
479 Words
:Charlie: *Knock*Knock*Knock* Three sharp raps on the door and my concentration was shattered, my seed was released in a powerful stream that was instantly pummeled by the relentless drops of cooling water. Anger and Frustration reigned, my potent scent and thick pearly cream were the primary occupants of my shower. My total sense of completion, domination, and pleasured peace was shattered by the sound of knuckles on hollowed wood. "WHAT!!!" I barked out, letting my violent emotions ring through despite the tears flowing freely from my eyes. The sudden loss of her was nearly unbearable, I had never been so close to claiming her before, even if it was only a dream or crazed desperate vision. Kai's voice barked through the door and was seasoned with distaste and disbelief. I knew my scent could be easily noticed through the door, it was enough to choke me as it was, even more so now that it was tangled with hers. Even my mind couldn’t grasp what the scent had been only a moment ago. Kai's disbelief in my continued attempts to mark the Goddess that haunted my dreams, my morning showers, and many of my waking moments had been driving him crazy for the past 5 years. We argued and fought and ceased to apologize for both our parts in this crazed state I have been in. I knew deep down that it was my fault, that something was simply wrong with me for the Goddess of the Hunt to torment me so. To be an unmated Alpha at 26 years old was unprecedented and frankly dangerous. Kai’s arguments were sound logic, and had he not been my best friend since we were pups and my Beta, one of us would have killed the other already. Instead, Kai helped keep my dream Goddess a secret and we instead used my peace and treaty missions as a way to expose me to as many females as possible in the hopes that I would finally find my mate and end this increasingly crazed torment. "You've been in there nearly 45 minutes! We have a pack meeting in 20! Get your ass in gear!" Kai's Beta Command voice echoed in my head, as only a Beta's could. It may not have the will-bending effect on me as it did our subordinates, but his point was clear; ‘Get your s**t together, today is too important.’ I knew Kai would have left immediately upon his issued command to allow ‘the Alpha to do as he pleased’. But we had a respectful and bonded relationship most Alpha-Beta pairs were jealous of and I had no intention of ruining that now. I quickly washed in the now cold shower, turned off the water, and dried enough to get dressed. The reason for this morning's meeting was coming back to me and I needed to focus.
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