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Natalia’s POV I knew. I knew the moment Magnus told me to accompany him to the party that it wouldn’t go well. There something will happen, and the results will be devastating. But I didn’t know that I would be trapped in something like that. I should never have followed that message and stayed with him. My one mistake and I don’t even know what is going to happen next. I miss my baby, Xenia, Magnus, and my family. I miss them. When I tried to call Magnus from the washroom, the door burst open, and I was standing in front of a woman holding a gun in my face. I asked hesitantly, “Who are you?” But before I got any answer, I felt a terrible smell and everything was dark. After that, when I opened my eyes, I found myself here. In this room, I was tied to a chair and the same woman was sitting on the bed in front of me. I turned to her angrily and asked, “What the hell do you want from me?” She finally finished her food, which she had like a turtle for the last one hour, ignoring all my questions, and stood. I asked again, “Just untie my hands.” “I will”, she said, coming closer to me and continuing, “but first you have to promise that you will not try to escape from here.” Listening to her, I was sure that it was none other than Theo. Because if she wanted to hurt she would have done that already. But no, she is calm, patient, and relaxed like she was following orders. But I am not going to agree with whoever she is. I told her firmly again, “I am not going to stay here. I will go back to my family.” I completed it, and that girl was shocked. Probably thinking why I am declaring Magnus my family after the atrocities and the pain he has inflicted upon me. She was about to open her mouth when I heard a loud and raspy voice that could frighten anyone, but at least not me, “They are not your family, Nats.” I turned to the door and found my brother, who was the prime suspect in Sophia’s murder of Magnus. I murmured, “Theo?” He was looking at me like I was a lost child whom he had found after a decade. I had no one in my family after the murder of our parents except him. He was always there for me whenever I needed him until I went to Paris for my studies. But after that, everything changed. He changed. He never called me. I was the one who called him, and he was never interested in talking to me. And now, out of nowhere, he is back like he is the only person who cares for me in the world. I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t realize it when he came and sat in front of me on the chair. His voice took me out of my thoughts when he asked, “How are you, little sister?” “I am fine.” I replied plainly and looked at the woman behind him and asked, “Ask her to untie me now.” Theo looked back to whoever she was behind him and then turned to me, saying, “No until you agree to come back with me.” “What?”, I almost yelled, hearing him. ------- Magnus’s POV As soon as we heard from the nanny, we took Xenia to the hospital. Seeing her lifeless in my hands, I was terrified. I was afraid of losing her. I was worried that I was going to lose her too. I was so hurt that my hands started trembling. Thankfully, Andrew was with me. He helped me with Xenia and drove us to the hospital. Since then, we have been in the hospital and waiting for the doctors to be done with the checkup. But I don’t know why they are not telling us anything. Andrew and I were eagerly waiting when I saw the doctor coming, and I ran to her, “Doctor, how is she?” She looked worried. She took a long breath and started saying, “She is not fine, Mr. Wales. The child is not in a good condition, and she is crying continuously. She does not even have milk. Please tell me, did she have any previous illness?” I thought for a while and replied, “No, there is nothing like that. Even me and my wife had no such conditions which she might inherit genetically.” “Then it is a serious concern, Mr. Wales. Because we have run plenty of tests and still didn’t find anything.” She concluded, making us more worried. I looked at Andrew, who held my shoulder, stopping me from losing my temper, and the doctor continued, “We are trying our best. By the way, where is your wife?” That’s how I suddenly remembered Natalia. I totally forgot about her. I was about to say, “She-” but Andrew interrupted and said, “She had some emergency, so she was not at home when everything happened.” “Ohh, I see. I suggest you call her as soon as possible, Mr. Wales. She could help with calming down the baby. A child needs her mother most at this time.” she advised, making me more worried. I know she might be fake, but her love for Xenia is not. I know she loves her. She bore everything for her. “Yeah, we will.”, Andrew replied on my behalf and the doctor left. Once she was out of sight, I found Andrew looking at me. His eyes were filled with questions and what I was thinking came out of his lips, “Magnus, where is Natalia?” I was shocked to hear from him that I had hidden her somewhere. I almost yelled, “Are you out of your mind that you are thinking I know where she is?” I was about to open my mouth again, but Andrew beat me to it. He said, “Magnus, now just keep your stupid logic and ego aside. It is not about you, it’s about Xenia.” He was silent for a minute and asked calmly again this time, “She needs Natalia. Now tell me, how did you know that Theo was coming?” “I have my sources.”, I said, looking out of the window. He got closer and held my shoulder. He was looking into my eyes and ordered, “Then, call your sources and ask them to search where he is currently. Because, till now, we haven’t received any call for ransom, which means Natalia could be with him.” “We have to bring her back.”, He continued, and I replied, “They are already doing that.” “Good.”, he commented. We were silent for a few minutes until my phone beeped, and I read the message. “Oh my God.”, I swore and Andrew walked towards me asking, “What happened?” I looked at Andrew and showed him the message saying, “They are leaving the country in a few hours.” “Then what the f**k are you waiting for? Let’s go.” He said and we both ran from the hospital to get Natalia back.
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