2002 Words

CHAPTER FIVEBy the time they had reached their first Port in West Africa, which was St. Louis in Senegal, the Marquis was forced to admit that, surprisingly, he had enjoyed every moment of the voyage. It had been, as he had predicted, extremely rough in the Bay of Biscay. But far from being seasick, Shamara kept him and Charles laughing. The Marquis thought that he had forgotten how the young had a joie de vivre that was all their own. It was certainly very different from the flirtatious glances of the beauties who he had travelled with in the past. Then the conversation had been very witty, but inevitably on the same old theme. Every word spoken had an innuendo that the Marquis knew after a time would begin to pall. He was thinking now that none of the women of whom he had been ena

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