The Periarch-1

2035 Words

7. The PeriarchThe Radiant Dragon and Surtr's vessel materialized together for the forty-ninth time on their exodus through the stars. Two weeks had passed by since the recovery of the Dragon. Both ship and Ondo were repairing well. There had been no sign of Concordance pursuit, despite longer and longer waits at each terminus point in normal space. Eb still hadn't emerged from his slumber. They'd left him alone, although Ondo visited every day, mainly to gaze in wonder and, occasionally, to shake his head in disbelief. The faraway gaze that was often on his face at such times told Selene everything she needed to know about what was going through his mind. He retained his childish wonder at the universe around him. She hoped he always would. There'd been no word from the nanosensor array

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