Chapter 33


     Although the Pack cafeteria was in full swing, Luna Felicity hosted lunch in a room away from the main eatery. Nevaeh figured it was due to Aron and Sébastien, but she didn’t mind the privacy. If the Luna had chosen the cafeteria, they no doubt would have been gawked at simply because they were guests. There was already plenty of that when they first arrived while the Luna took them on a complimentary tour of the Pack House and training centers. Although it wasn’t as big as Lava Moon back home, Nevaeh appreciated how well it functioned as well as how happy her wolves appeared. The Shere Wood pack obviously was affluent, but also personable. That was always a plus in her book.     Sifting through the various pack buildings and surroundings helped her decompress most of her knotted ner

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