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XAVION MIKHAILOV I am looking at the man who has the guts to steal from me and then denying the accusation saying he hasn't done anything wrong. He is looking so smug as if I can't do any s**t to him. However, he doesn't have any idea how wrong he is to assume that I will let him go so easily. There is a reason why I am the King of all Mafia organizations because I can easily recognize when someone is lying just by looking at their eyes. A liar can mask their facial expression but eyes can never lie. So, it's pretty easy to see through people who think that they are doing a great job in hiding their real intention. Yet, it's fun to watch them try to outsmart me because then punishing them becomes more interesting for me. Many people think that I don't have the patience to control my anger as I like to kill my prey without showing any sympathy. But I think I am doing them a favor by killing them so easily without torturing them because not everyone is lucky enough to be killed by me. Actually, I am extremely picky when it comes to torturing someone. Because I don't like to get my hands dirty all the time and also I have so many skilled men to do the torturing so why waste my precious time on some cheap scoundrels. I get up from my throne-like chair before rounding the desk and stop in front of the fucker who is now sweating a lot. The game hasn't started and here he is already showing his weakness. I take out my phone from my pants pocket and scroll down to the picture which will be enough to shake his world. "Just before you came here I received a photo of a beautiful young girl who I think will look good at my bed all tied up and giving me pleasure with her little body. What do you think, Dominic?" I ask while showing the photo and the horror in his eyes is enough for me to trap him completely in my game. "Boss, why are you wasting your valuable time on her when you can have more beautiful girls? I am telling you, she won't be able to satisfy you." He replies trying to sound confident but the quiver in his tone is giving him away. "Naah, I think she will make a good pleasure thing so you don't need to worry. If she doesn't know anything I will teach her in my way. Because sweet little thing like her need to be tested by me." I smirk while licking my lips looking at the photo. "Listen to me, I will get you as many girls as you want. Give me one day and there will be 100 girls lining up in here." He replies in a desperate tone making me arch my brow at him. "Why are you so against me having this girl? Do you know her personally?" I ask as if I don't know the truth already. "Me? No, no I don't know her. I have never seen her before." He answers in hurry. "Then go and pick up the girl from her apartment. Take two guys with you so that you won't be having any trouble bring her to my mansion." I order while looking at him in the eyes. His eyes widen before he shakes his head in denial. "I have other works to finish so I can't go right now. I will get her tomorrow." He says while standing up from his place to leave the room but before he can do that I swiftly cut the middle of his neck with my Knuckle Duster Trench Knife. He tries to stop the bleeding by pressing his hands on the cut but it's futile as my aim is always perfect. He drops to his knees while looking at me with hatred as if I give a f**k. "You should know one thing that I hate liars and on top of that, I hate when anyone tries to save themselves while putting their family in harm. You shouldn't have lied to me about not knowing your own bloody sister." I growl and punch him in the jaw hard. It doesn't take long for him to die while bleeding profusely. I call my secretary and order her to send two of my men to clean the cabin. I leave the company building following by four guards before getting inside my car. I order the driver to take me to my club 'Devils Zone' which is a high-earning nightclub in Luxembourg. It's also very popular among the youngsters so it's always crowded. Soon the car stops in front of the club and I get out before walking inside. As the owner of the club, I don't need to go through the security process. When I reach the VIP section I find my little brother Noah and my best friend Matteo who are already sipping wine. I sit down across from them on the couch and pour a good amount of wine in a vacant glass. "Принял ли этот ублюдок свою вину?" Noah asks in russian. (Did the fucker accept his fault?) "Нет, но он получил по заслугам за то, что солгал мне." I reply taking a sip from my drink. (No, but he got what he deserves for lying to me.) "Черт возьми, братан. Вы могли бы подождать, пока я его помучу." Matteo whines making me roll my eyes. (Damn bro. You could have waited for me to torture him.") "You have more important works to finish so you better concentrate on them. By the way, when is the next shipment of the guns?" I ask not wanting to talk about unnecessary people. "It will reach the warehouse by tomorrow evening. But I have gotten to know that someone is trying to get the guns before us." Matteo replies with anger evident in his voice. "Calm down because anger won't solve anything." I let out before turning to look at Noah who is already on his laptop. "I want you to track down the bastards who have the nerve to put their nose in my job." I order and take out my phone from my breast pocket when it keeps ringing. "WHAT?" I bark in annoyance without looking at the caller ID. "Bubba, I am scared." I curse myself when I hear the timid voice of my little sister's over the phone. "Why are you scared, Bella? Tell me and I will make it better." I reply in the most gentle tone I can muster. Although I care for my family but my little sister is the only one who gets to see my caring side because for others I am the most dangerous person to walk on the earth till now. "There is a beast inside my playroom and it's going to bite me." I shake my head when I realize that she again snuck into the playroom when she is supposed to be sleeping in her bedroom. "May I know what are you doing in the playroom at this hour?" I ask. "Umm, I came here to take Mr. Turtle with me." She replies cutely which I can't help but smile. "Okay, I think I have a solution for your problem." I answer. "What is it?" She asks eagerly making me chuckle. "I am going to call Miss Irina and she will come to take you back to your room. Wait a minute sweetheart." I inform her while dialing Miss Irina's number from my other phone. "Hello, young master. How may I help you?" Miss Irina asks after picking up my call. "Isabella is in her playroom. You go there and get her into her bedroom. Also, don't leave her room till she falls asleep." I order strictly. "Yes, master." She replies and I cut the call. "Bella, your caretaker is coming to get you. But you have to promise me that you won't come to your playroom at night or I will tell Mom about it." I let out with a sigh because Mom is the only one who can control Bella's naughtiness. "Please don't tell mommy anything or she will not let me play here. I am promising you I will never snick up during bedtime." Bella replies over the phone. I talk with her for some more time before her caretaker come and take her back to her bedroom. "You are so cruel big brother. You talk so softly with Bella but when it comes to me, your mood takes a complete u-turn." Noah remarks like the baby he is. "She is not as annoying as you are and also you are too old to compare yourself with a baby." I retort while Matteo burst into laughter. "She is not a baby anymore." Noah replies with a huff. "If I am saying she is a baby that means she is a baby." I put the now empty glass on the table in front of me before getting up from the couch. "Aren't you going to enjoy the night with a hot chick?" Matteo asks. "I am not in the mood tonight." I reply and leave the two there. After getting inside the car I order the driver to take me to the mansion. I look at the quiet road of Clervaux which is the most luxurious and heavily guarded town in Luxembourg. This place has been my permanent home since I have become the Mafia King six years ago. I always wanted to be the Mafia King since Dad explained to me the meaning behind the title. As the firstborn I was destined to be the leader of the Russian Mafia after my dad's retirement. But I refused to accept the leadership because I had already made my mind to become the Mafia King. People think that I am cruel but they never tried to see the hardships I have to go through to be the man I have become today. I haven't gotten anything handed down in gold or silver platter. Everything I have gotten today is because of my own capability. So I don't know why people try to mess with me. I have never satisfied with small things and that's another reason for me to desire the title of Mafia King. It has taken a lot of training and experience for me to earn the title. But still, some people haven't accepted their defeat and constantly try to prove that I am not fit to be the King. I have not been made a king in just to lose my temper when a drastic situation occur. That's why those fuckers can do whatever they want. Because when I will set my foot on the field, I won't be giving anyone a chance to play. The car stops in front of the million dollars mansion which is built only for the king and queen. But it will never going to have a queen because I am not going to settle down with a single person when I can enjoy different women every night. I am not ashamed to admit that I am a womanizer and like to spend my nights with different girls. The entrance door gets open by my butler Graham who takes my blazer from me. He offers me a glass of water which I take and then order him not to disturb me and also tell him that I am not having dinner tonight. I walk up the stairs and reach my bedroom which is the forbidden area in the mansion. Only Graham comes here once a day to clean the room. Everything in my room is very expensive and they are from different parts of the world, perks of being the wealthiest man in the world. I may bring different girls in the mansion but they never get to be inside this room. Because like every person I also like to have privacy. Also, they are not worthy to being inside a King's personal space. They are mere sluts for me who provide me the pleasure I want from them. That's all they are for me, and always will be. Although my mother want to see me getting married but alas her wish won't be fulfill in this lifetime of mine. I walk inside the huge closet where my clothes and other things are neatly organized in different sections. I put my wallet and gun in the locker before taking off my clothes. I throw the dirty clothes in the laundry basket before going inside the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a relaxing shower I wipe my body with a towel and start brushing my teeth. I wear cotton pajama pants before walking into the bedroom and lie down on the bed to catch on the much-needed sleep after the hectic day. Also, I have to get up early in the next morning because I have to go to Moscow where a new shipment of guns will be signed. But I don't think I get much sleep because I hear harsh knocking on the door making me grunt in disapproval. I open my eyes and look at the bedside clock to see that it's only 4 in the morning. "Boss, wake up. There is an urgent matter only you can handle." I hear Matteo's voice outside the door. I groan before getting up to open the door to give him a piece of mind. "You better have a good reason to wake me up so early in the morning." I growl in anger. "Boss, Mr. Cabello wants your help." Matteo replies making me confuse because why the Spanish Mafia leader is here in the first place and secondly he only visits me when there is a meeting regarding the delivery of guns. "What kind of help?" I ask. "His daughter is missing for a few days so he thinks she must be kidnapped by the human traffickers." Again I get confused because I thought he doesn't have any children since his wife died right after their marriage. "What's the name of his daughter?" I ask out of curiosity. "Rosalind Cabello." He answers. "Hmm, interesting name." I mumble under my breath. "There is one more thing that you need to know." He says while I wear a t-shirt which is lying on the couch. "What else?" I ask walking out of the room. "She has autism." I stop dead in my track because first I didn't know Rafael has a daughter and now I am getting to know that she is autistic too. "Are you f*****g serious?" I let out turning around to face him. "Unfortunately I am not joking nor do I think Rafael is joking too because that man is looking clearly frightened out of his mind. I have never seen him so devastated in the years I have known him." He replies making me release a sigh. "Fine, let's go and see what happened exactly." I tell him.
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