Chapter Ten: Of Cats and Kittens


When Astredian woke up the next morning, Elise was already dressed, and sitting on the edge of the bed so she could pull her boots on. He was a little disappointed that she didn’t want to have a bit of a cuddle, but refrained from saying so. She turned, and smiled at him when she saw he was awake. “Good morning, Tiger.” “It’s Lion, actually…Lionette.” Astredian said as rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “My last name.” Elise nearly snorted at the generic, knight-esque last name. “Cute. You know, I don’t actually have a last name. It’s just Elise.” “Most commoners don’t have one.” Astredian said, shrugging a bit and thinking he’d like to give her his - though it was far too soon to be considering that. “Huh..” Elise had actually never noticed that before, but now that he had pointed it ou

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