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Emma's POV: The streets became familiar very quickly, this place looks good as well. I think I can easily get adapted to this town. I feel great today because my day started with having my dad by my side. He makes my day. Toda Levi didn't join me. Maybe he left a bit early. I think I should get his number. I got into the school, it looks a bit crowded today and I hear few murmurs as I entered and few girls giving me weird stares. They are making it obvious that this is something related to me, but I avoided all those people. Levi came running towards me. He is looking at me with an expression I fail to understand and looks at him confused. "Did you heard anything?" he asks. what? I don't know so I simply answer him "No". He said me to avoid groups and girls. Why is he behaving like this? I didn't understand. "What happened?"I ask him. He stuttered to answer and the bell rang. We both walk to our respective classes. Everyone staring at me in the room as well. That black hair girl is shooting daggers at me, I wonder I wonder did I offended anyone in any way? No, I guess. Anyway, I ignore these people as well the same way I ignored everyone back there. That green eye boy smirked at me. I gave him an awkward smile not knowing how to respond. He leaned to my seat and said "I thought you will bump into me today as well." I look at him wide-eyed, seriously dude? I rolled my eyes at him. Soon the classes started. Half of my day passed with all those stares. It's time for lunch, I'm walking to the cafeteria, got blocked by 3 girls, you know like the popular bitches in the school? I turned to the right, got blocked again, I turned to left and the same happened, I'm losing my patience. I don't want to deal with this now. I Look straight into her eyes. "What do you want?"I asked. She didn't speak, none of them. I puff out air. "What?" I ask a little bit louder. "Don't you dare to be with Liam, Don't Play your stupid games with him. It's a warning" she said and walked away without even hearing me out. Liam, who? why do I want to be with him? I sighed, it must be a misunderstanding I found Levi already waiting for me, I walked towards him with my food tray. I put down the tray with a thud. I am feeling unpleasant and my actions clearly show that. "Have a chill, black widow" Levi said. I look at him being annoyed. "What happened?" he asked. "Who is Liam?"I ask. His face change expressions in an instant, he looks worried and a little scared. "Liam who?" he asked me in return. "Levi, I'm asking one last time who's Liam? I don't have much patience to play along" I said with a harsh tone. He gulped. "If you don't give me the answer I will yell out his name loudly"I warn him. "Ugh, calm down. Don't threaten me, Liam Is.. "he stopped his sentence and looks around. "Yeah, the guy who is at the opposite table of ours" he pointed to a checks shirt boy. I look in that direction "the green-eyed boy?"I asked. "Yeah" he nodded feeling less interested in him. "What is with him?"Levi asked. "I don't know, some girls stopped me in a mid-way and warned me that I should stay away from him"I shrug my shoulders. "I wonder why?"I said. Levi tried to avoid my glance, making it obvious that he knows something which I don't. "What is it, Levi?"I asked. He sighed "okay, even if it is not through me you will eventually hear of this sooner or later, it would be better through me," he said and leaned towards me. Levi's POV: Today when I reached the school, I heard people talking about Emma being Liam's girlfriend, she's trapping him and she's just another girl who can't help but fall for his charms, She will become his ex soon and so on. Why did this happen in the first place? these rumors are Just spreading like a wildfire, I can't stop them but at least I can try to not let this news pass to Emma. When I saw her in the corridor this morning I was glad that she still didn't hear the news. I don't know why but I feel like protecting her, I got this urge of protecting her. Knowing how Emma is like, I don't want to see her hurt or maybe cry? she's not a weak girl to cry right? But now it seems inevitable, she will hear the rumor soon even if I hide now. "they said that you are trapping him, you are trying to be his girlfriend and so on," I said.,her immediate reaction is she broke into laughter. She even earned a few stares, I didn't expect this to be her reaction. She controlled her laugh. "What made them think like that?"Em asked. "I heard that you bumped into him in the corridor, I heard that he held you in place to not let you fall, that's when the rumors started, "I said. She j nodded with an 'ooh' "You aren't hurt?angry?" I ask her. It is the first time I have seen a girl reacting like this to a rumor, Maybe she really is a bit different. Em'sPOV: "Why would I feel hurt for such baseless, senseless rumor? I don't even know him let alone get attracted or love him"I replied. Levi let out a relieved sigh. "I thought you will be hurt, it is good that you are still cool," he said for which I smiled. "Liam is like the hot guy on the campus type, prince charming, blah...blah...blah" the way Levi said this made me laugh again. "Just be careful while you are around him, I have heard that few girls who loved him went missing and some transferred schools," he said. I rolled my eyes at him "Don't try to scare me" I said. I peek at um...Liam right? He looked at me with a small smile. Levi said that it's a Physical Education class for everyone now, but Lev and his friends will be practicing basketball because they have a match soon. We did exercises and played for almost 2 hrs I guess, our couch gave me the PET room keys and asked me to carry the stuff to the room. I agreed. it's in the corner of the corridor, everyone left, I walk towards the room. Placed the stuff neatly and turned it back. out of blue, the room turned dark, some boys entered the room and bolt the door. "Who are you? I asked them. They look at each other and shared a sly smile. Sophia's POV: How dare the new girl love someone who's mine, who belongs to me. It's been just a few days and she already eyed my man? I can't let her go easily, and a lesson need to be taught. So that next time she will be scared to even look at him. Poor kitten.
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