Chapter 10: Another surprise for her


CHAPTER TEN: ANOTHER SURPRISE FOR HER   “What are you     doing here?” Aeira could not help but scream upon seeing a familiar face in her room. Seeing him has been nothing but bizarre to her, as if this was the first time that she had seen someone like him when everyone knew that she should be familiar.     He was looking at her quite seriously as if he was making sure that he was seeing right. With his signature stance, to see him place his hands kept from his back, as his eyes were as judgmental as he ever could. He did not even have to try to look like a f*****g douche, he just is.      It was taking her a lot of time to access everything that was happening before her very eyes. First it was Cliff who had visited her out of f*****g nowhere and now, this man is now present in her r

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