Chapter 3: Your Mine

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Chapter 3: Your Mine Able It took me a minute to process exactly what was going on, did this guy just say mate? Is he going crazy or something? Or perhaps I'm the one going crazy. Either way, this is just weird. “Look, sir, I am so sorry for running into you and ruining your clothes, can you please not say anything to my boss? I don't have any money to properly help you fix it, but I will find a way to work it out with you, whatever it may be!” I pleaded. The last thing I needed was to get fired on my first day! Actually, the last thing I needed was to run into a gorgeous hot guy and ruin all of his clothes. Way to go Able. there goes my tip I guess. “Well I do have a way you can make it up to me, and I wouldn't worry about the boss, I heard he is a really good guy.” he winked at me. “Here take my number and give me a call so I can have your number too, I will text you details on what to do and where and when”. He said giving me his card. “I'll see you back at the table Ms Able” he whispered in my ear as he walked by. It seems to me that this man has a way with women. Maybe he thinks that every woman he meets will fall for his looks and throw themselves at him. I told him I would find a way to make it up to him, but it sounds like he already had something else in mind! What did I get myself into? Maybe I should just ‘go with the flow’ like how Cherry would say it. I mean, at least he is really good looking. It also looks like he takes care of himself and has quite a bit of money. Not that I'm after money, I'm just saying it's a plus, that’s all. As I walk to the bathrooms to get cleaned up before serving the guests, I notice Cherry hot on my tail. “Oh my god Able! Do you know who you just ran into and spilled all your drinks on?” she asked, bouncing up and down. “By the way you are acting, it sounds like he must be really important, let me guess is he an actor or something?” I say as I dry my hair. Rolling my eyes. “Are you kidding? Um, no! He is definitely way more important than an actor! I'm talking about our boss, the owner of the whole food chain, that's how much more important he is!” she squealed. I dropped the towel that I had in my hands. Did I just meet the owner of the restaurant? And he gave me his number? And I ruined his clothes?! I'm so dead! He probably wants to have me meeting him in some dark alley so his bodyguards can kill me or something and then throw me into the ocean! “Cherry what am I going to do? I'm so dead! I ruined his clothes and he gave me his number and said he would send me the details to meet him somewhere so I could make it up to him. What if he sends his goons to like ‘get rid of me’ or something?” I whispered. I looked down and my hands and realized I was shaking. I was definitely afraid of the kind of power this man held. Anyone could feel it across the room. There was no denying the effect he had on others around him. “Able, look at me, calm down ok?” She held my shoulders and looked into my eyes. “You said he gave you his number? Then I'm sure he doesn't have any intentions of killing you, or ‘get rid of you’ as you said, ok? I'm sure he just thinks you are a pretty girl and wants to get to know you more. I'm also sure he has thousands of different suits in his closet or maybe he is already getting someone to buy him a new one as we speak.” She reassured me. Maybe she is right, maybe he thinks I'm just some pretty waitress and wants to get to know me more. And I can't help but feel all warm inside when I heard that word come out of his mouth. “Mate” it echoed in my head. “You're probably right, but I'm still going to send you the address that I'm heading to when I go to meet up with him. Just in case you are wrong and I do end up dead.” I looked at her with seriousness. She put her hands in the air to surrender and laughed. “Alright, alright. Now get out there and show him what you got!” she yelled as she slapped my behind, and I let out a yelp. I checked myself out in the mirror one last time and headed out the bathroom’s door. I looked around to make sure no one was in my way this time and lifting up the drink tray. I let out a breath that I forgot I was holding and made my way back to the table. As I approached the table, his eyes found mine and we hold each other’s gaze. I placed down the drinks that each of them had ordered and served him last. Cherry was right about the suit, he already had on a new one that made him look even more delicious than the last one. As if that was even possible. I carefully placed down his double shot of whiskey, top-shelf brand. And as soon as I was about to let go of his glass, he placed his hands on top of mine, sending those warm electric vibrations down my whole body. How is this even possible? How can this happen when you touch someone? As I reluctantly let go of the glass, slipping my hand out from his. I couldn't help but feel my lungs overflowing with his smell. He smelled of/like a forest after a pouring rain. It was intoxicating. I couldn't help but notice he was sniffing me as I moved away from him. I moved away from the table slightly and I couldn't help but sniff my shirt. Maybe I still smelled like liquor? Or maybe sweat? Maybe that's why he was sniffing me all weird. I took their orders as requested. “Alright gentlemen, I will be right back with those orders” I winked at Lucas. If Cherry taught me anything important it definitely was how to get bigger tips. I can hear her voice in my head, “When a customer shows interest in you, try to play into it, but don't overdo it. The nicer you are or the more flirty you are, the bigger chance you will get a better tip”. As I walked away I sniffed my shirt again. God, I really hope I don't smell bad. I dropped the order off to the kitchen, and I took my time doing it so I could take a peek inside and watch as they all work as hard as they could. They put in so much effort with each and every dish. I could only admire their way of work. That's the true way of a chef. Always give it your best, whether it is making a soup or a steak, you want to always give your all. As I stood there daydreaming to my heart's content until I noticed someone standing right behind me. “So, do you like to cook?” the person with a silky voice behind me asked. I didn't even have to look to know it was Lucas. “That's an understatement, I don't like to cook, I love to cook. It's my passion. Always has been, and always will be.” I sighed, never taking my eyes off of the kitchen. “Then why didn't you apply to be a chef here? I can tell by the look in your eyes you have passion for it, without even tasting your cooking, I bet you have quite the talent for it.” He praised me. “I couldn't apply because I didn't finish my degree in culinary. I ended up not being able to afford the p*****t for the full 4 years. That's why I am here being a waitress. I just hope I can save up enough to go back and finish”. I said without taking my eyes off the chef’s skilled hands. “That's the one thing I will never give up on, being a chef. The dream of being a chef is all I have left. It's the only hope I have left, it’s my way to prove to everyone that thought that I couldn't do it how capable I am. I want to show them that I did it all on my own, without anyone's help.” I turned behind and noticed a sparkle in his eyes when he looked at me. It made me feel safe and admired. I had to hold myself back from jumping into his arms wishing he would hold me and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. I had to shake that thought out of my mind. “Here, come with me,” he said as he lifted his hand in the air for me to take. For some reason without thinking for even a second I just took his hand, knowing wherever he was taking me, I would be safe. I barely even know this man, only of his reputation, and name, and yet I feel so taken with him. I feel as though he can lift me off of my feet and take me away to the unknown and I would be okay as long as he was there by my side. "where are we going?" I asked as I took his hand, yet again mesmerized by the sparks and tingles I feel when our skin touches. That's it. I had to know why I felt like this when we touched, I'm sure he knows why and I’m going to find out no matter what. "Why is it that every time I touch you, I feel like fireworks are going off on my skin?" I asked as I stopped in my tracks. "I will tell you in due time, but for now don’t worry about that, let’s just have some fun. Shall we? I want to take you somewhere, somewhere I know you will have fun." he winked at me. Oh, God. He isn't planning on having me sleep with him already is he? I am definitely not prepared for this! He must have sensed my shyness and frustration. "It isn't what you're thinking I promise, just trust me okay?" he asked as he smiled a genuine smile. I took a deep breath. "Alright, I trust you". I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but lust, and desire, and maybe a hint of longing.
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