Chapter 34

1450 Words
"Hello?" Royle said, holding up his lantern. "Who's there?" A gentle nudge from behind nearly sent Misa stumbling. Her head began to buzz as thoughts of how to escape the situation flitted about her mind. She had to get Royle out of there, but how could she do so without blowing her cover and ruining any chance of ever earning Nisha's trust? Misa's throat hurt. Her vision blurred, but she squared her shoulders and approached him. They were still far enough apart that Misa had to raise her voice to speak to him. "I am the witch you're looking for," she said. Royle remained impassive, cautious. "You can come and get me if you want. But I want to propose a bargain." "Is that so?" Amusement laced his voice. The captain scanned behind her, and Misa knew he caught sight of the two figures by the fountain. He tensed but reverted his gaze back to Misa. "And why should I trust you?" "My name is Misa. Surely giving you my name amounts to something." Royle closed the distance, so swiftly that Misa almost took a step back. She glanced up at him, her stomach dropping when she remembered what she had been told to do. "I have to bewitch you," she murmured just loud enough for him to hear her. "She brought company," he remarked in the same volume. His lantern's light didn't reach the witches, and they were only dark shadows against the dull moonlight. He didn't know Nisha was here, Misa realised. "They want to kill you. You have to get out of here." "Bewitch me." A pang hit Misa's chest, knocking air out of her lungs. "Didn't you hear me? They'll kill you." "I have a plan." He gave her a smile. "Bewitch me." Rithian's presence pushed down on Misa, warning her to hurry. Misa took a moment to gather her wits, swallowing her fears. The darkness outside the lantern threatened to invade the corners of her vision. Misa had no choice. If she didn't bewitch him, Nisha would step in. She looked at the captain and began her spell. The strings of magic stirred, reaching for him. They tentatively touched his barrier, gathering the information they needed to transform Misa in his eyes. She felt the magic course through her, working to brighten her skin and flush her cheeks. Her eyes softened, filling with something akin to adoration. Her heart pounded so hard she could hear it pulse into her ears. The strings broke through his barrier, strong and thick with years. Misa expected them to disintegrate as they did when the spell was broken, but they coiled around him, trapping him under her command. A hand thudded against Misa's shoulder, and she looked up to see Rithian grinning with a hint of pride. "There, that wasn't so hard. I must admit it was a lot better than I imagined. You'll make a fine witch." Bile stung Misa's throat. She turned back to the captain, who didn't appear to be affected. She could still feel her magic entwining him, waiting for her to give him a command. "You know what to do," Rithian said. Misa's stomach coiled and twisted. She took a heavy step towards him. "Captain," Misa said, her eyes gleaming with tears. "Misa." His voice was soft. He looked at her with such tenderness that Misa's heart hurt. It hurt that it wasn't real. It hurt that she forced it out of him. And it hurt that he was so kind to her when she held the knife that would end his life. "I have to tell you something." Misa's muscles stiffened. She forced out her words. "What is it?" He took her hand in his, stroking her knuckles. The knife gleamed under the firelight. His fingers slipped under hers, transferring the hilt into his grip. Misa had no time to register what happened next. Before she could react, the captain had twisted her around and pinned her to his chest. The dagger pressed into Misa's throat, and Royle had her immobilised with an arm. All this had happened before the lantern he dropped hit the ground and exploded into wisps that disappeared into the night. Only the ethereal glow from the moon lit them now, casting dark shadows in every crevice. "Bear with me," he whispered against her ear. Then, he raised his voice. "Don't move or I'll end her right here." Rithian's eyes widened. "What?" She turned an accusing glare at Misa. "Did you break it off?" "I-I don't know how to." Misa allowed a tear to escape. She was just as confused, but her tears were of relief. She trusted Royle enough to know he had the situation under control. "Then why hasn't he been bewitched?" "H-he has." Misa could still feel her strings wrapped around him, but his mind acted by his own will instead of bending towards hers. How was it possible? "I ought to take all of you to the purgehouse." Royle pointed the dagger at Rithian. "How would you fancy a good beating, witch?" Misa couldn't tell if the hatred in his voice was only an act or if it had been genuine. He spoke with so much conviction and anger that Misa was inclined to believe he really despised witches. She tried not to let the doubt seep in, not when she needed to trust him. "You can't take me." Rithian sneered. "And I won't let you take the girl." She raised her hand, prompting the captain to press the blade against Misa. "Now, now, Rithian." Nisha approached, her dress grazing the stone path. "This has taken quite an interesting turn. We mustn't be brash." She forced Rithian's arm down. The captain tensed. A trickle of blood trailed Misa's throat, and she winced at the sting. "No," he breathed. His arm shook. Misa stopped herself from asking what was wrong. Something had snapped in the captain, and she feared that he would drive the knife into her at the slightest movement. "He's immune to bewitchment," Nisha explained, "Because he uses a protection spell." "Nisha," Royle gritted out. He released Misa and pushed her aside. She stumbled at the sudden change in balance, nearly falling flat on her face. "Oh, it seems my reputation precedes me." Nisha smiled, mockery escaping through a ragged mask of kindness. "What qualms do you have against me, I wonder." Royle's body tensed, bringing up the knife he still had in a tight grip, almost as if he was about to— "Wait!" Misa yelled. But Royle dashed forward, readying the dagger. His cap flew off, and he was in the air, leaping while bringing both hands to grip the hilt and drive it into Nisha. "Rot in hell!" Nisha remained where she stood. As Royle came closer and closer, her lips tugged into an amused smile, and her eyes glowed orange. Just before the dagger could puncture her throat, she grabbed Royle's wrist and pulled. A glowing hand rose to meet his chest, searing magic into him. Chants fired out of her mouth, and a pulse threw Royle back. He skidded on the ground until he reached Misa's feet, groaning and swearing. "Oh, heavens no." Misa sank to her knees, her heart clenching. She was so useless. So helpless. Royle was going to hurt himself if he didn't stop. She gripped his arm. "No, Royle! Are you okay? What did she do to you?" Royle shook her off. He bent his knee and pushed himself up. His breaths were ragged, and he rubbed his chest, where Nisha had struck him, coughing. "I'm going to kill you." Something had changed within the captain. Misa thought she was looking at a completely different man. Where had Royle gone? Who was this anger-filled character seething in front of her? He reached behind and pulled out something heavy that gave off a slight click. It took a moment for Misa to recognise it to be a pistol. Her mouth felt like a desert. He pointed the gun at Nisha, but the witch seemed unfazed. "Kill me?" Nisha laughed. "Do you know what's on your chest? Would you kill me if your heart were to stop as soon as you stopped mine? Go ahead, then. End me." Royle's finger shook in front of the trigger. His shoulders stiffened, and Misa knew he would fire the gun. And if he killed Nisha, he would die. She started towards him, but time seemed to slow down. "I'll see you in hell," Royle snarled. Misa was running now. She leaped towards him, stretching out her hand to push away his aim. A shot rang out in the air.
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