Going Swimming

1130 Words
{Margo’s POV} We made our way back down the stairs and giggled as we ran into the doorway between the kitchen and dining room. I turned to see my brothers, Damon, and Carter all talking. “Oh, where’s Brianna and Kara?” I asked. All of their attention turned towards Serena and I and my brothers looked angry, while Damon and Carter both eyed me up and down. “They stayed home for now, they had some work they had to finish up, but they’ll be here later for the movie!” Carter said, smirking at me. “Go change!” Mikey said, clenching his jaw. “What?” I asked, looking at him confused. “Go changed, that swimsuit is completely inappropriate!” He said, this time a sharper tone behind his voice. I looked over at him, then turned to Serena who was in a tight bikini. I turned my attention back to Mikey. “No, I’m good, I like this one, it makes me feel pretty!” I said, turning and locking arms with Serena. “I told you to go change!” Mikey yelled, snapping my attention back to him. Angelo looked at Mikey with a warning glare. “Mikey, she’s fine, let her go!” He snapped. “But she’s practically naked!” He said, a tone in his voice that kind of ticked me off. “Excuse me, but if I go change then I’ll be switching suits with Serena!” I snapped back. His face paled before he turned back and huffed. “Never mind!” I turned back and began walking with Serena. “Do you know where the pool is?” I asked, looking at her. She nodded and lead the way, we made it in and soon were joined by my brothers and Damon and Carter. They were all in swim trunks, and seeing how toned and muscular Damon and Carter were I couldn’t help but stare. “Hey sis, watch this!” Silas yelled as he climbed up on top of a diving board. He jumped up, and did a beautiful dive into the pool. I clapped and smiled as he swam back up to the surface. “That was amazing Si!” I smiled. I walked over to a chair and took off the shirt that I was wearing over top of my swimsuit. I sat down in the chair and decided I would just watch everyone else swim. Soon everyone was in the pool, except for me and Serena. “Alright, my time to shine!” She said, standing and walking to a higher diving board. She jumped up, did a flip and dove into the water. I cheered and smiled from my seat. “That was amazing!” I yelled. I felt wet hands grab ahold of me, lifting me to my seat and carrying me to the edge of the pool. Mikey was holding me tightly before saying, “Hold your breath!” As he began to toss me. “Wait! Mikey I can’t..” I started, but I had already left his arms. I landed in the water and began to sink to the bottom. I began trying to pull at the water to get back up to the surface, but I just bobbing in the water. Soon I felt strong arms around me, and I was being pulled from the water. I wrapped my arms around their neck, and my legs around their waist and as we got back to the surface I took a deep breath. I could hear Mikey frantically speaking. “I’m so sorry sis, I didn’t know you couldn’t swim!” He kept repeating. I hugged tightly to the person holding me, my legs trembling around their waist, and my hands clasped around their neck. My face was in the crook of their neck, and I was panting heavily trying to catch my breath. “Are you okay Margo?” I could hear him speaking, his hard chest was rumbling against mine. I pulled back looking into Damon’s eyes, his beautiful light brown hair sticking to his face. I nodded, and found myself trembling more as I realized who was holding me. “You’re shaking..” he said, and I felt his hand graze my waist, and back softly. He moved us to the shallow end and i quickly unwrapped myself from him. “I’m okay!” I said, smiling nervously. “Just fine! Sorry I should have told you guys I can’t swim, but I wasn’t expecting to be thrown in!” I laughed softly. Everyone went back to what they were doing, and I backed up to the edge of the pool, turning and leaning against it. My heart was still beating loudly, his hands were touching all over me.. and my legs were wrapped around his waist. The hold felt so much more intimate now, and I just kept trying to regain my composure. I heard someone swimming up behind me, I turned just in time to catch Angelo beside me. “You okay bambina?” He asked, concern all over his face. I nodded. “Just catching my breath is all!” I smiled, and tried to act composed. “Here..” he said grabbing each one of my hands and pulling me away from the wall. “Now, kick your feet.” He explained. I did as he said, and kicked my feet, he pulled me through the water like that for a minute before letting go. I stood up and watched as he swam, he put his arms out in front of him and pulled back. I watched for a minute, then tried it, I followed his movements and soon began to swim. It was slightly clumsy, but I was able to do it. “There you go! Now you’re getting the hang of it!” He smiled. “Now try to go under, just hold your breath, and do the same thing you were just doing.” I nodded and held my breath, going under the water and swimming, I was really swimming. I pushed myself back up to the surface and stood up. I smiled at Angelo, before I heard a gasp behind me. “What happened to your ear?” Carter asked. I reached up cupping it, I felt the jagged edges. “It was a long time ago.. I don’t really remember.” I smiled at him. My brothers knew that was a lie, but I didn’t want them to know too much about what David had done to me. I dove back under the water and began to swim again. Being in the water, I felt weightless, and free. Something I hadn’t really felt in a long time.
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