Chapter Six See sides of happiness in different view.   Hani was drawing her mother petting a wolf.     A small smile spread to her face upon looking to image and wondered if such thing could happen. Her mother is a very gentle woman, whom despite her fears to strangers, she has the kindness hard to animals. A loud thunder had roared from outside, jolting her in surprise from the sudden noise. Not that far from her was a cry, ushering her to sprint towards the room where her little sister resides. She was rumbling through the noise but someone had already beat Hani on it. There was a woman bending on the crib, grabbing her little sister who was nothing but crying due to her disrupt sleep.     “I know.” Her mother said in a voice that seemed very comforting, making her confused why that seemed nothing but unfamiliar to her ears. “You are scared of the noise, is that it? It woke you up? I am sorry.”     Hani could see how her mother easily mended the subtle cries of her little sister and found herself in awe. She always had the power to give comfort to them in ways she does not understand. Her mother was a very lovable woman and to have her always coax them in every worries and never disregarding their feelings is the one thing she learned while growing up.     Upon feeling another presence inside, she has whipped her head back to the door. Feeble smile escaped her lips as soon as she saw her eldest daughter that was gawking at them. “Hani. You are worried about Echo, aren’t you?”     She nodded. “She cried and I wanted to see if she was okay.”     “She is startled, that is all.” Her mother chuckled as she let her see her little sister who was now giggling like she had not cried loud seconds before. “Have you prepared for your father’s arrival?”     “Yes!” She cheered, showing the picture that she had drawn.     Hani had tried to make it beautiful and neat but her small little hand scribbled nothing but lines and shapes that do not make sense. Even then, her father never stopped hanging her art in the wall that he had made specifically for her.     Her efforts have always been appreciated.     Her family was a work of art and she loved having to be in a family where her parents have choose to give her nothing but kindness and love. Appreciating her whenever they could was something that she gets very often. Her father, due to him missing most of the days in the house, would give her nothing but love whenever he would return.      Does he work abroad?     What does her father do?      “That is very good, sweetheart.” Her mother complimented with the constant smile printed on her pink lips. “I am sure your father would love seeing that. As he always does, the man is your number one fan.”     Hani grinned, nodding her head. “I think so too!”     Another thunder crashed, followed by the strong dense of rain hitting through the glass of their window. Senses of nothing but euphoria soon followed, as they know that their father would be hope soon, seeing that nothing but rain does signifies his arrival. Hani could not help but to rush to the window and looked for any signs of her father.     In need to see him and show him the project that she had.     “Be very careful, please.” Her mother instructed as she helped the little child to climb in the windowsills. As soon as Hani was secured in the place, a soft sigh escape her mother’s mouth. “Let us refrain from having another bruise, Hani. Is that fine?”     A meek smile escaped her cheeks, embarrassed. “Yes, mother. I will be careful.”     “Thank you, sweet peach.”     Since she was nothing but a very active child, bruises does come and go from all over her body. Her being clumsy is an everyday thing that one would say that she had known the floor’s life history by now due to her constant falls. The patches on her skin connotes the many times she had fallen from bikes and while she was running.     Hani always adored pushing herself beyond boundaries and alas, her father never stopped her. Only her mother was worried at everything that was happening to her as she was is girl — no woman should suffer such bruises on such a young age.     Glancing through the window, she could see nothing but a thick rain surrounding the whole road. A little number of cars zoomed through the street as the small source of man-made light flickered around, marking it useless during the night. It’s particularly one reason why the place hardly had enough people living in the small town.     The town could not provide such light during the night — marking the place as one of the most dangerous ventures during the night. Sightings of wolves are also familiar around the place and deaths by the cause of such wolf really did grow by the number. All who was living in the small town were nothing but people who was even scared to step foot inside the forest.     “Mother.” She called; wanting to know if the stories she heard was true. Looking to her mother, which was busy changing her sister’s diaper. “Is it true that there are wolves in the forest?”     Her mother only nodded. “Yes, sweetheart. So please be very careful whenever you go on walks.”     “Do they really kill human?”     “They are wolves, Hani.” She chuckled before facing her daughter. “However, they would pay little to no attention to you if you show no signs of threat. Then again, that depends on the temperament of the wolf. So it is always safe to be careful.”     “How come you know about that?” Hani questioned, tilting her head.     Her mother seemed confused, as if she wondered why her daughter would question something that she knew the answer to. “Sweetheart, I used to be a zookeeper. I swore I told you about this.”     Hani frowned, remembering nothing of the sort. She even does not remember her mother’s name—or her sister’s name. Does she know her father’s name? Looking at the woman before her, her back had been pressed on the cold window, as she couldn’t see her face.     It is like looking at a blur.     Does she remember what she looked like when she looked earlier?       Seeking the sight of the child, she saw the same occurrence in her face. She was mortified, confused at what was happening before her. Her small brain could not comprehend why she was looking at both of her family member in such manner, confused that they were not whom they said they were.     “Hani, are you alright?” Her mother questioned in what seemed like a different voice.     She squeaked. Never knowing how she could react to the situation—was this really her mother? Is everything surrounding her nothing but a figment of her imagination?     “Hani, child.”     There it was again! From the day she turned six, she had been hearing that same voice from afar. It seemed very comforting, like a mother mending to her child. She had always thought that it was her mother at first but it seemed very different. Something inside of her wanted to seek the voice but something was holding her back.     What was it, again?     Another cry jolted her into her thoughts, looking at the child who bears a blur face that her mother — who also had the same blur face — was carrying her and cuddling her close to stop the subtle cries. It was getting to the point where Hani was terrified to what was happening, confused as to why her eyes were in this way.     Did something happen to her?     No.     She would have remembered if there were… right?     When the doorbell rang, she was still close in her thoughts. Her mother was nothing but confused that the child who had basically climbed the windowsills was not rushing to the door like usual. There’s some worry creeping in her face but before she could address it, the door had rung again.     Another cry escaped from her child, seemingly in need of milk.     “Hani Blithe.”     She jumped, looking at the blurred face of her mother. If she could see the face from the other side, she would have seen the worry and confusion towards the child who seemed like she was not herself. For her, it felt like everything was nothing but distortion of reality.     She could not put her finger on it... but she knew that was something was off.     Crazy as it was, it was also not the fact that she could not see her mother of her baby sister's face. Not even forgetting their names were ones that bothered her. She knew something shouldn't be as they seem.. she was just not aware on where she should look.      “Please open the door for your father, please. Your little sister’s hungry so I needed to give her some milk.”     “Father?” She questioned.     The same confusion lingered in her face. “Yes. He’s ringing the bell. Are you alright, child?”     Not even giving her the answer that she needed, the little child jumped down from where she was and frowned. How come she never remembered this house? Was this the place where she had lived?     No.     She would have remembered it.     Right?      As the doorbell rung again, she walked towards the door and struggled to get the lock out. Grabbing the knob of the door, Hani had to stand in her toes just to be able to reach the lock that prevented anyone from going in. After she had unlocked it, she carefully grabbed the other interference on the lowest part of the door.     The door opened, having her to back away.     On the other side of the door were a big wolf, grey and its mouth foaming and dangerous. When she had taken a step back, a horror welcomed her eyes. Remembering that her family was killed, she had to see her mother and little sister on the ground and scribbling in their own blood.     The wolf that she let enters their own house snarled, baring its teeth at hers.     No, what have she done?     Her body shook in nothing but fear, seeing the nightmare happen before her very eyes. Before the wolf could even lunge at her, Hani finally woke up from the dream and felt nothing but sweat coating her body like thick skin. The beating of her heart was nothing like crazy, feeling like she had lived through a time of horror and happiness combined.     She could still barely remember her anyone from her family, that’s for sure.     Even if Mildred had helped her remember most of her memories, it seemed like she couldn’t remember anything that connotes her family’s identities. Mildred had told her that it was probably because of two things: it’s deeply throw out by her traumatic mind, or she was holding something back.     Despite doing everything she had addressed her to do so it would help her identify her deceased family, she never remembered anything. It took her some time to finally realize that maybe; their memories are more worth it. Not that she needed to build them a tomb.     She hardly remembered where they used to live and she was sure that venturing in the same neighborhood wouldn’t be anything but beneficial to her health.     But… her mother used to be a zookeeper?     Was that the reason why she used to see her petting wolves and being kind to animals? She does have some vivid memories of her mother feeding some animals — deer, tiger, lion — you name it, outside their backyard.     Does her mother just live a life where she’s Snow White? — or it is just a coincidence?     It was weird to live in a body where you could interact with your family but your memory remained the same. Not a single memory of their identity slipped in her mind, she had only called them in their title.     Mother.     Father.     Sister.     Nothing else.     It didn’t used to bother her before — but it heavily bothered her now. To have no knowledge or basis to whom her family was felt disheartening at time, as she loved them dearly. They were the reason why she was willing to kill paranormal, in order to avenge their unfair deaths.     “Fuck.” She could not help but utter as she remembered how her mother was lying in her own pool of blood—not only her, but also her baby sister.     Her hand slowly touched her stomach and felt like her heart would crash. It’s like she finally understood the same fears that her husband have. While she never really cared if she died in any single situation, she now has this little pup that she needed to make sure to live.     She couldn’t let her own child suffer in the same fate as her family.     f**k.     It’s like everyone in the pack needed to deem themselves worthy for having to fail others in their past life. Whether it was family — as she and her husband have — or in her brother’s case, their little pups whom they were guarding.     Remembering the ideas in the dream, it mostly focused on her mother taking care of them while their father was out in his work. Was this memory triggered because she was pregnant? To remember the old times in which her mother had done her job so beautifully?     As her hand lingered in her stomach, she could feel her heart clench in nothing but worries. While her mother had any means to protect her — like she did when she poured some substance in the floor, she still failed. The horror of repeating the same mistakes as her mother did was slowly eating her alive.     Hani’s weakness has always been the people she cared about.     Now that she had failed Nvae and was in life support, what the f**k would happen to her if her child suffered the same fate? As worries cloud her judgment, her emotions were spiking through the roofs. Having to remember her past and getting triggered by the very reason she became a hunter was giving her nothing but negative thoughts.     Her eyes flutter close as she remembered the number of gunshots she had to miss in order to become a hunter. The number of times she got injured because she wanted to prove herself to her parents. She had always put her life in the line and never doublethink about the people she would be leaving.     “And now, I have you.” She whispered in the room while rubbing her stomach. “I need to calm myself down. This emotions are not healthy for you, little one.”     Hani tried her best to neglect all emotions aside.     But her mind was not letting her do so. When her eyes closed, in need to calm her own self, she saw the same wolf that haunted her dreams. Even if she had forgotten all the features in her family — she had never forgotten the wolf that had killed them. The same wolf was large and grey, some spotting close to its paws fixed with a black patch close to its face. It was distinct and all the features of the damn thing were unique.     She even hated herself for saying such s**t.     Hani was not sure if she has seen it this way because she bears a deeper grudge and his action does forced her to become the woman that she was before.     Every features of that damn monster — she could remember every bit of it.     She could still hear the loud howl that it made when he had toppled on her mother’s body. Having to remember the same event of her death made her feel the very same emotion that she wanted to deprive herself in. Her body shook in fear as the nightmare felt nothing but vivid.     Her mouth wavered before she finally released a soft mourn, sobbing through her pain as she felt her heart getting spiked with silver in all directions. She has never remember her parents for quite some time and to remember the same events, having to face the same situation where she was killed and was drowning in her own blood was f*****g terrifying for her.     And to see her little sister in the same situation —     “Oh fuck.” She cried, her body shaking in nothing but distress.     To remember the same amount of pain that she had when she was a child was something else, something she had clearly forgotten upon feeling happiness from being a part of a family that choose to love her support her through it all. Like everyone, she has a fear of not being good enough. She as living through that by seeing her friend slowly cripple and die to her own fault.     No.         She did not want that to happen.     Then again, she was what caused it.      Her ears could hear the loud stomping outside of the room and soon enough, the door had flown out of its hinges while a black wolf emerge on the other. Maddox glazed over the room to seek of any threat that had given his mate such distress — but upon seeing that’s he was nothing but alone, he had shifted back to his human form and walked towards her.     “Sweetheart, what is the matter?” He asked, voice rasped in nothing but worry.     Hani cried, grabbing the man for support as they toppled on the bed. Maddox could not do anything but to soothe her emotions, giving her some stroke on her bed in which he knew helped her gather her emotions more.     Miller had told him that having some mood swings is really noticeable during the first few weeks of the pregnancy and following would the near the end of it. Maddox was doing his best to be there whenever he would feel that her emotions are too high in the link, anything that he would be working on would be stopped so he could offer his comfort to his love.      “Is everything okay?” Maddox asked when he heard her settle down. "Please tell me so I could help you, sweetheart."      Her hands were bound on him, acting nothing like cuffs that did not want him gone. “I remembered it again… the wolf who killed my family and the pain was slowly eating me alive like before.”     Maddox frowned, already knowing how this had made her suffer through the years. Back to when they first mate, she had dreamt of the same thing but she never fully woke up since he settled her back down. While he was not aware that wolves killed her family — he was already informed by her dreams that her family was murdered.     It must have been a horror for her to see wolves shifting left and right and when he realized what she was going through before, he had to personally ask her if she was comfortable with shifting before her. To his surprise, she would even help some children shift and was very open with them on how important it was to a werewolf.     To see her face her own fear made him realize why the woman was born to be a Luna. She is a warrior who does not let anything push her down. There are some instances that she does offer her shield, but only when she was with the people she trusts.      Maddox was always grateful that he has her as his woman. She is someone that he will be proud in boasting through every engagement as every Alpha in the room would hardly challenge a woman who used to kill their kind as a job.     Even on her pregnancy, she had been relieving her promises to the children by appearing through the times that they are scheduled to shift. Despite the practice as something that if it was hard for his wife to remember such occasion, she came in terms that wolves are very different in nature.     While rogues could kill any human they wanted — she see no people in the pack who are capable of harming innocent people, especially families. Hani could see how everyone treat their family and see them as nothing but their valuable asset.     It took a while for her to approve of her situation, and he was so f*****g proud of her braveness in seeing the good thing of the situation despite of her wounded past.     “I am so sorry, sweetheart.” He whispered, kissing her temple. “I should have stayed and waited until you woke up. That will never happen again, I promise you that.”     Hani nodded, never letting him go as the man continued to offer her nothing but comfort. “Can you please stay with me for tonight? My mind is very dangerous and I do not want to settle into bad emotions while I am pregnant. It must be not good for the baby.”     “You did not need to ask, sweetheart. I will gladly do that.” Maddox implied, kissing her nose. “I already told Jax to handle some affairs for me. I will be here for you, my sweet Luna.”     To their room, the two had spent nothing but giving each other comfort that they needed. Hani was having the rare times in which she find it hard to come in terms with her vulnerability while Maddox was giving his best to be understanding of her situation. Despite his best interest in making sure that the pack had its best defense possible — he had adhere a couple of suggestions earlier and only needed him men to act accordingly.     For now, his little mate needed him and he will abide with what she wanted. . . It was around four in the afternoon when Hani woke up.     To her side was her husband and all around the floor was the article of clothing that had been spread around while they were mating. By this point, it was a not a surprise for her that they could never have a moment in which they will not be lured enough to mate. Maddox has a very wonderful heat to his body and thanks to his nose hat could pick up everything, he was always quick to catch her arousal.      She knew that it would be difficult for them to spend almost the whole day without her feeling like she needed him inside her and it does show by the situation of their bedroom. Pregnant women are also more interested in such activities, having to have sensitive places that gives them more pleasure than before.     Maddox had done his best in giving her comfort, making her feel nothing but secure to the life that she had now. To know that she actually have a partner in her life who would be with her despite the situation she is in — she could not help but be glad.      Never had she felt in this way for years, and it felt new.         Her hand carefully touched the intricate ink spread across his chest. Hendrix had picked the right design when he had let someone ink this on his skin. All the images and words were from his life and she knew that he would be having another one when the baby comes out.     “I have been doing you for three whole hours.” Maddox muttered, grabbing her skin close and grin upon feeling her body respond almost immediately. “And you are still in need of some? Just how addicted did I made you, my seductress?”     Hani only smiled as she pressed a soft kiss in his lips, dragging her tongue to his lower lip. “Very.”     A loud bubble of laughter escaped from Maddox as the woman seemed nothing but impressed to how the man was nothing but someone who can give her pleasure whenever she wanted too. Maddox seemed to never get tired whenever they mate and she was f*****g flipping out about it.      She had dozed off from the moment that she last got her release and he had been the one who had to clean her before he drifted down to sleep. He knew why her body needed to be mated, especially now that she was pregnant.     He was beginning to think that her stamina that was build for a hunter was now being used for her to remain much longer in their s*x drive. Even then, however, she could not stay in longer than three hours with him. She would always settle back into sleep and as much as he wanted to have more of her, she needed her rest when she dozed off.     A small frown escaped her lips. “I might need to eat. My stomach feels empty — and hungry.”     “Have some bath and I will prepare some food for you.” Maddox whispered as he blinked his tiredness away. “Do you have anything specific that you would like to have, my Luna?”     Hani nodded as she offered a tease. “Yes. Some meat from something called Maddox Blaze.”     “Then I will be helping you bathe.”     The man was quick to stand from the bed and let her marvel on his body. Maddox is nothing but a dangerous man whenever he would show off his body. Due to the intense training that he would have, his body is sculpted by the gods and she always enjoyed licking every part of it. She had to control her mouth from hanging slow — still was not sure why she was still in surprise whenever she would see her husband’s body.     He basically made love to her every single day but whenever she would see his body in broad daylight, she would be nothing but surprised. Maddox grinned as he carried her to the bathroom, with the female not being able to know if she had the power to stop him — especially when her body craves it.     Werewolf pulls are a magical thing, one person used to say.     She just was not sure that it was this powerful that she let an Alpha Male basically fill her body several times in a day all because she wanted too. Hani was the one who needed to be filled by him and having him inside of her. It was a feeling that was new to her and raw, something she did not see happening from the years that she had been alive.      Never did she feel like she would be someone who needed this.     But look where she was now.     Hani was now pregnant after some months of the wedding and currently being f****d in the bathroom walls while begging the man not to stop. Her moans were covering the bathroom walls as the man continued to fill her, making her beg as he continued to play with her body like he would on the bedroom.      Life could sometimes get really surprising.      A loud moan escaped from her lips, making the man chuckled as he pressed a soft kiss in her lips. Maddox rinsed them off by turning on the showing, having them both wet. Hani grinned, holding to her husband as she whispered. "We should do another round."      Maddox chuckled to her words, clearly surprised about her need at some point.      "Fine." He nodded, lifting her to the wall before plunging back in.      She moaned, surprised upon feeling him inside. "How are you already hard!"      "When am I not when I am around you?" He growled, hammering inside her.      As soon as the two were done with their bathroom activities, they had walked to the kitchen and Hani had to live a life where her husband cook her the most appetizing meals that ever existed in the universe. Since it was Sunday, there were hardly any staffs in the house since he gives them some free time to linger around the pack on weekends.     This gives them the whole pack house all to themselves.     “Do you usually cook during the weekends when I was not here?” Hani could not help but question as she looked at the back of her mate.     He nodded as he continued on cooking with his meals. “I prefer to eat inside my office rather than the diner in the pack. Sometimes, Drixon does the cooking for me when he butchered the portions.”     “You seemed really comfortable last time.”     “I did not say that I was not comfortable eating out.” Maddox chuckled as she served the food before her. “I just prefer having some little time between eating and having some work done before. Whenever I merge work and eating out, I merely have some guest.”     Hani had always wondered about something.     She had learned from the books that wolves would find their mate at the age of 18 when they’re lucky. It’s like the prime age in which a wolf could decipher who their mate is. During this type of age, their need to “mate” is also very strong — and an Alpha was always someone who had heightened need more than regular wolves.     But she was always afraid to ask him.     Would she feel hurt if he had f****d another female before him?     She doubts that he didn’t since the man was nothing but a candy in the eyes. The very first time they mated — even if she did not remember much of it, she knew that she liked very much. Not that she needed to question as all their lovemaking has always been something she enjoyed and felt nothing but ultimate bliss.     Maddox knew what he was doing with her body, and he made sure that she knows that by playing her off and punishing her whenever she would try to test his control in the bedroom.     Hence why she needed do it frequently — for the result were always mind blowing.     Did he really touched another woman when he know that he belongs to another? Hani was not sure if she could count that as cheating if he had made that mistake. Maddox was big enough to have his experiences with people but why does that fact hurt him?     Is it the f*****g pull again?     “Why do you look like that?” Maddox questioned, amused.     However, she found offense to his words. “What is that suppose to mean? Does my face annoyed you?”     “No. How can you look turned on… and angry at the same time?” He mused.     Hani did not know how to react. She hardly ever know if someone had “waited” for their mate, specially knowing the age they met and she knew that Drixon does has his few girls that he would bring to his bedroom once in a while.     Everyone knew that it was not his mate but nobody questioned him.     So she signified that it must be a regular thing to clench their need to mate whenever they would. They have a need that does not stop… most especially during the full moon. Even Maddox was nothing but a beast. He had told her that the experience during this type of day was different from before, and she knew that.     Her body knew that.     It would be hard to control such need when his body needed to have another female to insert his thing in and she wondered if he ever had a time where he had given into temptation and really did touched someone.     This was before he could even meet her—so why is she bothered?     Because he knew that he has a soul mate somewhere and he still touched another woman?     That’s low — especially for her.     “Sweetheart.” Maddox called, clearly worried that she was thinking about the past situation where he was called. Automatically grabbing the woman, he had sat her in his lap as he made her face to look at him. For a minute, he was stunned. He knew the reaction well from her expression. “Why do you look angry at me? I was simply cooking for you but here you are, angry at me. Did you not want me to stop earlier?”     She pushed him off. "Maddox!"      "I was kidding." He chuckled. "I know that you did not want too."     Her lips twist into what seem like a snarl, marking her annoyance in her thought. Hani has usual things that she suddenly flips him off on—and he had tried his best to understand her due to her PMS from before. He was not aware that this could happen when she was pregnant.     “Can I please know what I did to make you show me that expression?”     She huffed. “Did you touch another woman aside from me?”     Maddox could not help himself from laughing at her expression, understanding the validity in her words. For werewolves, it has always been hard to control themselves whenever the need to mate was something that is natural for their body. One instance is when the full moon is showing.     Jax has his fair share of having the hardship in having to control him own urges.     Only, he has a terrible way to amend with that urge. The man had to held himself in chains of nothing but silver as he knew that another whiff from an unmated she-wolf would drive him insane. Drixon, on the other hand, was a second-hand flirt. He did not stop himself from having i*********e whenever he does feel the lust to do so.     While everyone told him the situation of what he was doing, a part of them knew that it was natural. Those women knew they are nothing but a constant need for him to pride his urges and never did he seek the need to pleasure those women. He only needed to pleasure himself.     It is the con of listening to the call of urge to someone who isn’t your.     You only needed to satisfy yourself and when you are done, you can dispose the person you have searched for. It is a very lost cause and he sees no merit in such useless things. He could easily pleasure himself.      “I am serious here, Maddox Blaze!” She screamed, pummeling his chest.     He nodded, grabbing her hands softly. “You do not have to worry, I have never touched another woman other than you.”     “I doubt that.” She frowned.     “Do I look like someone who has time to play around with women who does not mean anything to me??” He questioned, c*****g a brow in her direction. “Even I have some lose time with you when my work are getting cut in half. What makes you think I had enough back then?”     Hani should be glad to his words but instead she was worried. “So you did not have enough time for yourself or to have fun?”     “No.” Maddox muttered as he grabbed a spoon and carefully flopped it inside her mouth. “Since I was young back then and have the responsibility of the Alpha. My focus is in nothing but the need to train. I do my entire job fixing those what I lack and think of ways to control my pack. Even from before, I have missed days of sleeping. I do not have time to play with other she-wolf.”     “Then why are you so good?” She questioned.     Maddox grinned, leaning in close to lick her lips. When her emotions spiked and felt like her insides were puddle, he shrugged. “You are my mate. I do not need to try hard for your body will react to the pull. It is one of the given specialties in having a mate.”     He only wanted to explain that she would be quick to react in every little thing he does but his nose could smell her arousal from a mile away. Gone were her needs to eat as she looked at the man before him. Even if they had some fun in the bathroom, she wanted to try some more daring than usual.     As if understanding his eyes, Maddox gripped her sides tight.     “Do not, Hani. I will f*****g kill whoever see you naked.” He warned, in need to stop himself.     Hani only leaned to his ear, understanding his situation but still in need to have him again. Hearing how he had struggled in his urged only makes her the need to give him what he had missed and more.      “Then, how about we do it in your office? You do have such sturdy table there and I always wanted to know how you can do me in there.”     Never knowing that she was playing with fire, Hani was soon surprised the intensity that she had drove Maddox to be. Through the whole night, she had to spend panting in the office desk and drenched with nothing but sweat. Her release pooled from the floor as she looked at the man gawking at her body, giving her nothing but pleasure and the need to spasm whenever he would do wonderful thing on her body.     When he leaned in and came charging inside her, she grabbed his chest in disbelief.      “Are you kidding me! You just relea—” she stilled, biting her lips when she felt his member grew from inside her. It is not even one minute and he’s already ready. Her eyes mirrored nothing but surprise, but the man could see a glint of pleasure in her face.     A small grin escaped her lips. “Never challenge an Alpha, my sweet Luna. You would not like the price.”     Hani could only bite her lips as the room filled with nothing but her moans.       Why does she feel like it was a good thing to challenge him, though?
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