New Clothes

1152 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to abuse!] {Margo’s POV} She picked out an outfit for me, and I quickly went to put it on. I pulled on a lacy black bra, then a knee lengths tight, maroon dress. It clung to my curves, and accentuated the fact that I was actually curvy. The dress hung in a deep V, and had a small slit up one side that went up to my mid thigh. She had me put on some panty hose, then gave me black high heeled boots that went to my mid calf. The dress was long sleeve, and I felt beautiful. My makeup was done up so that way you couldn’t see my black eye and busted lip, and my eyelashes looked so long and beautiful. I gasped at myself in the mirror, and smiled. She walked over, pulling my hair around and fluffing it up. It framed my face beautifully, I hadn’t realized how long it was until now. It hung down to my butt, and laid in beautiful curls. “You look so beautiful!” She said, standing back and looking at me. “Those dumb boys won’t know what hit them!” She smiled, before grabbing the bags that had night gowns, lingerie, and pajamas in it. With those last few bags we were completely done. I got three new pairs of shoes, and lots of clothes, hair, and makeup products. We made our way back out where the boys were standing and I stayed behind her. “What’s the matter?” She asked as we got closer. “What if they don’t like it?” I asked, keeping behind her as to hide myself from them. “They love you for you! They’ll love this outfit too!” She said before moving out of the way. The boys turned to me, and their eyes looked like they would pop from their heads. “I knew you were beautiful, but I didn’t think you were this beautiful!” Mikey said, walking over and smiling down at me. “How do you feel?” He asked. “Embarrassed..” I gulped, as their eyes were all on me. “Does it really look okay? It’s not too much?” I asked, looking over to Angelo. “Angelo?” I said softly. “You look beautiful bambina.” He smiled, a genuine smile. “Angelo just looked happy! Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!” Serena said, laughing. Marco turned around and shot her a funny look. “That’s because Angelo actually likes her!” He laughed. “Don’t be mean to her! She was so nice to me!” I said, looking over at Marco. “You be nice!” “Yes princess, whatever you say!” He said, bowing down in front of me. I rolled my eyes. “You really know how to make a girl feel special!” I shot at him, giggling. I looked over, seeing Damon frozen beside Angelo, his eyes haven’t moved off of me. My face heated up, and I knew it was turning red. “What’s wrong bambina, you’re beginning to resemble a tomato, are you sick? Is it your ribs, are they hurting again?” Mikey asked, placing his hand on my forehead. I shook my head.. “No.. I’m fine.. well they do still hurt, but not so bad right now. Only when I take a deep breath, or get squeezed by one of you giants!” I laughed. “What’s wrong with your ribs?” Serena asked, looking down at me. “Oh.. I have a couple that are broken..” I said softly. “And you’re carrying those heavy bags! Give those to your brothers!” She said swatting at me. I giggled slightly. “It’s okay, not the first time I’ve had broken ribs, I can handle carrying bags!” I chuckled, but no one else did. “What do you mean, this isn’t the first time you’ve had broken ribs?” Marco said, his eyes on me, and his voice deadly serious. “I just meant.. I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have.. I shouldn’t have said anything..” I looked down at the floor, I clutched the bags until my knuckles went white. “I’m sorry Marco..” once again, I was back to being terrified. My heart began beating faster, and with each breath my ribs felt like they were breaking again. I winced at the pain and dropped the bags. I gripped my ribs and stumbled slightly right into Mikey. He held me steady, and looked down in concern. “Hey, hey, it’s okay bambina, just breathe!” He said, kneeling down beside me. “She’s having a panic attack, and has two broken, and one fractured rib. She can’t breathe!” Angelo walked over and lifted me, he carried me to a chair and sat me down. He looked in my eyes, and began breathing slowly and calmly. I looked in his eyes, and gripped his hand tightly. I nodded, and began trying to mimic what he was doing. I sat up, unable to slow my breaths, my ribs ached. “f**k!” I panted out, trying to catch my breath. Finally after a few long minutes I began to calm down, my breathing going back to normal. “I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” I whimpered over and over again looking at Angelo. “It’s okay Princess.. it’s not your fault. None of this has ever been your fault, David is gone now, he can’t hurt you anymore!” He said, a chill to his voice. I nodded. “Good.. that bastard deserves the worst!” I said softly. “I.. I hate him.. I f*****g hate him!” I cried.. looking into Angelo’s eyes. “I.. I’m sorry..” I said softly. I took in a few short breaths and stood up. Feeling much better than I had before, just very tired. I turned to look at everyone, Marco and Mikey were looking at me with the most worried expressions I’d ever seen, while Serena looked concerned, and Damon.. he looked angry. “I’m so sorry everyone.. I think I need to go home and get some rest. I am so sorry that you had to witness that.. and I hope you never have to again.” I looked back at Angelo, once again he saved me. “Let’s get you home Princess, we’ll come back out tomorrow and we’ll take you out to dinner. We’ll have a whole family night, for now, you need rest.” He said, picking me up and carrying me. “Thank you Damon, and Serena for all of your help. We’ll let you know when we can all hang out again.” He said turning and making our way out of the mall. Marco and Mikey followed behind us with my bags.
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