The Periarch-2

2036 Words

The Periarch's gaze returned to Selene. “You don't know you can trust me, but I haven't killed you yet, and you're the one who came to me for help. We can go our separate ways if you prefer. It doesn't make much difference to me.” “That's not a very empathic thing to say.” “Isn't it? Perhaps you're confusing sympathy with empathy. Just because I can pick up your emotional states doesn't mean that I approve of or appreciate them.” “Are you saying you don't approve of us?” “Honestly? I think you and Ondo are dangerous. You goad Concordance, and you put everyone trying to live peaceful lives outside their control at risk. You stir up trouble constantly, make people take risks to fight back. So, no, I don't approve.” “Why are you here, then? What's your other reason for agreeing to meet u

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