
Mafia Trevor: His Pet

enimies to lovers

Liya is a young, free-spirited girl whose life takes a huge turn, from being a waiter at a cafe to being forced to c***k a deal with the devil himself, Trevor King, just to save her father from the clutches of the mafia lord.

Will this deal lead to the beginning of something beautiful? Will Liya be able to survive Trevor, or will he completely ruin her?

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Chapter 1
Liya’s POV I poured soda into the cup, my mind wandering back to the day my mom died of cancer. Two years had passed, but the pain still felt like a fresh wound. My dad had been struggling with alcohol addiction ever since she left us. "Hello, young lady!" The customer's voice snapped me back to reality. I overfilled the cup, spilling soda all over the counter. "Oops, I'm sorry!" I apologized, but she just glared at me and stormed out. “Oh, my goodness,” I whispered, walking out of my post and going straight to change into my casual wear. I hailed a taxi and went home directly. I opened the door, messy as usual, but something didn't feel right. My father's phone was on the table, and he wasn't there along with his wallet. My heart was beating fast, and I stood at the entrance, seeing his phone and wallet; his wallet was like his life. He never abandoned those at all. While scanning the sitting room, I saw a suspicious note on the table. I hurriedly rushed to see the note beside it. "È scomparso, trovare lui!” (meaning "find him") My heart beat fast, tears began to flow from my cheek. “What's all this about?” I asked myself as I sniffed my tears. “Nothing must happen to my dad,” I sniffed my tears. He is all I have left ever since my mom left us for another world. How will I cope? I stood up, calling his favorite friend on his phone. I had to switch my tone and speak in Italian. “Ciao, buonasera, hai potuto vedere mio padre?" (Hello, good evening, have you been able to see my dad?) I asked, sniffing my tears. “Oh, Liya, mi dispiace dire ti che tuo padre è stato rapito dai signori della mafia.” (Oh, Liya, I'm sorry to tell you that your father was kidnapped by the mafia ), he uttered on the phone, and my heart skipped a beat. “Mafia,” I stammered over the phone. I opened my mouth to speak, but he abruptly hung up on me. “Mafia,” I whispered again. I stood up in a rage as if if I saw him, I would crush him to death. I went into my room in a hurry, changed my clothes, and packed my hair in a ponytail, looking as if I was going to war. I went directly to my computer and searched for his location. “Where is the mafia house located?” I searched. Bringing it out, not downloading all the information for me, “Trevor, the mafia lord of the Bratva company in Russia, well known for his generosity, how he helps the needy…” I uttered. The news was portraying his good side and nothing more. How could someone so evil hide behind a mask of good deeds? I sighed. Just when I was about to slam the laptop shut, I saw his location. I hurriedly jotted it down when my laptop battery ran low. “s**t!” I stood up in anger and headed towards his house. “Taxi!” I yelled, and it stopped in front of me. “Do you know this place?” I showed him the location, leaning beside the other seat in front. “Yes.” “Can you take me there?” I asked. Without any hesitation, he drove off. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth, my anger boiling over as I struggled to contain it. “Jeez,” I saw another taxi passing by, each of them said no each time I asked them to drop me. Another one came, “taxi,” it stopped. I slid into the taxi, my tears blurring my vision as the scent of leather and exhaust fumes envrund me. “Madam, are you okay?” He asked me. “I'm not okay,” I said in frustration. “I requested to be carried to the mafia Evan house, but each time, the taxi drivers refused.” “Hmmm,” he cleared his throat, scratching his head. “I'm afraid I won't be able to carry you there.” He was about to unlock the door when I begged him, “Please, my father's life is in danger. Do this for me; it's already late.” “I have families at home; you are trying to get me killed.” “Killed?” I asked innocently. “Alright, you won't drive me near his house, just the street, and I will find my way,” I tried negotiating. “Alright, if you say so, but he has no street but an estate. I will drop you there, and you find your way,” he said. I nodded, and as the taxi hurtled towards Trev estate, my heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. Suddenly, the driver slammed on the brakes, and we skidded to a stop in front of a menacing iron gate. “We're here,” he growled, his eyes glinting with a warning. “Huh,” I said, losing a bit of confidence. “My money,” he asked. I immediately gave him some cash and got down. I looked at the big signboard stating, The “Mafia Estate”. I turned to look at the taxi driver, but he was nowhere to be seen; he disappeared instantly. I gathered all my courage and walked towards the gate, “saying welcome,” entering it. I kept walking down the tarred road; it was so silent and scary, the darkness and the creeping sounds of nature. While a car was coming at my back, with full light on me, I was in the middle of the road. He honked twice, but I ignored walking. His hand gripped my hand towards the back as I struggled. “Young lady, do you know who you are messing with?” He grinned his teeth. “Why should I care?” I struggled, trying to free myself. “Let go of me,” I matched his toe. He freed me because of the pain, and I started walking in a hurry. All of a sudden, there was a group of guys running after me. “Guys, hold her,” he commanded, and a group of guys came out and were all after me. A few minutes after running out of breath, I fell down, crawling on the floor, trying to get away. I turned my head to look; the man with his mighty muscles and the sound of his step gave me a doom beat in my heart. “I got you, didn't I?” He smirked awfully.

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