Chapter 09: Just be with me


CHAPTER NINE: JUST BE WITH ME.   Cliff managed to     hide his scare by chuckling softly, shaking his head in disbelief, “I have my men here with me.”     “I have my fist,” Rah had managed to respond.     Thinking that he was not up for his men, Cliff had only signaled his men to attack Rah. Princess was quick to stop them, but her attempts were futile, as the men were not surrounding him. She had nothing but fear upon seeing him outnumbered.     However, he does seem to bother much.     Even with him being cornered by a number of men, Rah still managed to give some damage to anyone that is in a close range to him. She was carefully looking at what damage he was getting, cringing every single time someone would manage to land a fist into his face.     The tears were flowing fr

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