Chapter Thirteen

2027 Words
All the deception was making me paranoid. Multiple times on the way to David's, I had this weird feeling like I was being watched. I was glad when I finally pulled up on the drive at the flat. There was only one parking spot, but David's hire car was in the garage, leaving it all for me. I wasted no time in jumping from the car and heading to the door. I had already been waiting long enough to be able to actually touch him as it was. He was opening the door before I even managed to knock on the door. "Eager?" "I'll show you eager." He pulled me roughly inside by the wrist, pushing me back against the wall. My arms were above my head before I had even managed to register what he was doing. Holding me there single handily with ease, not that I had any aspirations of running from his touch. His palm was flat on my stomach, inching higher and higher over my ribs, pausing slightly as he reached the curve of my breasts. My breath was audible and I couldn't tear my eyes from his. As his hand rested around my throat pushing up until I was forced to tip my head backwards. He just held it there for a moment. Searching my eyes as though there was a secret in them he was trying to decipher. Between his hand on my wrists and his hand on my throat, I wouldn't be going anywhere. It was all so intense. "Stand still!" It was an order. There was too much bark in the command for it to be anything else. He released me, pausing for a second to check if I was going to behave before moving on to kiss my neck. Tiny whispers of kisses all across where his touch had been on my throat. He was taking his time, and it was making me squirm. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself from letting my hands roam freely in his hair. I knew I was in trouble as soon as his head came back up, there was a something in his eyes, almost a darkness. "Are you standing still?" "No." "Are you doing as you are told?" "No." He lifted my hands back to their original position and gave me a look that told me I really did have to stand completely still. Although I was eager to find out what sort of punishment, he would have in mind. It almost made me want to misbehave just to find out. He kicked the door shut and began trailing kisses down the centre of my neck, traveling slowly between my boobs and down to my stomach. I was itching to touch him. It felt like I would collapse in a heap if I didn't give in to my need. My hands lowered slowly. Waiting for the moment when David would realise that I had disobeyed him again. The closer to him I got, the slower I moved. Convinced he would feel the movement of air around my hands. Finally, my fingers managed to lace through his hair and I felt myself relax at finally having been able to give into my need to touch him. "Aurora, that's not being a good girl." "Sorry, Daddy." It was an impulse, but the whispered growl that resulted sent shivers through my soul. He moved his lips to my side, then, out of nowhere, flung me over his shoulder. "David!" He ignored me as he made his way through the flat towards the bedroom. As he got clear of the door, he kicked it closed just like he had with the front door. Dropping me roughly down onto the bed. "Time to teach you how to behave yourself." He pulled his belt out of his slate grey suit trousers as he spoke. I half expected him to bend me over and spank me with the black leather. He must have seen the slight hesitation in my eyes as he pulled it taut and the loud crack of leather on leather echoed through the room. I couldn't decide if I was turned on or terrified. Before I could decide, he dropped it on the floor and started unbuttoning his shirt painfully slowly. I started inching myself up the bed in anticipation of what was coming, the desperation growing with every second I had to wait. Something told me that was the point of his approach. As soon as the shirt hit the floor, his hands were around my ankles and dragging me back to the edge of the bed. "You can't get away from me that easily. If I have my way, you will never get away." He tugged hard at my skirt without a second thought and it made me glad I hadn't opted for something more tailored like I usually did. "Were you under the impression that I was trying to get away?" The laugh that escaped was a little more nervous sounding than I meant it. It was more than a little clear that he liked knowing he had unnerved me, the glint in his eyes said it all. As he started removing my thong, I lifted my hips slightly. “Good girl.” I couldn’t begin to put into words what effect it had on me when he uttered those two little words. My insides felt suddenly fluid, sloshing around and making me even more aware of his naked form than before. It was so strange the effect he had on me, as though he turned back the clock and turned me back into a nervous little teen. It was almost like I didn’t dare move without him first telling me what he wanted me to do. I just watched on as he moved onto his trousers still intent on making me wait for him. It was just another way of him proving his power over me and there was no denying he had an abundance of it. For some reason, I gasped as his trousers and boxers fell to the floor. It wasn’t like I hadn’t seem him naked before, but it felt different. More intimidating. More intense. More intimate. I took a steadying breath, trying desperately to hide my nerves. Hoping he hadn’t heard the gasp. If he had, he had made no indication at all. The nerves and the desperation for him seemed to be having a profound effect on my body. I was sure there would be an actual puddle on the bed where I laid propped up on my elbows. Just watching him move was enough to heighten my anticipation to unknown levels. It was so intense, I was sure I could feel my legs twitching slightly. He stood there at the bottom of the bed fiddling with the black metal watch at his wrist. Every movement seemed to take forever as he removed it and placed it on the dressing table behind him. It was then that I noticed he wasn’t wearing the usual platinum band on his left ring finger. I looked at the dresser, double checking that he hadn’t taken it off at the same time as his watch and I had just missed it. It wasn’t there. I thought back, trying to think when the last time it was that I had seen it. I couldn’t picture it there on his finger for a least a couple of days. It was ridiculous, but it gave me hope that the thing between us was more than just s*x. That him removing the evidence of his wife was a signal that he thought more of me than of her. I forced my eyes closed and tried to push the thought from my mind. I was already falling hard for David, I couldn’t allow myself to get ahead of myself. The way I was feeling I had us both married off and settled in the Italian countryside. Except, I knew that would never happen. At some point he would be forced to leave. As much as I thought of David, I already knew I would never follow him. Italy was too connected with my soul for me to be parted from it. “You ok baby girl?” The words made my eyes whip open and shoot straight to make contact with his. He looked so concerned. My heart only softening further. “I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind. You know what I’m like.” “Well I will have to make sure that the only thing you can think of is me then, won’t I?” I nodded in reply. If only he knew that he was the thing making me so distracted in the first place. I might have managed to get a little melancholy, but it didn’t last long with him knelt between my legs with his lips on mine. He pushed me backwards onto the bed, devouring me hungrily. He seemed so able to orchestrate us into where ever he wanted us, as he rolled over and pulled me with him until I was sat across him. As his hands slipped beneath my top and up my sides, I knew where he was heading with his movements and took over. Lifting my top from the bottom and pulling it over my head. Tossing it aside before turning my attention to my bra. No sooner did my breasts find freedom, than they were confined again my his eager hands. I couldn’t quite hide the slight grin from my face. His hands were like silk as they slipped back down my body until they reached my hips. He lifted them with ease and nearly made me lose my balance. I threw my arm out and let my hand land on the headboard, leaving me staring down at him as he spoke, “You are an absolute Goddess.” He went from holding my hips up to slamming them back down. His c**k forcing its way inside me in the most dramatic fashion. The intensity of his movement, forced my head backwards and my mouth opened but no sound emerged. “I am going to lie here and watch you as you ride me like the good girl I know you are.” I hadn’t even moved, but between his words and the fullness I felt inside, it was enough to start bringing my pleasure to the forefront. I could feel the sparks building in my stomach. Gathering speed and heat as I began to do as I was told. The look of admiration in his eyes was unmistakable and gave me more confidence than I had ever known before. It allowed me to lose myself in the movements, in the pleasure of him. It almost allowed me to be completely selfish. Concentrating on only my own needs. My only concern was building those sparks into a full on roaring, bright bonfire. It didn’t take long before the internal pleasure was forcing its way out of me. It was so forceful and powerful that I had no ability to hold myself up any longer, as wave after wave of orgasm rolled through my system. I flopped forward, eyes closed and with no thought of consequences in my mind. David caught me and steered me slightly until my head was buried in the pillow beside his. My heavy panting falling directly on his ear as I tried to regain my sense. The realisation that he hadn’t even gotten remotely close to release suddenly filled my mind. “I’m so sorry.” I felt so embarrassed out of no where and couldn’t bare to look at him. Not that it mattered, my hair was splayed over his face as he tried desperately to move it away from his mouth. “If you think I am done with you yet, then you are seriously mistake baby girl.” I swallowed hard. His words almost felt like a threat, but it was one I would happily let him carry out. Anything to keep feeling sated and satisfied in the way only he could manage.
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