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The next morning, Adrian was sleeping peacefully. He turned around and tried to hug Hannah when he realized her skin was burning. He immediately woke up and saw Hannah's pale face. All the memories of last night came into his mind when he saw her devastated state. There were bite marks everywhere on her body, dried blood in between her thighs, his fingerprints on her butts, thighs, arms, and around her neck. She had swollen lips and bruise marks on her cheeks, bite marks on her chin & jaw, and belt marks all over her body. He himself got shocked at his cruelty. "f**k! Look what have you done to her in your rage!" Adrian cursed himself. "What had gotten into me yesterday night. How could I behave like a bloody monster! I had never behaved like this before. This girl brings out the worst in me but the thought of her leaving me made me go insane. I don't know why but I can not think of a moment without her. Why the hell have I gotten obsessed with her."  He immediately called the doctor and ran towards the kitchen to get some ice, a bowl then took out a handkerchief from his drawer; dipped it in the bowl, and put it on Hannah's head. He also made her wear his shirt to cover her body. The doctor came after fifteen minutes and got horrified after looking at her condition. He checked her and understood what would have happened to her but didn't say anything to the monster. The doctor handed over some medicines to Adrian and asked him to take good care of her. "Her condition is not good. Please take good care of her. If the fever doesn't go down by evening, I will have to admit her to the hospital. Call me immediately if her condition worsens", the doctor said to Adrian. "Hmmm.. Okay", Adrian replied and again looked at Hannah who was lying there unconscious. He went closer to Hannah and hugged her tightly. He sat beside her and put the cold water-dipped handkerchief on her forehead. He kept on repeating the same process for hours. It was around 4:00 pm in the evening when Hannah's fever got down and she finally opened her eyes. She got scared when she saw him standing so close to her. She tried to move back immediately. Adrian understood her reaction and said softly by lowering his eyes, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Please calm down." She got startled by listening to his soft voice for the first time. He was genuinely looking guilty but still, she didn't want to be near him after yesterday night's events. So, she turned her face towards the other side and started staring at the window blankly. He immediately got up and called the maid to bring food and medicines for Hannah. He made her sit and put pillows behind her back to give her support. Soon, the maid entered the room with the tray full of food.  He asked her to put the tray on the table and served the plate for Hannah himself. Then he went near her, sat beside her, and put the spoon full of porridge near her lips. He wanted to make her eat by himself but she got startled by his gesture. "Is this man bi-polar? How can he behave so nicely with me all of a sudden and what does he expect that I would eat from his hands? NEVER!", Hannah was thinking about this in her mind when Adrian called her name and she realized he's still holding the spoon full of porridge in front of her.  She immediately turned her head in the other direction and told him that she's not hungry. Though she was dying to eat food as it was more than 24 hours already that she ate anything. Adrian got a little angry and warned her not to make him angry. "Hannah eat your food right away. I know you're hungry and your body needs food to recover. Don't make me angry, otherwise, you know the consequences", Adrian said with anger rising in his eyes. He knew she will not eat from his hands so he played his trump card to make her surrender. And it worked! Her eyes got big once he warned her. She immediately opened her mouth and Adrian made her eat everything one by one that was there on the plate. Once she was full, he gave her medicines and made her sleep again. Hannah was not able to understand his behavior. Is he really regretting what he did? No, he is a devil, a monster. He can never feel guilty about anything. I am sure he has some other motive behind this care. After contemplating for a while, Hannah dozed off to sleep.
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