Chapter 17 - Secret plans.

2507 Words

Walking into her office, seeing Britney’s smiling face standing at the ready with her cup of coffee, Sarah couldn’t help but smile. It felt like when they were working on Fiona’s case. If this was what home felt like, she didn’t want it to end. WTF!!! These people had turned her into a people person!!! “I need to go to the bathroom quickly.” She kissed Luc on his cheek and hurried to the public bathroom, not realizing it would raise suspicion. “MOON!! MOOOON!!” She opened a tap so she could see if time stopped. The water stopped running and a puff of blue smoke appeared. “Yes, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Moon frowned. “Everything! I’m lost!” Tears started welling up in her eyes. “I told you this would happen.” A tear dropped on her cheek. Moon rushed over to her, taking Sarah in her arms.

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