Unexpected, But Expected


As we drove through town, I talked about the city. The main road in Garden City was called Chinden, a combination of Chinese Garden. Many roads were named for the men who owned the land. I educated her on ways to sound like an Idaho native. Pronouncing Boise as ‘boy-see’ instead of ‘boy-zee’, Kuna as ‘Kew-nah’ and not like tuna with a k, and Ustick as ‘U-stick’ and not ‘uh-stick’. It was how people could tell whether or not someone was from there and people were treated differently as a native than as a transplant. We pulled into the parking lot for the Edward’s Cinema and took a hard left into the lot for the buffet. Livy was excited. She said she’d never been allowed to leave pack lands and go to the towns around their settlement, except for school. Her friends told her about buffets

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