up at me. Only then did I realize that the hall had gone completely quite and our current position was being viewed by everyone present. Finally realizing what people might be thinking, I struggle slightly to sit up away from Luca and dust off my clothes before standing up on wobbly legs. Luca's arm shoots out to steady me and I give him a small smile of thanks. Regaining my resolve, I clench the keys in my hand and whisper a thank you to Luca before turning and running again towards the main doors. My only focus right now has to be getting home to my family. Ethan was in trouble. I had to get home. Now.
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