Chapter 20 - I do.

2338 Words

Walking down the aisle, a video starts playing on the screen in the front of the hall, showing pictures of the day. Sarah had prepared little gifts for Luc that Matt had to give to him each hour as the time got closer to the wedding. Everyone got to see his reaction each time he opened one. With each little gift, there was a note telling him about the gift. When she reached the end of the aisle, the last picture came of a little pink car with a note. “This is your last chance. Here is your getaway car. It’s now or never.” It made everyone laugh, and Ant took his place as the officiator at the wedding. “Well, on that note, Luc? Are you taking her up on her offer?” Ant looked amused. “Nope, she is stuck with me.” Luc pulled the little car out of his pocket, handing it to Ant, making every

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