

She was just starting to plate a dish when a deep voice said, "Smells good." Taking a deep breath, she smiled a real smile. It always made her happy when someone appreciated her food. Looking up as she placed the plate, she said, "Just in time. Everything's done. Have a seat and I'll bring you a plate." Deucalion was dressed in only pajama bottoms as he moved to sit at the bar, watching her move around. "Did you sleep well?" Trying very hard not to stare at his heavily muscled naked torso, she stuttered, "Uh, yeah, actually I did." Had he worn those to bed last night? Had he worn anything? She couldn't remember, she was too exhausted. "You sound surprised about that." Shrugging, she put the plate piled high with food in front of him. "Honestly, I am. I've never slept in any bed that w

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