Chapter 4

1013 Words
Liya's POV I sat down in the room, playing with my toe. It has been day three, and I haven't moved out of the house; I was just locked up. "I just hoped he kept his promise," I whispered to myself. My phone rang, it was my boss. "Hey, when are you coming back?" he asked me. "I'm sorry, boss, I can't work with you anymore," I replied with my blurry eyes. "It's alright, you aren't needed anyway. All you do is chase my customers away," he said, hanging up the call. "I hate this life so much," I sighed, my door flung open. "Come on, Trevor is waiting for you, and don't keep him waiting," that was the same man who brought me here. I looked at him in disgust. "I don't want to see him!" I turned down the offer. "You mean you don't want to see him," he scoffed. "Get ready to be headed. I will be back in the next ten minutes, and make sure you are done," he slammed the door. I had no choice but to get up and freshen up. This time I will give him a piece of my mind. My door flung open again. "It is time, let us go," he said. I rolled my eyes, following him downstairs. I was surprised when he opened a library full of books. I was intoxicated by the books. He pressed a button leading to a, "OMG!!" escaped from my mouth. "Argh," sounds like torture, cutting his toe and hand. "Hell," I said, bringing my hands to my neck. "Oh, goodness, Lord have mercy," I whispered. "Lord," Zayn turned back and looked at me. "Lord," he scoffed. "Do you know I hate you?" I told him. "Do you think I care? If it were not for you being his pet, I would have brutalized you now," he grinned. "Demon," I said. We got to another door, I gathered my courage, seeing a lot of torment happening. "Come in," the deep, thick voice sounded. We walked into his office; he sat down like the ruthless mafia he was. "Leave us alone," Zayn nodded and left. "Now, today, I will be telling you more about the agreement you made, I stood still, looking like a soldier; my body was stiff. "Alright, you are my pet." "What is the meaning of being your pet?" I asked him, with my gaze fixed on him. "My s*x toy," he uttered without any change in his facial expression. "s*x toy!!! How does that sound to you?" I was furious hearing those words. "s*x toy, do I look like a toy to you, huh?" I asked him. "Look at me, I am a human like you?" I kept on talking. "Hello!" He didn't move an inch by what I was saying, only if I knew the danger I was playing with. "You are nothing but a coward, very ruthless," I said to him. "I'm not ruthless, okay, I'm Trevor," he said. I laughed out loud. "Trevor??? So?" "Don't my name alone scare you, huh? Answer me." "Nope, not a bit, Trevor," he angrily slammed the table. "Don't make me do what you won't like?" he said. "Do it, let me see what you do, huh?" I challenged him. "Do you know one thing I despise?" He stood up. "I hate being challenged," he moved closer to me, grabbing my cheek. "Now, f*****g respect me," he said with a harsh tone. "You deserve no respect; you are nothing but a coward." Before completing the word, I received a hot slap. "Ouch," I winced in pain. "Do I need to teach you some manners?" he asked me. I gripped my cheek tight. It was so painful and painful. "Now say sorry, or I'll teach you how to say sorry." "I won't say sorry," I stammered in fear, a part of me wanted me to be dead. "Hmmm, interesting," he touched my hair, playing with it. "I love it when you dare me." "Don't make me deal with you," he said. "Deal with me in what way?" "If I deal with you, you will regret it," he grinned his teeth at me. He went back to sit down. I didn't stop but I wanted to make him understand what he was doing was so wrong. “You are powerful now. What if you become powerless, what will you do? I demonstrated with my hands “You just need to have some human feelings, that's all. And I'm not interested in being your pet,” I told him, folding my hand and glaring my eyes at him. "Now take your face away from me, Zayn!" he yelled, and he entered immediately. "Lock her up with no food or water for a week," he nodded, dragging me like a prisoner. "Lock me up, I did nothing wrong!" I groaned in pain. "You need to learn how to behave when you are with my master," he said into my ears, dragging me away. He pushed me into the room, slamming the door. I went down and cried for the first time in my life. I wished for death, but it didn't come. I stood up, banging the door. "Let me go," I cried. I turned back to my bed after screaming; I saw a G-string on my bed. I angrily took it and threw it outside the window. "How will Castiel feel?" I looked for my phone; he was my boyfriend, and I had not spoken to him for some days. "My phone," I said, dragging the bedsheet, scattering the pillow on the floor. "Where is it? It looks like I was already going insane, "they took my phone," I went and dragged the mirror, shattering it to pieces. I screamed. "My phone!!!!!!! That was my life," I went towards the doors, banging it again. "Let me go," I coughed out due to how stressed I was. "Everything will be alright, calm down." I tried calming myself down, but at this point, I knew I was insane at the moment.
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