Chapter 10

1032 Words
James I looked down at Eva. She was staring at me, her mouth slightly open in obvious surprise. I chuckled. "Aren't you going to invite me in?” I asked. Then I held my hands up in surrender. "I promise I don't bite", I said with a straight face. She gave a small laugh and shook her head. "I'm sorry. You just surprised me. I didn’t expect to see you. Come on in.", she held the door wide open. She was wearing shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun. I wanted to reach out and touch her. But I held back. Soon, I promised myself. Soon, I’d do more than touch her. I’d have her bare in my arms. I walked into the living room. There were books scattered all over the couch and table. But besides that, the apartment was spotless. It looked lived in and pretty. The chairs were brightly colored and the curtains that hung over the windows were a pretty shade of lavender. I liked it. It looked much better than mine. "So what are you doing here?", she asked me. I turned to see her standing against the wall staring at me, her eyes hinting at a bit of suspicion. I walked up to her and I saw her eyes widen. I loved having this effect on her. I leaned down and spoke softly, " Do you like ice cream?" She smelled like honeysuckle. Sweet. Unconsciously I took a step forward so that I was almost touching her. She froze and nodded her head in answer. I took her right hand in both of mine and gazed down at her. She curled her fingers away from me tugging at her hand. "What are you doing? ", she breathed. Damn. I could kiss her right now. With my right hand I slowly uncurled her fingers and rubbed slow circles on her palm, with the pad of my thumb. She trembled and looked away. " I'm just trying to calm you down. You look a bit tensed.", I replied, grabbing onto any opportunity at all to touch her. I didn't want to scare her, but I couldn't stay away. I needed to touch her. Feel her skin underneath mine. "Come out with me.", I said to her. She looked up at me, debating whether she should or not. I stepped closer and backed her up against the wall. " I know you want me, Eva.", I whispered and winked at her. She had looked so frightened. But when I said that she scowled and pushed me away. I laughed and leaned towards her. My hand caressed the side of her face. "I'm only doing it for the ice cream", she said with a frown. I laughed again and moved back to let her get her coat. She slipped it on and I took her hand. She looked at me surprised. I pulled her along with me outside her apartment. I didn't let her go. She didn't protest, and I smiled. We walked over to the nearest ice cream parlor and placed our orders. I loved the chocolate flavor, so I ordered that. Whereas Eva picked out hazelnut and cream. While we waited in line, I tried my best not to stare at Eva and make her uncomfortable, but I failed miserably. She caught me staring at her twice and blushed profusely. I had to smile when she turned her head away, trying not to make eye contact with me. I still held her hand though, so I tucked her palm more snugly in mine, squeezing it softly. It made her turn to me again and this time I smiled at her. After the guy at the counter handed the ice cream over to us we walked out. I looked down at her and saw that she was deep in thought. " What are you thinking about?" I asked her. She looked startled and shook her head. "Eva." I stopped walking. " What's wrong?", I asked worriedly. Did she not like me? Did I assume too much? She looked at me with something akin to fear in her eyes. " It's nothing," she said. " Just some stuff I have to do." Then she smiled trying to reassure me. I sighed and let it go. We talked the rest of the way back. She told me about her parents and her roommate Zoe. I told her about my childhood and about Drake. She laughed when I described some funny situations I'd been in. God. I loved her laugh. I stared at her , mesmerized. She noticed me and abruptly stopped. "Sorry.",she muttered. "What for?" I looked at her surprised. " You have a beautiful smile, Eva." She looked up at me and blushed. I chuckled at her reaction. I loved it. We walked up the stairs to the apartment. I didn't want to let her go. On reaching her door she turned to me and smiled. " Thanks. I had fun.", she said. I gazed at her. " Me too.", I replied, and grinned. "Goodnight then." she said softly and turned to close the door. I cleared my throat and said," Eva ,I need to ask you something?" She stopped and looked up at me. "Sure." I rubbed the back of my neck. I was nervous. s**t. I never get nervous. "Um, are you seeing someone?", I asked awkwardly. She furrowed her eyebrows and said," Like a boyfriend?" I gulped and shoved my hands into my pockets. I simply nodded. Then she did something that surprised the hell out of me. She laughed. I froze and stared at her. " I'm sorry," she choked. " It’s just that the idea itself is so absurd." I frowned. She took one look at my face and stopped laughing. " No James. I'm not seeing anyone." I relaxed and smiled. But her next words shocked me. " And I like it that way." My smile faded. Then I smirked. "We'll see about that, Eva." She stared at me wide eyed. I chuckled again and wished her good night.
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