Chapter 3


Chapter 3 Sunday Afternoon Morelville, Ohio Dana had Boo on a leash and Jef in the stroller, ready for a Sunday morning spin around the block while the weather was still dry and holding at a decent temperature. They were held up in the driveway though because Jef threw a little bit of a hissy fit when he spied Dana’s wife Mel loading her niece Beth’s dirt bike into the back of her pickup truck. Dana tried to push him on past Mel’s truck but he wasn’t having it. He was fascinated by anything with wheels and the bike was of interest to him whenever it was out, moving or not. While they were watching Mel and Beth strap it down, a car slowed out on the State Route and then turned ever so slowly into the driveway. The young woman driving swerved to Dana’s side when she saw the truck being l

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