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:Charlie: Last week Jacob came to my office, he spoke to Kai and me about his concerns with the Pack. His respect for me was high, but he worried as everyone did about my lack of a mate. He made the same points Kai and I had been over privately since I turned 18. An Alpha’s Luna led the pack when the Alpha was away, she taught discipline and specialties to pups when he was home, and she protected the pack females and pups during war. She helped provide food and shelter for the pack, took care of her Alpha and their pups. Provided an heir to the pack, groomed the next generation’s leader. Most pack leaders stepped down before they turned 40, allowing the designated heir to take over slowly, helping them grow as leaders until they could manage the pack on their own. Charlie was 26 now, had been the Alpha of his pack since he was He never came right out to say it, but we could all feel the word Challenge in the room. Jacob was my Left Flank Sentinel, a high-ranking position in any pack, he was in charge of our Left side in battles as well as being in charge of 30 fellow wolves during peace times. With a litter of his own on the way, and already the leader of a third of my pack, Jacob had every right to challenge me as Alpha. And with his mate whispering doubts in his ear and stroking his ego while undermining mine to him...well it was no surprise really. His mate was born to a Hunter and Omega pairing, about as low as one can be born in a pack. And her Omega father always had an ego problem, picking fights and trying to force his way up the ranks. He taught his only pup how to do the same, and as a female, she had new paths to try. Mating with Jacob was a path only the Goddess could explain. When Jacob left, Kai and I debated on the likelihood of Jacob challenging me. Kai was in some doubt, he had heard Jacob defend my position as Alpha on more than one occasion, and I was Jacob’s mentor until I was Named Alpha. Jacob even took a small part in the official ceremony. I was quite certain he would Challenge me, he had too many reasons not to, I knew Jacob was prideful and I knew his mate. Jacob was smart, and though I doubted his mate had him completely convinced, the fact that he asked for the meeting was proof enough for me. After explaining my logic in great detail to Kai, he begrudgingly agreed. Which of course came with a litany of decisions to make. As I pulled on a pair of loose-fitting but sturdy denim pants and a plain black tee, I went through the list of pathways before us. It was a private request for a council meeting, and council meetings happened on an irregular basis so we weren’t expecting a crowd. That meant more options should this meeting turn into a Challenge. Jacob calls for Challenge immediately Jacob lets the Council gather and we begin the meeting with Jacob presenting his concerns Jacob doesn’t show and lets Kai speak on his behalf to the Council about the concerns he spoke of in our private meeting. I sincerely doubted 3 and Kai sincerely doubted 1. So that left 2 to be our most likely scenario which led to another list. Jacob presents his concerns and then calls for Challenge Jacob presents and listens carefully to the Council as they debate, explain, defend, and make a final judgment Jacob presents and listens until he feels he has been heard then takes his leave, trusting the council and making a silent statement to his trust in me as Alpha Again Kai and I decided on 2 to be the most likely, which of course led to another list Final Judgement - I am Alpha and have been a good leader which quells Jacob’s concerns Final Judgement - I am Alpha, have been a good leader, Jacob disagrees and calls for Challenge Final Judgement - Jacob’s concerns are validated, He may Challenge with the blessing of the Elders or become Alpha of a new pack, allowing any in my pack to desert without consequence and go with the blessing of the Council. On this last list, Kai and I couldn’t begin to fathom the most likely outcome. However, he couldn’t disagree with me that Challenge was simply too likely. So we made some additional decisions on what would happen in a Challenge. I lose and therefore die. Kai would stand down as my second, and help Jacob take over the Pack with as little disturbance as possible, becoming his Mentor and training Jacob’s Beta. I win. Which leads to Jacob dies. His mate and pups become Omega Jacob dies, I grant mercy to his mate and pups. His mate becomes a Hunter as was her mother, and the pups become Warriors as was their father. I give Jacob the opportunity to submit, he takes it. Nothing changes. Kai and I discussed all of these at length, with the understanding that Kai would help me make C happen if he saw the opportunity. A wolf in a rage could be hard to stop, and I was not one to fight fair, to begin with. I had been challenged too many times in my 8 years as Alpha and had twice before discussed Submission with Kai. I hadn’t succeeded yet, but this time would hopefully be different. Kai was part of my pack, one of my most trusted, and one I knew well. I hoped to avoid most of the wolf rage and fight tactically as I do in battles against other packs, where submission of the enemy pack is usually the goal and can be achieved by either killing the Alpha or forcing him to submit. I sighed as I finished lacing my shoes and walked out of my bedroom to meet Kai.
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