Chapter 58

1732 Words

Eliza's POV Luca and I enter the front door to the pack house and head down the hall. The sound of voices in the kitchen makes us pause and look in to see my parents and grandmother seated at the table. When my grandmother looks over to see us at the door, she waves us in. "Come come, have a seat child. Luca dear, can you top up my water before you sit?" my grandmother says with a bit of a strain in her voice and I frown while taking the seat next to her. "Are you not feeling well grandmother?" I ask with concern but she shakes her head at me while waving off my concern with a flick of her hand. "I'm not 25 anymore girl. This old body is allowed to croak every now and then" she jokes while accepting the refilled glass from Luca before he takes the seat on her other side. She takes one

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