Chapter 4


Chapter 4 Dana rolled the stroller back up the driveway. She was lost in thought about a conversation she’d just had with her mother as she pulled Jef out and folded it up. Boo bounced at the end of the leash and started to tangle herself around Jef, bringing Dana out of her reverie. She took Boo off the leash and ordered her up to the porch then she picked Jef up with one arm, hoisted the stroller with the other hand and walked up herself. She stowed the stroller in the corner of the side porch, up under the eave, where they usually kept it, then opened the door. Boo bounded inside and ran right to Hannah and Morgan who were sitting at the kitchen table with papers spread everywhere. Hannah was facing the door. Morgan turned around to look too just as Jef managed his way over the low s

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