Chapter Four

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I was dismayed when I got in the house and realised we had been outside longer than I had thought. There was no sign of life in the house at all and only the living room light remained on. I headed straight for the kitchen and grabbed myself a bottle of wine and a glass. Intending on taking it up to my room and hoping it would take the edge off. David was standing in the kitchen doorway when I turned around. "How many times do I have to run from you before you give up? Just so I know." "Once. If you actually mean it. Can we just put all this to one side? We both know it can't happen, but we still need to coexist. Let's have a drink and put it all to bed." I wish he would put me to bed. I shook my head, desperately trying to dislodge the thought. It wasn't even like me. I didn't even have boyfriends, they were more hassle than they were worth. It had been years since I had even been with anyone. Every time I trusted a man, it ended in heartbreak, so I just stopped bothering. I was busy enough at work for it not to bother me too much. Well, until David descended on the vineyard, anyway. "I just need some space." "We need to talk. If we don't, everyone around the breakfast table will know something is wrong." If I just f**k him, the thoughts and yearning will stop. Except I couldn't. Even once was once too many. That was all it would take for me to be betraying Emily. I would never be able to look her in the eyes again. "I'm going to take my bottle of wine and get into bed. Night." "Is that an invitation?" "No." "We're talking about this. Where is up to you?" "The glasses are in the top left cupboard." My mind kept flashing back to him half naked in the swimming pool. The idea of gliding my hands over his chest was just too much. It's inevitable. I might as well enjoy it. It felt like my own body was fighting against me. Every part of me agreed that taking advantage of him was what the moment called for. Every part except my loyalty to Emily. I sunk myself into the armchair just so I could keep some distance between us. Taking the glass of claret goodness that he offered me. I decided to start the conversation off on safe ground. "So, your wife, how come she hasn't come with you?" I knew they had split up. Em had told me. She hadn't told me why, though. At least the conversation would help me remember he was still married. I might not be as religious as Mamma, but there were some lines that I really wouldn't cross. "She's busy f*****g my best friend and business partner, but nice try." "You know, Emily talks about you like you are some form of old-fashioned gentleman. The sort to open doors for a lady, yet I'm not feeling that vibe right now." "I can open your bedroom door for you if you like." His eyebrows lifted, and I knew he was challenging me to see how much he could get away with. "The gentlemanly side of me isn't the only one that exists. It's not like I'm well practiced. I haven't been single in twenty-six years." Him saying it like that freaked me out a little. The idea that he was with his wife while I was still a child. "If I'm honest, I planned to throw myself into work and stay away from having a love life. After everything, it just felt too risky." The fact that he had echoed my own standpoint did nothing to help my situation. I needed to find something, anything, to put me off him all together. To quash the lustful fire burning inside. "So, why change your mind now?" "I didn't exactly change my mind. I just can't stop the desperate desire to get you out of that suit. It doesn't matter how wrong I know it is, it doesn't feel wrong. There's something within you that seems to be screaming out to me." "Well, tomorrow, I will turn up to the office in my lounging outfit. Hopefully, that will extinguish you." "I doubt it, but let's not pretend this is all me. That kiss told me everything I needed to know." "Really? It told you that your daughter would hate us both." "Will you stop hiding behind Emily? She probably wouldn't even care." "Will you stop lying to yourself?" "I can't." He drained his glass and stood. "Night Aurora. Sweet dreams." I expected him to head upstairs, but he didn't. Instead, he headed straight out of the kitchen door again. If he felt anything like me, he probably needed to cool off. I settled instead for drinking myself into a coma. It was the only thing that would stop me from thinking of him naked. It's just s*x. I hated the inner voice in my mind and started trying to drown her out. My more practical side was just managing to control of my actions. I heard the splash from the living room. Heading for the kitchen window without thinking. It was a tiny window, but it looked over the pool. There he was, swimming laps, completely naked. Giving me the most perfect view of his ass. If he knew I was there, he made no indication. The glass never seemed to leave my mouth and before long, I realised I was at the bottom of my glass. I grabbed another bottle and poured myself a glass of prosecco. Barely tasting it as it went down. I tried to tear myself away from the view, but I couldn't. I had tried to weaken the voice in my head telling me just to go for it, but instead my conscience was weakening its hold on me. I took my jacket off and poured myself another glass. Kicking my shoes off and leaving them in a pile on the kitchen floor. I grabbed the bottle, leaving my glass on the table, and slipped from the room. He was still doing laps and hadn't seemed to have noticed my entrance. I undid the button of my trousers and let them hit the deck. Telling myself there was no harm in dipping my legs into the water. It wasn't like I was naked, unlike him. I still had clothes on. It was no different to wearing a swimsuit. I sat myself down right in front of him as he was heading back towards my end of the pool. Taking a long swig from my bottle of wine. The closer he got, the more my insides screamed. Those familiar twitching butterflies which were much lower than my stomach. As he reached for the side of the pool, his hand found my thigh instead. His head bobbing up instantly. The look of hunger sparking as soon as his eyes settled on me. He roughly opened my legs, finding the popper fastening and pulling it apart. I took the garment from him and pulled it over my head. I was done playing games. There was no part of me left to worry about the consequences. My simple black thong was gone in an instant and left to flow across the surface of the water. David took the bottle of prosecco from me. Drinking deeply, then, out of nowhere, he poured it over my v****a. Licking and sucking up every drop he could find. His tongue snaking inside of my moist centre and making my breath catch in the back of my throat. Without warning, he had come up for air and was yanking me from the side of the pool. "Are you sure?" "It's a bit late for second thoughts now." "Good, because I'm not sure I could stop now, even if I wanted to." My arms wrapped around his neck as he lifted me effortlessly to meet his c**k. "Ahhh. Mmmmm." It had been so long, but God, it felt like coming home. I let go of him and held on to the bar surrounding the pool. My legs held on to him instinctively as we moved together, slowly, tenderly. As though we had been made for one another. It didn't feel like our first time. Our bodies were too in sync for that. I had expected something completely different. Something hotter, more frenzied. His hand laid on my stomach and started descending. His thumb slowly caressing at my centre. My back arched in response, giving him even easier access. The panting came thick and fast. The combination of his d**k being so deep, with those simple circles he was drawing around my clit, was enough to spark a fire in me hotter than anything I had known before. "Don't close your eyes. I want to see the pleasure in your eyes as you come." The silkiness of his voice only added to the sensations running through me. "Arghhhh. f**k. Mmmmm." His eyes seemed to light up, seeing my reaction to him. He buried his head in between my breasts and they absorbed the deep groan that erupted from him. As he lowered me back to the tiled floor of the pool, I seemed to sober up in an instant. Realising just what I had done. I had slept with my best friend's dad and there was no taking it back.
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