Chapter 33

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Misa paled. Her knees wobbled, but she somehow managed to remain standing. "Y-you're Nisha?" Nisha's lips curled into a smile that seemed almost motherly. "So you've heard of me. I'm not surprised." Misa shivered. She couldn't see any of the evil that Royle had told her about. Nisha reminded her of her own mother, and Misa couldn't imagine that the witch was capable of destroying villages, massacring whole populations in her wake. "H-how...?" "Rithian was kind enough to inform me that my sister's successor was looking to get into the market." Nisha stretched out a hand, and Misa flinched away. She stiffened when the witch patted her head. "I can definitely see Tika within you. Her magic runs strong in your veins." "Tika is your sister?" Misa shuddered at Nisha's touch. She wanted to step back, but fear paralysed her. "My dearest," Nisha replied. For a moment, her eyes flashed into something sinister, and even in that brief moment, it struck a fear so deep in Misa that she thought she had seen death itself. "But, enough about her. You want to learn how to bewitch?" "I only need to learn how to stop it before it starts." Misa's breaths were light, and she felt like she was hiding. From what, she did not know. "I already know how to read people to see which bewitchment spell is the most effective." Rithian coughed. "Enough chatter. Nisha will show you how bewitchment is done." Royle! Misa's heart skipped a beat. If Nisha was going to bewitch him...What were they planning to do with him afterwards? Surely someone as cruel as Rithian and someone as powerful as Nisha wouldn't just let him go. "No!" Misa blurted out. She tensed when Rithian's narrowed eyes glared at her. If Nisha wasn't here, Misa was sure Rithian would have hit her for that. "I mean, I already know how to bewitch people. I just want to know how to stop it when it starts without my permission." Nisha smiled. "Is that so? Then perhaps you can show me how bewitchment is done." "Me?" Misa swallowed a lump in her throat. It would be a better alternative, but she wasn't sure how Royle would react if he saw Nisha. Rithian scowled. "To see her poor excuse of a bewitchment spell over yours? Nisha, it's a waste of time. You're here, so you might as well show her how it's done." In a flash, Nisha's arm shot forward, and her fingers clasped around Rithian's throat. Rithian could only manage a surprised croak that cut off as soon as Nisha tightened her grip. Shock, dread, fear struck Misa's heart. Her eyes widened in disbelief. She hadn't even seen it happen. One moment, Rithian was sneering at her, and the next, she was struggling under Nisha's hold. "Are you telling me what to do, Rithian, witch of enchantment?" Rithian clawed at Nisha's hand. Her desperation and fear gave Misa no satisfaction. It was only when Nisha loosened her hold that Rithian could muster a raspy, "No," before being dropped to the ground. She coughed as she held her throat. Nisha beamed as if she hadn't almost killed her kind in front of Misa. "Now. Why don't we do that? You show me how you bewitch. I'm sure Tika's magic will be marvellous to watch." Misa could only nod, her throat too dry to produce any sounds. There was no way she'd survive such a vicious attack from Nisha. Not when Rithian, who was stronger than Misa, could barely catch her breath after the ordeal. "That's a good girl." Nisha grabbed a lock of Misa's hair, tucking it behind her ear. Misa stiffened, but the witch only chuckled. "Are you afraid of me?" Misa could only nod. "Good. Good. Fear is good." Nisha leaned forward, boring her eyes into Misa. It was only then that Misa saw how cold those gray eyes were. Despite her soft features and friendly smile—despite the achingly mother-like aura that cloaked her—Nisha could not hide the cold, cruel, murderous nature behind her eyes. Death was all Misa could see in those stormy grey clouds. "Rithian has prepared a test for you," Nisha said. "A purgehouse captain will come to the fountain in a few minutes. When he arrives, I want you to bewitch him hard enough that he becomes mindless. A few years of magic should do." Misa's heart pumped faster. She nodded, hoping that was all she had to do. Nisha let her smile turn into a cruel smirk. She pinched Misa's jaw, drawing her face so close that Misa thought they would end up kissing. Then, Nisha brushed her cheek against Misa's and whispered in her ear, "And when he's a lovestruck fool, I want you to drive a knife through his heart." "What?" Misa gasped, pulling back and falling to the ground. Her chest heaved, her blood pumped against her veins. Nisha's face contorted into ugly hatred. "Give him what he deserves, young witch. Those purgers stole so many of our sisters, purged them into the pits of hell, took our freedom. We're only returning the favour." Misa wanted to burst into tears. How had she gotten herself so tangled in this mess? She wished for it to be only a nightmare. Her heart clenched with so much fear and dread and hopelessness that she couldn't even fathom what colours were anymore. All she could see was blackness, dreary greys, and dull pictures of her dreams that faded into nothing. "You want me to kill him?" she asked, her voice wavering. Nisha clasped her hands together like a sophisticated noblewoman. "Of course. That's precisely why Rithian chose a purgehouse rat. It's only our luck that brought a captain into our trap. Our first move against the commonfolk happens tonight." Rithian, recovered, took a step forward. "So soon? But I thought we didn't have enough witches on our side." Nisha smiled. "Does it matter? The moment the royal council finds out that a purgehouse officer was killed by a witch in the streets of Harthem, they will wage war against all witches, and we will have no choice but to band together to survive. And when our own kind are inevitably executed, the rest will be inclined to join our cause." "But by Fariki's Ordain—" "Are you questioning me, Rithian?" That was enough to send Rithian into submissive silence. Nisha turned her attention back to Misa. "I've been told the captain was lured here with the promise of turning you in. Use this to your advantage, and you'll get your chance. You will kill him, do you understand?" Misa managed to stand, though her legs still trembled beneath her. Kill Royle. Nisha wanted her to kill Royle. She wanted to cry. Why did Royle agree to meet Rithian? Because of you, Misa realised with horror. No. She couldn't think like that. Royle would have agreed to Rithian's proposal even without Misa's involvement. Because his goal was to find Nisha, not to protect Misa. Nisha grabbed Misa's hand and placed a dagger on her palm. The cold hilt burned Misa's skin, and its weight was heavier than a pile of bricks. Misa wanted to drop it, to throw it as far away from her as she could. But, she had a dreadful feeling that Nisha wouldn't be happy about it, so she closed her fingers over the hilt and dropped her hand. "We'll be watching," Nisha said. "Right beside you, so if you fail to bewitch him, I'll step in. Now, let us go to the fountain." Misa knew her face would be as white as a sheet. She followed the two witches in a daze, almost tripping over the uneven stony path. A single orb of light illuminated the way, bright as if daylight itself had been captured and contained. The fountain came into view, silver arcs of water hissing softly. This had to be a nightmare. Please, let this be a nightmare. They waited. All was silent except the roaring gush of water. Then, Misa could hear footsteps approaching. Rithian reacted first. "He's here," she said. The orb of light flickered off, and Nisha turned on a lamp. Misa gripped the knife in a tight fist. A lantern danced towards them until he finally stepped close enough to be washed into her vision. Royle had arrived, and Misa had his life in her hands.
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