Next Day


The next morning, Allison woke up cuddly warm. So warm that she didn't want to get out of bed. Frowning drowsily, she didn't remember her bed ever being this amazing. She was sunk into the fluff, her forehead resting against something solid and hot. There was also another hot spot against the inside of her leg. Well that wasn't right. After a couple minutes of trying, she finally managed to open her eyes…and came face to face with a massive bicep. In a rush, everything from last night washed over her. She had been picked by the pack leader to become his mate…tomorrow. Deucalion Forester's mate. For the rest of her life. And the reasons why she was doing it kept her from thinking of bolting, of telling him that she actually wasn't willing, but that she was terrified of him and was only pro

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