Chapter Ten In which she was added to the clique. - [Ross Pagette Monstine.] “You were about to run, weren’t you?” I shook my head, but I did not bother replying. I am sure my lips would have been shuddering to even reply to her. Page knew me well enough that I do not usually join such a setting. If she was not even here—or if Matthias did not look a puppy—I would have easily declined. Sitting at a table with a few influential people does make me nervous. Even if our family has its own strength, it isn’t enough to compare to Kingsleys—or Ambrose, for that matter. Then again, I would hate it more to be stuck in my art room, looking at things that are plaguing my mind. It was worse being in a room filled with art that I had made, rather than sitting across from that very person on the canvas. There was hardly enough time for me to feel guilty when I could feel the sweat from my armpit from the passing second that I spent sitting at this table. “How are you holding up with the draft?” Page asked, c*****g me a brow. I knew that she wanted to check on her piece, as she had been texting me non-stop. It made me feel like I had asked her for a favor, and she needed the favor badly. “It had been a week, Ross. You do not usually take that long to finish a project.” That part is true. While I did have art pieces that took a week, it was larger than the canvas that I was working on. I honestly did not know what was wrong with me. Trying to finish the portrait of Page and Ryder felt so hard, as if I am making things harder than they should be. I managed to finish a canvas with Matthias in less than a day, and it was partly easy since I could not bring it down. What makes it different from Page? or Ryder? Why does his piece need to be the one that I find inspiration for? I frowned, not wanting to deal with this conversation now. “Not where you wanted it to be.” “That sucks, I really wanted to see it.” As my eyes caught the other side of the table, I noticed that Vien was looking at me. She has a soft smile, and I could see why she still catches attention despite already having a boyfriend. The woman is beautiful. Even I would kneel in her presence. So, to catch her attention unaware of what she was thinking was making me a tad nervous. I know that their group is usually loud, so to be seated before them when they are all quiet makes me fear for my life. I am wondering if I have done something wrong. “I’m sorry about her, she just looks at people she wants to talk to but could never start to do so,” Ayne started as if reading through my mind. She offered a hand to me, to which I easily accepted. “I’m Ayne Kent. This is Vien Tzuyu. You must be Ross, I heard a lot about you.” “Good things, I am hoping.” She smiled, nodding gently at me. “If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be sitting there.” I could see how dangerous this woman is if she’s facing someone she doesn’t fancy. Ayne does have power, especially when her boyfriend owns the very school we are stepping in. Lucas hardly gets involved with anything, but I did hear that he usually meddled with people bothering Ayne when they were in high school. Even still, I am terrified to be sitting before her. “Ross couldn’t even hurt a fly if she wanted to,” Page mentioned, her arms holding me close. She had always been this touchy, especially when it’s people she is close with. Although, the last time that I had her arms this close to me is when she is drunk. I doubt she was, as it was a tad early for her to drink. Not only that, but she is annoyingly weak at alcohol. “So I am sure you didn’t hear anything bad about her.” “You two look really close,” Matthias noticed, tilting her head to the side. “Do you know her, Page?” Page frowned at the question as if taken aback. After all, she was the one who did pull me to the table. Of course, I would know her. Then again, I am sure it was confusing for a man who lives only a few doors away from her dorm. Everyone from this group probably shares all the possible days there are—so when someone knew others they didn’t, one would easily get confused. Page’s eyes moved to mine as if questioning what Matthias was saying. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as if they wanted to verify what was going on. Yet instead of answering, I simply continued to take a sip of my coffee. I didn’t actually know how to answer, nor want to be in the position where I currently am. “Of course, I know her. She’s my cousin. Did you not see her before? I often let her visit me in the dorms,” Page answered, followed by a question. I could even see her raise her brow, even if I am not looking at her. “The question is—how do you know her, Matthias?” “She’s teaching me how to paint.” He answered, not even bothered to let his friends be aware that he is taking private lessons with a girl while he has a girlfriend. Then again, I do not see any threats when we are talking about Ryli. I am sure that even any f**k boy wouldn’t pass me a glance when they have someone like my sister by their arms. Maybe this group must have seen her or at least had heard of her. It would not be impossible, since my sister always catches everyone’s attention. Even if they still have not met her—which I doubt, by the way—maybe they knew their friend is someone loyal who would not fool around behind his lover’s back. Page offered me a look as if needing an explanation. “You’re teaching someone how to paint? I never knew you would try being a teacher.” “And you started with someone who couldn’t even draw sticks properly?” Ayne added, followed by a soft chuckle from everyone. Even I did let out one, as I had seen his terrible way of drawing. “You must love a challenge.” I shook my head. “He’s improving,” her eyes grew hesitant as if doubting my words. “Not a lot, but he’ll get there someday. He’s working on proportion, but he has the skills.” “He can do everything he set his heart in, that is for sure,” Braden commented, to which others quickly agreed. Seeing that no one is even the least concerned about it did make me feel a tad better, informing me that I am not doing anything wrong. Then again, we are only talking about the fact that I am teaching him. If they were to know that I have an art room filled with his portraits, maybe by then they’ll sing a different tune. “Do you have records of his sketches?” Lucas asked, eyes focused on mine. As if compelled to answer, I nodded. “Oh… yeah. For future comparison, I do tend to keep those. Why?” “Can I buy them for you?” He asked. “Lucas!” Ayne snapped, smacking him at the back of his head. I covered my mouth, surprised by the action. Despite her action, I could see how her eyes moved to mine as if interested in the idea. She offered a look at Matthias, who already knew where this was going. “Can we at least take a picture? His drawings always release our stress.” “We want to frame it,” Seth added. Matthias chuckled, shaking his head in fascination. Even if his friends sang tunes about how bad he is at drawing, I didn’t see any offense from him. Instead, he was joining in on the fun. The whole thing felt different. My friends would often banter, but I never experienced anyone belittling anything that I have. As if it was a natural thing for everyone not to make fun of me. Have I ever reacted differently when they do? Is that why nobody does it? “But I never knew you would take painting classes,” K mentioned, cutting the jabs at Matthias. My eyes followed his as if intrigued why he would say something about it. For someone like Matthias, he did seem pretty determined for someone who is just taking this out on a whim. “What made you do it? I never knew you were interested in it.” He chuckled. “I wasn’t. I just noticed how my Angel seemed to like it, enough that she’s interested to learn. She mentioned asking someone from her class to teach her, and it bothered me that I wasn’t her first choice.” My Angel? Is that what he calls Ryli? I noticed that Ryli had been talking to someone in the same art class as me before I even caught her in the atelier. There really was no indication from before that she was interested in art. Of course, she mentioned how I am good at what I am doing but not once did she look like she was interested in it. While I did have some suspicion that this was the reason why they took the class, a part of me was bothered by it. Was it because I am now aware that mere affection is a reason why I would then again hear all of those voices that I worked so hard to silence? I am sure people would soon be aware of my sister’s new hobby, and our relatives would be quick to comment. Everyone who knew me would soon whisper about this, and I know that Ryli and I would be compared to each other as if we were in a duel. “So you wanted to do something about it?” Chasen asked, a small scoff followed his words. It’s as if they knew how smitten he was—enough that he would rather learn painting in his free time, rather than let any other men teach her how to paint. When Matthias nodded, he all but chuckled. “Dude.” “I need to be better than any asshole whoever tries.” “What if she just hates learning from you?” Ayne asked. Matthias frowned at the words, looking like a small puppy that was hit by its owner. I often heard that Ayne had always been physical. Earlier, I did see her hit her boyfriend without anyone flinching. I knew it wasn’t enough to hurt others, as I would know that his friends would have pulled an intervention if she was assaulting Lucas. And yet, she looked like she was enchanted by the man who looked lost. “Don’t say that, Ayne. Do not even go there.” “You look like a lost puppy, Matthias.” Matthias is the oldest among them, only a few months from Lucas. Even still, he did look like the youngest. His fair skin and soft appearance would make you quick to think that he is a few years younger than his age. That being said, I could see how his friends would get swayed when he does act up.
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