Book Review: Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire


Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire novel tells us a story about Lilith Smith, whose seemingly loving and loyal boyfriend, Ahern Miller, cheats with her stepsister, Maggie Lake of the Lake family. The Lake family has befriended the Miller family both personally and professionally, and Lilith is not the real daughter of the Lake family.

Instead, the Lake family in Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire is the billionaire family who takes care of Lilith’s grandmother. However, Lilith’s pain over losing her boyfriend gets more intense as she hears Maggie Lake, her stepsister and also her sworn enemy, is pregnant with Ahern’s child.

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As a result, Maggie can’t marry other men. So, Lilith should be the substitute bride to Mr. Gene Miller, the disabled, poor, and illegitimate son of the family. To make things worse in Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire novel, Lilith and the priest who should bless the marriage don’t get to see the groom until the end of the wedding ceremony.

Lilith is shocked to find that Gene Miller’s face is so handsome like a Greek God. Another surprising fact about Lilith’s new husband is that he is Ahern’s uncle.

Part 1: Meet The Characters Of Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire

Lilith Smith

Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire Lilith

Lilith Smith, the main female character of Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire, doesn’t directly become a substitute bride. Instead, it all starts after she figures out that her long-time boyfriend, Ahern Miller, cheats with her sworn enemy and her stepsister, Maggie Lake of the Lake family.

Lilith is a beautiful woman with an alluring figure, innocence, and a kind heart, and only Gene can see through this woman’s facade. Throughout the chapters, I can see that Lilith is more than happy to ditch Ahern and start her new life as Gene’s bride.

The Miller Guys

 Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire The Miller Guys

There are two Miller guys in the Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire novel. The first Miller guy to be introduced in the novel is Ahern Miller, Lilith’s cheating boyfriend who constantly finds excuses to cheat on Maggie Lake, the woman who has stolen Lilith’s belongings since the two were still children.

Then, as we read the Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire book, we also know another influential guy in the Miller family. Gene Miller, Lilith’s new husband, is another Miller guy. His disability and poor-like appearances help him disguise his role as Ahern’s uncle.

Maggie Lake

Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire Maggie

When we first read the Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire novel, we know that Maggie Lake is the cruel sister to Lilith. She has stolen Lilith’s belongings, from the toys that her grandma has given to her since the two were still kids until her long-time boyfriend. After all, Maggie is known to seduce so many guys and had already got two miscarriages.

Maggie is also pregnant with Ahern’s boyfriend, which further infuriates Lilith. Plus, she is so keen on getting rid of Lilith, just because Lilith isn’t a real daughter of the Lake family, that she forces her biological parents to make Lilith marry Gene Miller, whom she regards as “the loser”.

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Part 2: Story Of Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire

Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire Novel

Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire follows a story about Lilith Smith, a woman who is already involved in a relationship with Ahern Miller. Lilith herself is from the Lake family, the billionaire family that has bonded with the Miller family, a fellow billionaire family in the Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire.

Everything seems perfect and Ahern himself seems like a loving boyfriend to Lilith, until she sees with her eyes in a hotel that Ahern betrays her by cheating with her stepsister and also her sworn enemy, Maggie Lake. From there, Lilith proceeds to break up with Ahern and ignores Ahern’s pleas and excuses in getting back to her.

As we read through the stories in Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire, we also know that Maggie tries to provoke Lilith by disclosing her status as the orphan whom the Lake family decides to take care of, and also mentioning that she’s pregnant with Ahern’s baby.

That way, Lilith is forced to marry Gene Miller, a man from the Miller family whom she doesn’t know many things about him.

Later on, it turns out that Gene Miller is Ahern’s uncle. It doesn’t take long for Lilith in Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire to get fascinated by Miller’s Greek God-like appearances, and the two are more than ready to teach Ahern and Maggie some hard lessons.

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Part 3: The Author of Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire

 Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire by Lucida S

Lucida S is the name of the author of Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire. When I look at the author’s name, my mind thinks of two possibilities: 1) It’s the author’s real name, with “S” being the abbreviation of either her middle or last name or; 2) The author is trying to abbreviate some parts of “Lucida Sans”, one of the font types in Microsoft programs.

However, it is not a surprise for me if the number 2 becomes the reason for such name choices. Lucida Sans is one of the most essential font types in Microsoft, and it explains the experiences that Lucida S has had on the Dreame platform. When we read the author’s bio, we know that Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire is the first novel that she writes.

She addresses Dreame as “Stary” in her author bio. Dreame itself is a part of Stary Pte. Ltd. company, and we’re proud to have Lucida S on board with her Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire. Even though Lucida S is a pretty much new writer on the Dreame platform (she only has 49 visitors and five followers at the time of this written article), we witness her talent in writing.

Until now, Ms.Substitute N Mr. Poor Billionaire has got more than 1,000K views. Today January 5, 2023, marks the date of the novel’s most recent update. I’d hope for more romance novels published by the same author.

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