Chapter 11

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Eva I closed the door and leaned against it. What was wrong with me? I couldn't react like this to him. I smiled remembering the tingles I felt when he took my hand in his. Then I shook my head. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. He was cute. Scratch that. He was sexy and cute. But he definitely wasn't my type. No one was for that matter. He had girls fawning over him and I refused to be one of them. I am just a friendly neighbor. That's all. I crawled into bed and pulled the comforter over my head. Sleep came soon. James After dropping Eva, I went over to Drake's apartment. I knocked at his door and he answered immediately. He nodded to me. "Let's go.", I said. We made our way down the street without drawing any attention to ourselves. The streets were almost empty at this time of the night and the street lamps cast eerie pools of light at intervals. I was glad I had worn my leather jacket. It was freezing cold. We reached the warehouse in the interior of the town. Our informant was waiting at the entrance. He looked nervous. Drake and I walked up to him. He glanced around to make sure we were alone. Drake was ex - military and owned a gun. He had it on his person. It was a safety precaution. I stood in front of the man. It helped that I was several feet taller. " Hopkins." I nodded at him. " I have news." , he croaked. " Go on." I said. " He's back. He arrived this morning. He will be staying for a while. I found the key to his files." "Hand it over then.", Drake growled. I extended my hand not taking my eyes off him. He froze and looked between the two of us. Reaching into his pocket he removed a silver key and placed it on my palm reluctantly. "Now where's my money?" , he asked. I signaled to Drake and he pulled out a large envelope from his coat. He tossed it to the man. Hopkins grunted and caught it. I turned away. "We'll be in touch.", I called over my shoulder. And then we stepped into the darkness. We went back to Drake's place. Drake looked troubled. He turned to me angrily. " How the f**k do you know that he's not lying?", he growled. " If the information we have on him is leaked, Arroh will kill him. And he knows that.",I shook my head and responded. " We just need to get more dirt on him, Drake. Then this nightmare will be over." I rubbed my eyes. He glanced at me and relaxed slightly. "The bastard will suffer James. We'll make sure of that. " I nodded my head at him. He pulled me up and handed me a blanket. "Go to sleep," he ordered. Then frowned and said," You look like shit." I chuckled," If I did then we'd be twins, buddy." He punched my arm and I laughed. "Thanks, man." , I said to him sincerely. "What are friends for?", he called over his shoulder as he took his coat off. I rested my head on the couch and soon drifted off. Eva I awoke early the next day and cleaned up the apartment. I took out the laundry and did the dishes. It was Zoe's birthday the next week. I had to go gift shopping for her. I had finished clearing up the living room. I tended to scatter my books on every possible surface. So, I stacked them up in neat piles on the table. Zoe and I shared the reference books that we required for classes. Today was Sunday. Zoe wanted to go see the movie Avengers that had been released a week ago. I was a big fan of Captain America. So, it didn't take much to convince me. Dave had already purchased the tickets. It was the afternoon show. I was going through the mail that had arrived, when Zoe stepped into the room. She gave me a sleepy smile and yawned. Then she walked over to the couch and stretched herself on it. In a few minutes she was sound asleep again. I looked over at her and smiled. I went and got a blanket and placed it over her. She mumbled something incoherent and went back to sleep. It was just eight in the morning. The show was around three o’clock in the afternoon. I decided to wake her later. I went to my closet and pulled out a pair of leggings and a flannel shirt. I grabbed my towel off the stand and stepped into the bathroom. After having a hot shower, I got out and decided to make breakfast. I fried two eggs and a bit of bacon for myself. My stomach growled. I hadn't had a proper breakfast in forever. I took a bite of the bacon and swallowed. That's when my phone rang indicating that I had a message. James. I ran out of the kitchen trying to locate it. It was on the bedside table. I was already smiling like an i***t. I opened the text and read it. Open your front door. I frowned. Front door? Was he here? I smacked my head. Of course, he was. He lived opposite to us. How idiotic could I get. I hurried to the door and paused, trying to catch my breath. I didn't want him to see me all flustered. I breathed once. Twice. And then I pulled the door open. My breath caught. He was leaning against the door post grinning down at me. His dark hair was tousled and messed up. He smelled of coffee and muffins. Then he leaned down and kissed my cheek, "Good morning". My skin burned where his lips touched me. "Morning.", I croaked. Smooth, Eva. Very smooth. I cleared my throat and stepped aside letting him in. He chuckled and stepped in. "Sleep well?", he asked. I nodded my head. "What about you?", I managed to say it without croaking this time. "Not so good.", he said with a serious expression. I looked up at him. "What happened?", I asked. "Late night.", he shrugged. "Oh.", I replied when he didn't explain further. We were now in my kitchen. "That must be Zoe.", he said, looking at her sleeping form through the hallway. I hummed a response and poured out orange juice for the both of us. I handed him his glass and he thanked me. When I turned around to look at him I realized that he was already staring at me. I lowered my gaze and sipped the juice. "Do you have for today?", he suddenly spoke. I shook my head, "Um, we are going to a movie this afternoon. Zoe, Dave and me. " He looked disappointed for a second. "Why don't you join us?", I asked hopefully, trying not to seem too obvious. He immediately brightened up and nodded. " I'd love that." He said. Great. Now I have to deal with him for the rest of the day. I sighed. I was in trouble.
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