1872 Words

She waited, almost as if she expected her parents to answer her directly. Then, as if they had done so, she was smiling as she climbed into bed. ‘You would have enjoyed all this, Papa’ she said in her heart, “and you were right – I must take one step at a time ‒ and neither look back nor forward – but live in the present.’ She turned out the electric light beside her bed which was an innovation in The Sphinx and, she thought, very impressive. In the darkness she threw out her arms, touching each side of the wide bed. ‘I am here – I am safe – I am free,’ she sighed. “Thank you – thank you, God, for being so – wonderful.’ * The Marquis entered the Saloon for breakfast, but there was no sign of Charles although Shamara was sitting at the table with a plate of eggs and bacon in front of

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