Follow Me

1871 Words
“I can't just leave work, my boss will kill me, I heard he is a real jerk” I winked at him. “Oh, him? You don't have to worry about that grumpy butt, I've got you covered, your boss and I are pretty close.” he smiled. As he led me through the back doors of the building, I couldn't help but giggle at the adrenaline rushing through me. Two years ago you wouldn't catch me following a stranger through the dark night, leading me to the unknown. But yet here I am, feeling more alive than ever. It gives me a sense of peace not having to worry about the world around me. Not having to worry about doing what my parents want, or needing to study to pass any final exams at culinary school, makes me free. I almost feel like a little kid again. Like a second chance to live what was lost in my childhood. Every child should be filled with this kind of feeling, instead, mine was filled with stress and depression. As we walked to our destination, I couldn't help but stare at him. I almost wanted to pinch myself because this doesn't seem real. “So what made you want to start a line of restaurants?” I ask. “Well, I guess you can say, every first male born into the family, gets to inherit all of it. including a lot of lands that we uhhh, I guess you can say oversee. There are thousands of different packs that live on my land.” he said. “Wait, what do you mean by packs?” I was a little confused. “Oh, I mean like little cities, filled with thousands of different people. I guess I'm kinda their leader. They seek me for advice and protection when needed. And I donate any money I make from these investments I have so they can use the money to help each other and build or rebuild houses.” he started to scratch the back of his head. Something is telling me he isn’t telling me the whole truth. “Wait, so you're like a mayor? Or a governor to them? Are you officially their leader!? Like is there documentation to support your role?” I'm probably asking way too many questions. But I need to find out what he is hiding from me. “You sure do ask a lot of questions don't you?” he laughed. Even though we are strangers, and he has his right to his own personal life and secrets. I still feel some sort of connection to him, and I feel the need to know everything about him. “To answer your questions, I'm kinda like a mayor, yeah. But it's not supported by any documentation. How can I explain it?” he scratched his chin looking up, then he half smiled and said, “It's kinda like, every time that there is a first-born male in my family, the people automatically look up to them as they grow.” I'm wondering if this dude is part of the mafia or something. I mean, how else would you get thousands of people to look up to you unless you had the money and armour to do so. “I think I’m starting to understand. But what I don't understand is why you wanted to take me away from the restaurant and all the way to the middle of an empty building? Like, why me out of all the other pretty girls back at the restaurant? And why is it that it feels like there is lightning coursing through my skin whenever I touch you, or how I feel I can trust you when I don't even know you?” It was now or never, I was tired of waiting and I wanted answers. “I get you are confused, maybe even scared, but just know one thing. There are no other pretty girls back at the restaurant. And If I’m being completely honest. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen”. He took a deep breath, “Do you believe in fate? Or destiny?” he asked with truth in his eyes. Do I believe in fate? Was it fate that brought us together? Was I meant to meet him? Was I meant to follow him somewhere? None of it makes sense. “I'd like to believe in something. But it's just hard to grow up the way I did. I could never rely on fate to achieve my dream of becoming a chef, I had to create the courage to tell my parents what I wanted to be. I couldn't rely on destiny to find a place to live after my parents kicked me out. I could only rely on myself. It wasn’t fate or destiny that help me move out of my car. Right now the only things I rely on are this job so I can save enough money to go back to school and Cherry. She helped me out when I needed it the most. She let me have a place to stay, she even taught me how to be a waitress so I wouldn't lose this job.” I looked up at Luke, trying to read his expression. “I understand what you mean. I may not have had the struggles that you had in life, but I have lost many good people I love. I know fate and destiny sounds all made up, but believe me Able, fate and destiny are out there. And I have to believe there is a reason for everything. There must have been a reason why you wanted to go to culinary school. Or that destiny brought you Cherry. Maybe to even meet me. But there are things that I haven't told you, and I hope that you will give me the pleasure to spend time with you so I can tell you everything. I know that what I am saying is probably all too soon since we barely know anything about each other. But I was hoping that after I show you what is inside of this building, you would want to tell me more about yourself, then I can tell you what I have planned for this building.” he smiled slowly, opening the door. When the door opened, it revealed a huge empty building. With windows surrounding the inside. At the back of the building, you could see a huge kitchen, filled with brand new steel top stoves and kitchen utensils. I ran over to the kitchen like a little girl on Christmas morning. So many thoughts were flowing through my mind when I saw the kitchen. I thought of so many different things I wanted to cook, I wanted to be the first one to use whatever is in here untouched. “This is amazing! What will you do with this place? Has it been used?” I asked, jumping up and down. He laughed and shook his head. “Well, it has not been used yet, and I wasn't sure what I wanted to make with this place. I was going to keep it closed for a while, in order to give the other place some time to attract more customers. But I figured since you love to cook and haven't gotten the chance to cook yet at the other place, maybe you can cook me something now and I might just even make it the main dish.” he said as he held my hand. Is this guy secretly my fairy godmother? Or should I say, godfather? Wait, no, that just makes it sounds even more like he is in a mafia. I had so many ideas of what dishes I wanted to make, but nothing stuck. “What is your favourite food? I want to know so I can have an idea of what to make and maybe even make it better.” I asked as I put on an apron. Every time I put on an apron. It's like the outside world disappears. And there are no more worries, nothing I have to deal with. Only what it is in my hands and in the oven. “Hmmm, let’s see… I do love a good steak,” he said, licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. “You men and your steaks, very well, I'll make the best steak you have ever had!” After about two hours of searing the steak and chopping garlic, and oven roasting it. The meal was finally done. Thankfully I made two steaks, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I was done cooking and I have to confess, it smelled amazing. I set the two steaks on separate plates, with some side asparagus and honey roasted balsamic vinegar potatoes. The colours of the food were vibrant, fresh and hot. “Alright, eat up and tell me what you think!” I say as I watch him take his first bite. Just wondering if he will like it or not. He took his first bite. He stared at me for a moment in silence. I couldn't take the anticipation any longer. “So what do you think?” I ask practically biting my nails. “This is honestly the best steak I have ever had, I don't know how you were able to make such a tender and tasteful steak in such a short amount of time but I have to tell you I might end up eating yours also” he laughed, cutting up another slice. That's a relief. I wasn't sure about what he thought of it. He is pretty good at hiding his emotions at serious times. “Wait, do you mean it? It wasn't too firm or anything? I wasn't quite sure how you liked your steak.” I blushed “I promise you that you have made a beautiful dish, and you did right in front of me. I would love it if you were able to come up with menu ideas, maybe even a name or style of what this place should be. And I only have one request.” he dropped his knife and fork. “Sure, anything! You don't know how much this means to me, I've wanted to cook and be a chef my whole life, so whatever it is I will do it!” “I want you to come back to my hometown with me, and perhaps go on a date or two.” he smiled. Maybe I shouldn't have accepted right away. A date??? I mean I do feel some sort of connection to him. Maybe there is something out there like fate or destiny that brought us together. “Who am I to stand in the way of destiny?” I blurted out. Crap, I didn't mean to think out loud. “I mean you have a deal!” I let out my hand He chuckled and shook my hand. I still felt those sparks. Maybe being in the place where he is from will tell me more about those secrets he is hiding.
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