Chapter 9-1

1004 Words

Chapter 9 Lance As Lance readied himself for bed that night, his thoughts were still on Milton Randle. He couldn’t put a finger on it, but something about the man made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He was more than a casual threat to the Dwyer Ranch. Lance wasn’t sure what, but he knew in his soul Milton would pull something. It was time to kick Operation Newlywed into high gear. And so what if it meant spending more time with Wade? That wasn’t why he was doing this. It was just an extra fantastic bonus. Yeah, he knew he was bullshitting himself, but he relegated those thoughts to the back of his mind. He’d taken his shower first this evening and glanced at the bathroom door as he slid under the blankets. Knowing Wade was only a feet away and naked was driving him crazy. L

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