Chapter 4 - Trying to convince Sarah to stay.

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Sitting in her office in the Shadow International office building, Sarah felt completely out of place! She shouldn’t have come to work today, but the head office had that number as her current office, and the bulk of the case files were there. What if he walked in? What did he mean by "don’t leave me"? She got up and made coffee, walking over to the window to look out at the view, but she didn’t really look. Her mind kept going back to their conversation. “Hi. Sleep well? Well, Ant didn’t, and, from what Fiona tells me, neither did Matt. I wonder if Luc had the same problem.” Meg’s sudden appearance nearly gave her a heart attack, and she spilled coffee all over her crisp white shirt. When she turned around to look at Meg, she realized what she had done. “Oh, honey! Sorry." Grinning as Sarah threw her hands in the air. “It’s fine. I guess you could say it’s part of the job. I’ll just grab a clean shirt. I’ll be right back. What were you talking about the guys not sleeping?” Talking to Meg from her private bathroom where she kept extra clothes for the nights, she worked through the night, and needed fresh clothes in the morning. “Oh, uhm, oh, yes. It was so funny! Those bruises you warned them about. They kept the guys up all night because they couldn’t really sit or lie down properly!” Meg lied. “How do you know about Matt?” She asked, walking out of the bathroom, buttoning up her shirt, and when she looked up, Fiona was sitting right next to Meg. “I told her when she called me this morning to tell me you were leaving us.” She smiled. Sarah rolled her eyes. Facing him would have been a piece of cake compared to those two. “He called in the big guns, huh?” Sarah raised one brow. “No, he doesn’t know we are here.” Meg shrugged. Sarah sat down behind her desk, squinting her eyes at the two of them. “What are the two of you doing here then?” She waved her index finger at them. They had become such great friends that it would be a shame to leave. But she couldn’t just let go of her career for a couple of friends and a boyfriend! “She is here to tell you that we have a job for you.” Fiona pointed at Meg with her thumb. “What she said.” Meg pointed at Fiona with her thumb. Making Sarah burst out laughing! “And what is this job? Marry the poor bastard?” They sat and laughed. “Well, that would be a bonus, but no, we actually have an official job offer for you. Ant and I just thought you would take it better if us girls presented it to you.” Meg grinned. “But I already have a job.” Sarah sighed. “Yes, we know. But this one is better.” Fiona interjected. They were not going to let this go, so it was best she didn’t get on the bad side of a pack of wolves! “Okay, let me hear about this offer.” Sarah looked amused. LUC WAS UP EARLY, packing out the rubber duck and gear for the day. They were going out on the river. Ant called and told him to stay away from the pack grounds for the day, which was impossible to ask when he knew she was in the office building! Working… Something about Meg coming up with a brilliant idea late last night, and they didn’t want him interfering with his intense possessiveness… Like he was that bad! “Ready, dad?” Chris asked with one eyebrow lifted. “Yeah, where are your brothers?” Luc frowned. “Here.” Harold put up his hand, swinging his backpack over his other arm. “Here.” Blake held his hand in front of his eyes with his pack strapped on his back. “My beautiful boys. Your mother shines through in each of you, and I’ve learned over the years to appreciate that fact. Let’s get going. Rudi is clawing to get to the Jeep.” Luc grinned. “Eeeuuuwwww DAD!!!” Blake pulled up his nose as if he just smelled something bad. “What?” Luc shrugged. “We don’t want to know the intimate details of your future relationship, dad.” Chris grinned. “But I didn’t…” Luc threw his hands in the air. “Yes, so please keep it that way.” Chris rolled his eyes. They pulled the boat into the river and got in. They took on the white waters to camp out overnight. Luc had been promising them a camp out for a while. Ant and Matt and their boys would join them at the campsite later that afternoon. They hit the first rapids and the spray of the water hit his face, making him smile when he saw his kids working together to get them through. SARAH WATCHED THE TWO women closely. She could see the wheels turning and knew they had something planned. “I can’t just tell you about the offer.” Meg waved her hands through the air. “Yes, she couldn’t tell me either when she made me my offer.” Fiona laughed and Sarah hummed. They were definitely up to something. “We are going to show you. Come on.” Meg got up. “I can’t. I have work to do.” Sarah protested. “She already called your boss and told him you weren’t available today.” Fiona whispered. Meg was outside the door already. “No use in fighting it, girl. She usually gets what she wants. Ask me, I know.” Fiona rolled her eyes as if she wasn’t enjoying every moment of this torture. “Meg! Wait! You called the Director?!” Sarah hastily made her way out of the office to catch up to them. “Yup. He really is a great guy. He said Brandon is doing great on that side. He is even thinking of promoting him.” Meg looked proud. “Don’t change the subject!” Sarah frowned. “She’s a sharp one, this one,” Fiona whispered on Meg’s other side, and Sarah waved her arms in the air. “Can I at least know where we are going?” She sighed. “Nope. You will see when we get there.” Meg’s face was so serious and straight you would think that you were about to get fired, not offered the job of the century. When they got outside, Meg’s town car was already waiting and drove them into town. He parked at the little town square that Sarah loved to think about but would never go to on her own. She slid out, following the girls as they walked to a small restaurant on the square and took their seats. “What? Am I going to be a waitress?” Sarah laughed as Meg ordered wine and cheesecake. “It’s nine in the morning!” She exclaimed. “You haven’t tasted this combination,” Fiona said, as if having wine in the morning was a normal thing. Sarah sighed and sat back in the chair, giving up trying to figure out what the hell was going on. The sea breeze blew in and the smell of the ocean was incredible. This place really was a gem in the middle of this bustling city. The fact that it hadn’t been overrun by modern-day society was impressive. “This square has been the hub of life since I was little. It was my dad’s idea for wolves to live here and have normal human lives if they chose to.” Meg looked out at the ocean view, and Sarah took a deep breath. “When I returned from the city and reclaimed my territory, this was the first public place I visited after being isolated from the world for so long. I decided that this square would stay this way no matter what it took or what it cost. Ant and I make sure that these businesses are taken care of.” Their wine and cheesecake arrived, and Sarah took a bite of the cheesecake. Fiona was right. It was delicious, but when she took a sip of the wine, she felt like she just tasted heaven, if it was a flavour. “You do realize that agreements signed by drunk people are null and void!” Sarah pointed at them as if they were thinking of getting her drunk. “Silly woman! We aren’t alcoholics!!” Fiona said, acting offended. They enjoyed the view and the food and wine in silence until the bill came and Meg paid. Meg looked at her after the bill was paid. “We built this city around this square because this is where we met. Just around that corner, in fact.” She pointed to somewhere on the beach, and a soft smile crossed her face before she looked in Sarah’s direction. “When something is this special, you do everything in your power to keep it safe. Shopping!!” Meg shouted out of the blue, giving Sarah a fright. “Yay!!” Fiona clapped her hands together and they got up. “I still haven’t heard anything about this job offer yet.” Sarah insisted. “Patience, hun, patience. First, we'll shop.” Meg grinned. THEY HAD JUST PUT UP the tents when the others arrived. “Perfect timing!” Blake whispered to his brothers, rolling his eyes. “Be nice. Hi boys. Guys.” Luc reprimanded him before greeting the newcomers. Everybody said their hello’s and made themselves comfortable. Since the revealing ceremony, Blake had been at odds with Christiaan and Ant, and Luc thought it would do the boys good to spend some time together. They each had a strong personality, and it was best to sort out their differences under supervision. “Is she staying?” Luc eagerly asked. The guys laughed at him. “We don’t know yet. Chill. Meg and Fiona are on it. She will stay.” Ant laughed. “Let’s concentrate on getting these boys sorted out.” Matt pointed at Christiaan and Blake had already squared off. “Boys! How about a run? Hmm? I think you need to run off some of that steam you seem to be blowing out your ears for no reason.” Ant started off the trip. “THIS IS RIDICULOUS! We shop for suits and dresses and even bikinis! Then I’m dragged off to a lingerie shop!” Sarah thought to herself. “You two are insane! I’m not going in there!” Sarah shook her head, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. “You have to. It’s part of the tradition. Part of the job. Come on.” Fiona shrugged. “What? Is the job to be a stripper?” Sarah couldn’t help but laugh this time, imagining herself hanging from a stripper pole in a dark nightclub somewhere. When she was finally allowed to leave, after Meg insisted on some purchases, they got back into the car with bags full of stuff that the driver loaded into a black SUV behind them. “Okay, what torture do you have planned next?” Sarah sighed deeply. “You will see,” Meg said, with a spark in her eyes. Sarah rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. Whether she decided to stay or not, Meg was going to make it her mission to show Sarah what it felt like to have a family and a home. Even if it killed her! When she called Fiona that morning, she had already planned most of the day. Thinking back to how they started as a pack, as best friends. Fiona was thrilled at the idea of taking a stroll down memory lane. That first time Meg took Fiona and the ladies to shop for the pack house. That was the first time she felt as if she had a real friend, as if she had a family. Fiona and Meg were planning on taking her to buy everything she could need for her apartment. From bedding to actual cutlery. If she decided not to stay, she would just have to learn to move with more than one box. Arriving at the furniture store was a first for them, and they had to play it by ear. “Fiona, that couch Matt bought… Then you replaced it. Which one was it?” Meg looked around the store. “What are we doing in a furniture store?” Sarah panicked and Fiona rolled her eyes. Fiona knew she was going to blurt it all out. “Buying you furniture.” She cringed slightly. “But I don’t need furniture. I live in a furnished apartment.” Throwing her hands in the air. “Uhm, not anymore. Meg had them move the stuff out.” Sarah looked around the shop and found Meg grinning at her. “What?!!” Sarah almost sounded hysterical. “Did I forget to mention it?” Meg tried to act innocent. Sarah’s face turned bright red instantly and, without another word, she stormed out of the shop. “Uhm, that wasn’t supposed to happen.” Fiona put up her finger in the air, looking stunned. They looked at each other and then ran after Sarah who seemed to be trying to catch a ride. “Sarah, wait! Stop, please. Listen.” Meg called after her. “She invaded my space and had the furniture removed from my flat without consulting me, then decided to abduct me, so she could buy me!!” Sarah mumbled under her breath. “This was a mistake! I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” “Sarah, please. I didn’t mean to offend you. I was trying to show you something.” Meg shouted, and Sarah turned around to look at Meg. “What? That I can be bought? Just like everyone else in your life!” As soon as she said the words, she regretted them. For a moment, silence fell between them and Fiona held her hand over her mouth, standing to one side. “You know what, after what I did to you… I deserved that. I’m sorry. That was not what I was trying to do. If I made you feel that way, I apologize, that was not my intention.” Meg looked sad. “No, I’m sorry.” Sarah sighed in frustration. “This is too much! Why? Why would you do something like this for someone like me?” “That’s an easy answer. I… We were trying to show you what a home looks like. The job offer was to work for Shadow International. To do what you do, but for us… As part of our family. I thought… We thought if we could show you what it would feel like to have a home here with us…”
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