Chapter Eleven: Yonday at Eleventh Bell


So it was that late on Yonday morning Elise trudged her way to Veritasia City’s southern gate, teeth clenched with grim determination. The same mental fortitude that made Elise work hard at everything also meant that she could use her mind to push her body beyond its normal threshold. In an emergency, this was an amazing ability to have. But it was in no way a sustainable lifestyle. The signs of burnout were becoming evident, even to Elise - but she didn’t have time to burn out. She had to keep going. She didn’t need to be perfect; perfection was a lie. She just needed to be good enough, and she wasn’t...not yet anyway. “Mercenades, Strawberry, Echo…” Elise muttered as she jogged down cobbled road away from the city. As she crossed a small covered bridge, the road shifted from cobbles to

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