Chapter 2

1151 Words
Liya’s POV “Seize her,” he uttered, his face sparking with evil like the devil. “Selling her off will be better,” he smirked. “Uhh, don't you dare do anything!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as the boys began to handle me roughly, like a piece of paper. Screaming and proving stubborn, I heard something that frightened me, triggering my head back and making me keep quiet. It was a gun. Their master shot the gun into the sky. “Do you still want to shout, huh?” he asked me, like a little pet. My eyes were full of fear, and I couldn't help but stare. If I'm alive, I can find my dad. A shade covered my face and my mouth. I sensed I was being led into the car. I was being dragged out and pulled at the same time. I could hear a lot of footsteps. “Make sure she doesn't escape,” a voice said. “How dare she disrespect me, the second in command!” I could sense there was rage in him. “Should we kill her?” Those words made me feel shattered. I had fallen into the hands of the wrong men. How would my father feel when he comes back and can't find his beloved daughter? Tears were flooding my eyes, but I wasn't ready to let them down due to the blindfold. “No, I guess she should be killed by Trevor so she can feel a painful death. I won't sell her off,” he said, walking with them. The door unlocked, and I was pushed inside. “Liya,” a voice called me. The voice sounded weak and struggling. “We found her parading herself, she abused me, and she challenged you,” the voice said. “Challenge!” I asked myself in confusion. “Stop this lie!” I struggled with the words since my mouth was tied. “Loosen her mouth,” another deep, thick command. Instantly, I regained my speech. “Stop this bullshit. I never challenged anyone. I was on my own walking to see that so-called mafia, and you kidnapped me,” I gritted my teeth. “Don't you all have manners at all?” I asked. A lot of laughter sounded. “Manners, interesting,” the deep voice said again. “Liya.” “Shut up, you old fool. I'm about to kill someone, and then you're next,” the deep voice said. “Liya,” the voice said again, a loud groan. “Father!” I stammered. “Remove my blindfold,” I uttered. Instantly, I could see. My eyes scanned around the room, seeing human blood dripping, human flesh hung on the wall. I looked down and saw a human head looking at me. “Arrrggghhh Hhhhhhh!” I screamed until my mouth was tired. My heart kept beating fast. I saw an old man drenched in blood, lifting my eyes up, I was shocked. “Father!” I muffled the word, seeing a man holding a hot coal, placing it on the back of my father. I began struggling. “Let go of me,” I muffled those words again. “Something interesting is happening. Release her, Zayn,” a man of height 6'2", with black hair gelled backwards, sharp chiseled jawline, dark blue eyes, and inked fingers, hands, and chest. He was not too muscular but well-built enough to be intimidating towards an average-sized man, said. I could recognize all his psyche when my dad was in danger. My mouth was loosened. “Dad,” I stammered. I was surprised another hot coal was about to be placed on his back when I shouted. “You, Trev, don't touch my dad!” I screamed. I had seen him in the picture that was in. “No one calls me Trev. I'm Trevor, little girl,” he walked over to me. With the way I was short, I raised my toe, grinding my teeth. "I'm not a little girl." I looked at him face to face as we both stared at each other, his face giving me a deadly look. “Steven seems like your little child wants to lecture me,” he said, still looking into my face. “Do you think k********g is good, Trev?” he cut in. “Trevor.” “Dylan,” he went towards my father, who was sitting lifeless, and pointed a gun at his head. “Trevor!” she said. “Trevor, you should understand that k********g isn't good for a generous man like you,” I uttered. “Generous,” he smirked with his cold look. De Capo, Devo fare Quanto è? (My boss, should I do the needful?) The man who kidnapped me asked Trevor. Halt! He ordered. “She doesn't know who I am. Get me a man,” he ordered. One man stepped forward and kissed the floor as Trevor shot him, piercing his neck towards the other side. “Arghhh!” I screamed. “Now tell me, are you here to joke?” he asked me. I shook my head profusely. “Punishment for you. I will kill your father right in front of you,” he said with no human emotions. “Don't you have human feelings?” I yelled. He gazed at me with his cold looks. “I have no emotions!” “De Campo, you are wasting time. Let's eliminate her.” “Give her the gun to shoot her father,” he looked at me as the man handed me a gun. “Don't try to act smart,” he whispered. I looked at my dad, who was looking lifeless. He had already been tortured by these wicked men. While losing my hand, I asked, “What has my father done?” I questioned, and everyone laughed. I looked at their faces with hatred. “What has he done to deserve all this?” I began to cry. “My mother died, and now you want to take him away from me?” I didn't know when my emotions overwhelmed me. “I hate seeing tears,” he shot one of his men again. Trevor's face twisted in disgust, and he sneered at the fallen man. 'Weak,' he spat, his voice dripping with contempt that frightened me. This Trevor was nothing but a demon. My jaw dropped, and I took a step back, my eyes fixed on Trevor in disbelief. I couldn't process what was happening fast enough. “Your father is stealing from the Russian Mafia, and he needs to be dealt with.” My hands were finally loose. ‘Now take him?’ The man gave me the gun. I looked at my father, tears flowing down my cheeks. I needed to live with “I'm sorry, father…” with my eyes shut.
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